问答题I bought four things this morning. The dictionary was 5 times the cost of the book, the tie was 30 times the cost of the book,the watch was 4 times the cost of the tie, and I spent 312 dollars in total. What was the price of the dictionary?

I bought four things this morning. The dictionary was 5 times the cost of the book, the tie was 30 times the cost of the book,the watch was 4 times the cost of the tie, and I spent 312 dollars in total. What was the price of the dictionary?




He got up _____________(早) than I did this morning.

–At this time tomorrow morning, we’ll be in London. I’m so excited!–(). A、Yes, go onB、Yes, you may beC、Me, tooD、You do your things, please

– I’m sorry. I forgot to buy your ink in town. –() (A) Oh. Nothing.(B) Buy it for me next time.(C) Don’t worry. These things happen.(D) You shouldn’t blame yourself.

According to the time table, the plane for Tokyo _______ at 9 in the morning. (A) leaves(B) is leaving(C) left(D) has left

–Could you tell me the time, please? –____________________. (A) Yes, I can(B) No, I can’t(C) It’s four thirty(D) It’s Friday

They put me in mind of _______ good things I might have bought with the rest of the money. A. thatB. whichC. whatD. whichever

Children can use the money ____ a lot of things for ____. A、to buy,themselvesB、buying,themC、bought,theirselvesD、buyed,theirs

Hi Dora! How are you? We are having a good time here. Yesterday ,we w______ (31) to Disney World. We had so much_ f________ (32).1 met Mickey Mouse. My parents took a _p____(33) of us together. And ,we went on all these cool rides.It-s 1__________ (34)a dream world here! I _b________ (35)a few things from a store.I bought you a T-shirt.I think you'll like it.Tomorrow ,we'll go down south ,to a famous park_ c__________(36) the Everglades. After _t______(37) ,we are going to drive to the beach.I -hope I can _f______ (38) some shells. Well, time to go. I'll see you when I _g_________ (39) home.Susan.(By the way ,thanks for_ t_______(40) care of my cat!)31._________

She has stored ______books as I.A. three times as manyB. three times as muchC. four time as manyD. three time as much

AThe music clubThe music club needs two people. Read about the four people. How many things can each student do?Ma HuiI can’t sing and I can't dance. I can play the violin and the piano.PetrusI can’t dance, but I can sing. I can play the violin.AngelaI can sing, but I can-t dance. I can play the trumpet and the guitar.AlbertI can sing and dance. I can play the trumpet and the guitar.( )21. How many things can Ma Hui do?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four

She bought the dictionary()$15. A、inB、underC、aboveD、for

I bought a lot of gifts for my family, but he bought_____ .A. somethingB. anythingC. nothing

—I saw Dave in lift this morning.— Really? He ______ around here for a long time. A won’t be seenB wasn’t seeC hasn’t been seenD hadn’t been seen

Why do you look unhappy. What's the matter?()A. I'm satisfied with the good performance of the radio I've just bought.B. I'm glad to have bought this radio at such a price.C. I'm rather disappointed with the poor quality of the radio I've just bought.

短文理解听力原文: Spot transaction means the actual and variable amount of the currency of one country which at any given time, can be bought for a fixed sum in the currency of another country. It is a term meaning that these transactions are settled on the second working day from the date of the deal. For example, you buy $ 5,000.00 US dollars on October 10th( say Wednesday) , the purchased US dollars will value on October 12th.21. What does spot transaction mean?22.When are the spot transaction settled?23.What's the value date for purchase of $ 5,000.00 US dollars in the passage?(21)A.It means that at any time you can buy currency of one country for another currency.B.It means that the actual and variable amount of one currency can be bought for a fixed sum in another currency at any given time.C.It means that any kind of currency can be bought at any time for another currency.D.It means that the actual and fixed amount of the currency of one country at any time can be bought for a variable sum in the currency of another currency.

He always wanted to have ____of books and he has recently bought four____. Ahundreds...hundredsBhundred...hundredChundreds...hundredDhundred...hundreds

Philip: Danny, I got fired this morning. Could you help me?Danny: How come? Last time I saw you, you told me it was a good job and you would like to take it as a career.Philip: ________________ In a word, I didn't do a good job of it. I messed up a business deal that would make several million dollars.A、I have many words to say.B、There is much to discuss.C、It's a long story.D、It's a long-time talk.

5.Tom plays football three ________four ________a week.A. and, timesB. and , timeC. or, timesD. or, time

When I first entered university, my aunt, who is an English professor, gave me s new English dictionary. I was __36___to se that it was an English English dictionary, also known as a monolingual dictionary._37___it was a dictionary intended for non—native learners, none of my classmates had one __38__, to be honest, I found it extremely __39_ to use at first. I would look up words in the dictionary and _40__ not fully understand the meaning, I wad used to the __41__ bilingual dictionaries, in which the words are _42__ both in English and Chinese ,i really wondered why my aunt __43_ to make things so difficult for me. Now ,after studying English at university for three years, I _44__ that monolingual dictionaries are __45_ in learning a foreign languageAs I found out, there is __46_ often NO perfect equivalence(对应)between two _47___ in two language. My aunt even goes so far as to 48___ that a Chinese “equivalent” can never give you the __49___ meaning of a word in English! ___50_ , she insisted that I read the definition(定义) of a world in a monolingual dictionary __51___ I wanted to get a better understanding of its meaning. ____52__, I have come to see what she meant.Using a monolingual dictionary for learners has helped me in another important way. This dictionary uses a(n) 53 number of words, around 2, 000, in its definitions. When I read these definitions, I am 54 exposed to(接触)the basic words and learn how they are used to explain objects and ideas. 55 this, I can express myself more easily in English.A.worriedB.sadC.surprisedD.nervous

I bought some roses______ I bought some flowers.A.entails B.presupposes C.isinconsistentwith D.is synonymous with

Things are usually cheaper if they are bought( )bulk.in

Years ago,a cigarette commercial asked if you were smoking more,but enjoying it less.That describes the way many of us live today.We are doing more,but enjoying it less.And when that doesn't work,we get the problem.In our extremely hurried search for satisfaction,we try stuffing still more into our days,never realizing that we are taking the wrong approach.The truth is simple;so simple it is hard to believe.Satisfaction lies with less,not with more.Yet,we pursue the myth that this thing,or that activity,will somehow provide the satisfaction we so desperately seek.Arthur Lindman,in his very effective book,"The Harried Leisure Class,"described the uselessness of pursuing more.His research focused on what people did with their leisure time.He found that as income rose,people bought more things to occupy their leisure time.But,ironically,the more things they bought,the less they valued any one of them.Carried to an extreme,he predicted massive boredom in the midst of tremendous variety.That was more than twenty years ago,and his prediction seems more accurate every year.Lindman of course,is not the first to discover this.The writer of Ecclesiastes expressed the same thought thousands of years ago.It is better,he wrote,to have less,but enjoy it more.If you would like to enjoy life more,I challenge you to experiment with me.How could you simplify your life?What could you drop?What could you do without?What could you stop pursuing?What few things could you concentrate on?The more I learn,the more I realize that fullness of life does not depend on things.The more I give up,the more I seem to gain.But words will never convince you.You must try it for yourself.We can make our life happier if we__.A.get rid of useless thingsB.buy more thingsC.sell things we do not needD.give up more

对句子“I bought manyt hings last week”的词形变化的分析,()是正确的A、bought表示过去时的语法意义B、bought表示体的语法范畴C、things表示宾格的语法意义D、things表示单数第三人称的语法意义

单选题_____AThe woman has bought a few things for the man.BThe woman has bought a lot of things for Mary.CThe woman has bought nothing for Mary.DThe woman has bought a few things for herself.

单选题“I bought some roses” ________ “I bought some flowers”.AentailsBpresupposeCis inconsistent withDis synonymous with

单选题The used car I bought cost four______pounds.AthousandsBthousand ofCthousands ofDthousand

填空题If I (be) ____ you, I wouldn’t miss the job interview tomorrow morning.