单选题Your tank vessel is fully loaded, and you find that she is down slightly by the head. To adjust the trim, you may().Aadd ballast aftBload more cargo aftCshift cargo aftDAll of the above

Your tank vessel is fully loaded, and you find that she is down slightly by the head. To adjust the trim, you may().

add ballast aft


load more cargo aft


shift cargo aft


All of the above


解析: 暂无解析


during bunkering in the last vessel ,what were you assigned to do ?or what was your position during bunkering on your last vessel ?

The phrase VESSEL IN BALLAST usually means________.A.the ship is fully loadedB.the ship loaded with waterC.a ship with cargoD.a ship with no cargo

You are approaching another vessel and see that she has the signal flag "J" hoisted. What should you do?A.Keep well clear of the vessel because she is on fire and has dangerous cargo on board or she is leaking dangerous cargoB.Attempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone because she is requesting to communicateC.Approach the vessel with caution because she is dragging her anchorD.Proceed on present course and speed since the vessel is requesting a tug

Your vessel is crossing a narrow channel.A vessel to port is within the channel and crossing your course.She is showing a black cylinder.What is your responsibility ________.A.Hold your course and speedB.Sound the danger signalC.Begin an exchange of passing signalsD.Do not cross the channel if you might impede the other vessel

Your vessel is loaded with nonhygroscopic cargoes and is going from a cold to a warm climate.You should ______.A.Start the exhaust blowersB.Start the intake blowersC.Not ventilate the cargo holdsD.Ventilate the cargo holds

A bonding cable should be connected for cargo operations aboard a tank vessel as soon as the ______.A.Cargo has been loaded or dischargedB.Cargo hose is connectedC.Cargo pumps are startedD.Vessel is ready to handle cargo

Your tanker is loaded down to her marks,and you find that she has too much trim by the stern.To adjust the trim,you may ______.A.Add ballast forwardB.Load more cargo forwardC.Shift bunkers forwardD.All of the above

Your tanker is fully loaded,and you find that she is down slightly by the head.To adjust the trim,you may ______.A.Add ballast aftB.Load more cargo aftC.Shift cargo aftD.All of the above

She is unhappy with () of the order.A、your handleB、your handlingC、you handleD、you handling

单选题Your vessel is at a dock taking bunkers through a pipe laid down on the dock. If oil begins to flow out of a tank vent,what should you do FIRST?()AOpen the intake valve to an adjacent tankBSet out drip pans and sawdust and begin to mop up the spillCSignal the shore control point to shut downDClose the valve on the tank vent line

单选题Your vessel is damaged and listing to port. There is a short rolling period around the angle of list. The portside freeboard is reduced to 1 foot. There is no trim and the weather is calm. You should FIRST().Apress up a slack double bottom tank on the port sideBfill an empty centerline double bottom tankCpump out a slack marine portable tank located on the portside amidshipsDjettison the anchors and anchor cables

单选题Your vessel is loaded with nonhygroscopic cargoes and is going from a cold to a warm climate. You should().Astart the exhaust blowersBstart the intake blowersCnot ventilate the cargo holdsDventilate the cargo holds

单选题If you detect oil in the water around your vessel while discharging fuel, the FIRST thing to do is().Atry to find out where the oil is coming fromBcall the MasterChave the pump man check the discharge pipingDshutdown operations

单选题The pivoting point of a fully loaded vessel with normal trim proceeding ahead at sea speed is().Aright at the bowBone-third the length of the vessel from the bowCone-half the length of the vessel from the bowDtwo-thirds the length of the vessel from the bow

单选题Your vessel has run aground and upon taking fuel oil tank soundings, you find that a fuel tank level has increasedYou therefore should suspect ().Acondensation in the fuel tankBa crack in the hull portion of the fuel tankCa load of bad fuelDcontamination from the saltwater flushing system

单选题You are requisitioning stores for your tank vessel. What type of matches are permitted aboard?()APhosphorousBSafetyCSelf-extinguishingDWooden

单选题Your tanker is loaded down to her marks,and you find that she has too much trim by the stern. To adjust the trim,you may().Aadd ballast forwardBload more cargo forwardCshift bunkers forwardDAll of the above

单选题You detect oil around your tank vessel while discharging. The first thing to do is().Atry to find out where the oil is coming fromBcall the masterChave the pumpman check the discharge pipingDshut down operations

单选题Following a grounding, you can best determine that a SLACK fuel oil tank has been holed by ().Asounding the tankBwaiting for the vessel to listCexamining tank boundariesDchecking fuel oil strainers

单选题A bonding cable should be connected for cargo operations aboards a tank vessel as soon as the().Acargo has been loaded or dischargedBcargo ghose is connectedCcargo pumps are startedDvessel is ready to handle cargo

单选题You are approaching another vessel and see that she has the signal flag “J” hoisted. What should you do?()AKeep well clear of the vessel because she is on fire and has dangerous cargo on board or she is leaking dangerous cargoBAttempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone because she is requesting to communicateCApproach the vessel with caution because she is dragging her anchorDProceed on present course and speed since the vessel is requesting a tug

单选题Your tank vessel is loaded down to her marks, and you find that she has too much trim by the stern,To adjust the trim, you may().Aadd ballast forwardBload more cargo forwardCshift bunkers forwardDAll of the above

单选题Your tank vessel is fully loaded, and you find that she is down slightly by the head. To adjust the trim, you may().Aadd ballast aftBload more cargo aftCshift cargo aftDAll of the above

单选题Your vessel is crossing a narrow channel.A vessel to port is within the channel and crossing your course.She is showing a black cylinder.What is your responsibility?()Ahold your course and speedBsound the danger signalCbegin an exchange of passing signalsDdo not cross the channel if you might impede the other vessel

单选题The phrase “When built” in the Certificate of Vessel’s Nationality definitely means().AWhen was your vessel builtBAt what time is your vessel buildingCWhen is your vessel builtDAt what time you built your vessel

单选题Which statement concerning the handling characteristics of a fully loaded vessel as compared with those of a light vessel is FALSE?()AA fully loaded vessel will be slower to respond to the enginesBA fully loaded vessel will maintain her headway furtherCA light vessel will be more affected by the windDA light vessel lose more rudder effect in shallow water

单选题The phrase “When built” in the Certificate of Vessel’s Nationality means().Awhen was your vessel builtBat what time is your vessel buildingCwhen is your vessel builtDat what time you built your vessel

单选题After jacking down your liftboat you have an unexpected list.You find that the only cause of this list must be a flooded leg.Your next course of action should be to().AJack the vessel back up to a safe heightBProceed on to your next destination since the list is unimportantCPump out all ballast to gain reserve buoyancyDNotify the Coast Guard