名词解释题Social insurance 社会保险

Social insurance 社会保险


解析: 暂无解析


Social insurance 社会保险

What insurance document will be issued as evidence of cover when an exporter sells goods insured under an open cover agreement?A.A third party inspection certificateB.An insurance policyC.A black list certificateD.An insurance certificate

保险(insurance) 名词解释

听力原文:A bank or insurance company issues a document to guarantee that exporter will supply the goods or services as the required standard.(4)A.A bank or insurance company issues an advance payment bond.B.A bank or insurance company issues a tender bond.C.A bank or insurance company issues a maintenance bond.D.A bank or insurance company issues a performance bond.

Unless otherwise stated in the letter of credit, banks will not accept ______ presented by the beneficiary.A.open coverB.cover noteC.insurance certificateD.insurance policy

Insurance brokers are generally more familiar with the technicalities of the business of insurance.(英译中)

handle insurance bushiness(英译中)

When individuals or firms apply for insurance, it is the ___who study the applications, check documents and decide whether the company should take the risk and insure. A.underwritersB.field agentsC.insurance brokersD.claim representative

What is the obstacle that poor countries might experience in preparing their disaster insurance?( )[A] It is not easy to explain the important items of insurance in normal times.[B] The severity of the disaster is not big enough to trigger a payout.[C] The insurance premiums are too expensive for poor countries to afford.[D] The insurance payout can't meet the need for recovery.

When the carrier is liable for the compensation in respect of loss of or damage to the goods,such compensation shall be calculated on the basis of the Merchant's net invoice cost,plus freight and insurance premium,if paid. This sentence means that ______.A.if the freight and insurance premium are paid,they shall be added to the basisB.if the freight and insurance premium are not paid,they shall be added to the basisC.the freight and insurance premium shall not be added to the basis even they are paidD.the freight and insurance premium shall be added to the basis even they are not paid

共用题干Health care in the US is well known but very expensive.Paying the doctor's bill after a major illness or accident can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.In the US,a person's company,not the government,pays for health insurance.Employers have contracts with insurance companies,which pay for all or part of employees' doctors' bills.The amount that the insurance company will pay out to a patient differs wildly.It all depends on what insurance the employer pays.The less the boss pays to the insurance company,the more the employee has to pay the hospital each time he or she gets sick.In 2004,the average worker paid an extra $558 a year,according to a San Francisco report.The system also means many Americans fall through the cracks(遭遗漏).In 2004,only 61 percent of the population received health insurance through their employers,according to the report. The unemployed,self-employed,part-time workers and graduated students with no jobs were not included.Most US university students have a gap between their last day of school and their first day on the job.Often,they are no longer protected by their parents' insurance because they are now considered independent adults.They also cannot buy university health insurance because they are no longer students.Another group that falls through the gap of the US system is international students.All are required to have health insurance and cannot begin their classes without it. But exact policies(保险单)differ from school to school.Most universities work with health insurance companies and sell their own standard plan for students.Often,buying the school plan is required,but luckily it's also cheaper than buying directly from the insurance company.In the US,a person's company buys him or her health insurance.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

The trade term CIF is the abbreviation for ( ).A. Cost and Freight B. Cost,Insurance and FreightC. Cost, Insurance and FeeD. Clistoms, Inspection and Quarantine

共用题干Earthquake Insurance1.Earthquake insurance is a form of homeowners' insurance which deals with damage caused by earthquakes.In regions where earthquakes are especially common,homeowners may be required to carry earthquake insurance,so that in the event of an earthquake,people rely less on government disaster funds and more on their own insurance policies.As a general rule,earthquake insurance is not a part of standard insurance policies,and it must be purchased separately.2.Earthquakes can cause a variety of damage to a home,ranging from complete destruction to damage which causes the building to become structurally unsound.Indirect damage caused by neigh-boring collapses of structures and freeways can also occur,as can more bizarre forms of earthquake damage,like winding up with a car in the living room or a sinkhole in the back yard.Fires and flooding are also common problems in the wake of earthquakes.3.When homeowners purchase earthquake insurance,they may be protected against both direct damage,such as a structural collapse after an earthquake,and indirect damage,like a fire caused by broken gas lines.More commonly,the insurance only covers structural damage caused directly by the earthquake.The insurance may pay for a complete replacement of the structure,or a remodel, depending on the type of insurance and the nature of the damage.Some policies also cover damaged property like cars,and they may provide living allowances so that the residents of the home can temporarily relocate for the duration of the repairs.4.This type of homeowners' insurance is prone to adverse selection,in which only people in high risk areas purchase the insurance.The problem with adverse selection for insurance companies is that it decreases the pool of customers,making potential payouts very expensive.For this reason, earthquake insurance often has a high deductible,and it can he very expensive.5.Recognizing the need for earthquake insurance,some governments have provided subsidies for earthquake insurance,to reduce the stress on insurance companies.Insurance companies also adjust their risk pools carefully,and there may be stringent requirements for a homeowner to purchase earthquake insurance.For example,a home may need to be retrofitted for earthquake safety, reducing the amount of damage which will be incurred in a quake.For low-income home owners, this can be very difficult,as it drives the cost of earthquake insurance out of reach,which can in turn make it difficult to get home loans,as many banks in earthquake-prone areas insist on earth-quake insurance as a condition for a loan.Paragraph 3______A:What's the Main Problem of Earthquake Insurance?B:What Damages Can an Earthquake Cause?C:How to Buy an Earthquake Insurance?D:What Is an Earthquake Insurance?E:Where Does Earthquake Happen Frequently? F: What Does an Earthquake Insurance Contain?

共用题干Earthquake Insurance1.Earthquake insurance is a form of homeowners' insurance which deals with damage caused by earthquakes.In regions where earthquakes are especially common,homeowners may be required to carry earthquake insurance,so that in the event of an earthquake,people rely less on government disaster funds and more on their own insurance policies.As a general rule,earthquake insurance is not a part of standard insurance policies,and it must be purchased separately.2.Earthquakes can cause a variety of damage to a home,ranging from complete destruction to damage which causes the building to become structurally unsound.Indirect damage caused by neigh-boring collapses of structures and freeways can also occur,as can more bizarre forms of earthquake damage,like winding up with a car in the living room or a sinkhole in the back yard.Fires and flooding are also common problems in the wake of earthquakes.3.When homeowners purchase earthquake insurance,they may be protected against both direct damage,such as a structural collapse after an earthquake,and indirect damage,like a fire caused by broken gas lines.More commonly,the insurance only covers structural damage caused directly by the earthquake.The insurance may pay for a complete replacement of the structure,or a remodel, depending on the type of insurance and the nature of the damage.Some policies also cover damaged property like cars,and they may provide living allowances so that the residents of the home can temporarily relocate for the duration of the repairs.4.This type of homeowners' insurance is prone to adverse selection,in which only people in high risk areas purchase the insurance.The problem with adverse selection for insurance companies is that it decreases the pool of customers,making potential payouts very expensive.For this reason, earthquake insurance often has a high deductible,and it can he very expensive.5.Recognizing the need for earthquake insurance,some governments have provided subsidies for earthquake insurance,to reduce the stress on insurance companies.Insurance companies also adjust their risk pools carefully,and there may be stringent requirements for a homeowner to purchase earthquake insurance.For example,a home may need to be retrofitted for earthquake safety, reducing the amount of damage which will be incurred in a quake.For low-income home owners, this can be very difficult,as it drives the cost of earthquake insurance out of reach,which can in turn make it difficult to get home loans,as many banks in earthquake-prone areas insist on earth-quake insurance as a condition for a loan.Earthquakes can cause a variety of direct damage and______.A:indirect damageB:risk poolsC:government disaster fundsD:the nature of the damageE:insurance policies F: prices

共用题干Earthquake Insurance1.Earthquake insurance is a form of homeowners' insurance which deals with damage caused by earthquakes.In regions where earthquakes are especially common,homeowners may be required to carry earthquake insurance,so that in the event of an earthquake,people rely less on government disaster funds and more on their own insurance policies.As a general rule,earthquake insurance is not a part of standard insurance policies,and it must be purchased separately.2.Earthquakes can cause a variety of damage to a home,ranging from complete destruction to damage which causes the building to become structurally unsound.Indirect damage caused by neigh-boring collapses of structures and freeways can also occur,as can more bizarre forms of earthquake damage,like winding up with a car in the living room or a sinkhole in the back yard.Fires and flooding are also common problems in the wake of earthquakes.3.When homeowners purchase earthquake insurance,they may be protected against both direct damage,such as a structural collapse after an earthquake,and indirect damage,like a fire caused by broken gas lines.More commonly,the insurance only covers structural damage caused directly by the earthquake.The insurance may pay for a complete replacement of the structure,or a remodel, depending on the type of insurance and the nature of the damage.Some policies also cover damaged property like cars,and they may provide living allowances so that the residents of the home can temporarily relocate for the duration of the repairs.4.This type of homeowners' insurance is prone to adverse selection,in which only people in high risk areas purchase the insurance.The problem with adverse selection for insurance companies is that it decreases the pool of customers,making potential payouts very expensive.For this reason, earthquake insurance often has a high deductible,and it can he very expensive.5.Recognizing the need for earthquake insurance,some governments have provided subsidies for earthquake insurance,to reduce the stress on insurance companies.Insurance companies also adjust their risk pools carefully,and there may be stringent requirements for a homeowner to purchase earthquake insurance.For example,a home may need to be retrofitted for earthquake safety, reducing the amount of damage which will be incurred in a quake.For low-income home owners, this can be very difficult,as it drives the cost of earthquake insurance out of reach,which can in turn make it difficult to get home loans,as many banks in earthquake-prone areas insist on earth-quake insurance as a condition for a loan.The insurance paid for earthquake depends on the type of insurance and______. A:indirect damageB:risk poolsC:government disaster fundsD:the nature of the damageE:insurance policies F: prices

共用题干Earthquake Insurance1.Earthquake insurance is a form of homeowners' insurance which deals with damage caused by earthquakes.In regions where earthquakes are especially common,homeowners may be required to carry earthquake insurance,so that in the event of an earthquake,people rely less on government disaster funds and more on their own insurance policies.As a general rule,earthquake insurance is not a part of standard insurance policies,and it must be purchased separately.2.Earthquakes can cause a variety of damage to a home,ranging from complete destruction to damage which causes the building to become structurally unsound.Indirect damage caused by neigh-boring collapses of structures and freeways can also occur,as can more bizarre forms of earthquake damage,like winding up with a car in the living room or a sinkhole in the back yard.Fires and flooding are also common problems in the wake of earthquakes.3.When homeowners purchase earthquake insurance,they may be protected against both direct damage,such as a structural collapse after an earthquake,and indirect damage,like a fire caused by broken gas lines.More commonly,the insurance only covers structural damage caused directly by the earthquake.The insurance may pay for a complete replacement of the structure,or a remodel, depending on the type of insurance and the nature of the damage.Some policies also cover damaged property like cars,and they may provide living allowances so that the residents of the home can temporarily relocate for the duration of the repairs.4.This type of homeowners' insurance is prone to adverse selection,in which only people in high risk areas purchase the insurance.The problem with adverse selection for insurance companies is that it decreases the pool of customers,making potential payouts very expensive.For this reason, earthquake insurance often has a high deductible,and it can he very expensive.5.Recognizing the need for earthquake insurance,some governments have provided subsidies for earthquake insurance,to reduce the stress on insurance companies.Insurance companies also adjust their risk pools carefully,and there may be stringent requirements for a homeowner to purchase earthquake insurance.For example,a home may need to be retrofitted for earthquake safety, reducing the amount of damage which will be incurred in a quake.For low-income home owners, this can be very difficult,as it drives the cost of earthquake insurance out of reach,which can in turn make it difficult to get home loans,as many banks in earthquake-prone areas insist on earth-quake insurance as a condition for a loan.Insurance companies also adjust their______.A:indirect damageB:risk poolsC:government disaster fundsD:the nature of the damageE:insurance policies F: prices

Which of the following statements is true according to Tocqueville?( ) A.As social conditions and opportunities improve,social satisfaction grows more quickly. B.Social mechanisms have seemingly conflicting nature. C.As social conditions improve,there will be fewer people enjoy the social privilege. D.As social conditions improve,the people will have more concentrated power.

The report listed as new basics()AEnglish,mathematics,computer,social studiesBscience,mathematics,social studies,foreign languageCEnglish,science,social studies,mathematics,computerDEnglish,science,computer,social studies

The report listed as new basics()A、English,mathematics,computer,social studiesB、science,mathematics,social studies,foreign languageC、English,science,social studies,mathematics,computerD、English,science,computer,social studies

术语翻译:Insurance Policy()

The ()is the consideration which the insurers receive from the assured in exchange for their undertaking to pay the sum insured in the event insured against.A、insurance amountB、insurance premiumC、amount of compensationD、salvage charges

英译中:International transportation cargo insurance

单选题Different insurance companies charge almost the same prices for insurance policies.ARight.BWrong.CDoesn’t say.

单选题The medical board, concerned by the drop in insurance payments and the failure of the accounting department to obtain the anticipated funds, resolved to pursue legal action against the insurance company.Aconcerned by the drop in insurance payments and the failure of the accounting department to obtainBconcerning the drop in payments by insurance and the failure of the accounting department to obtainCbecause of its concern for the dropping insurance payments and the accounting department’s failure at obtainingDin its concern that the drop in insurance payments and the failure of the accounting department to obtainEbeing concerned about the drop in insurance payments and the accounting department falling to obtain

单选题SPSS是英文(  )的缩写。ASeries Process for Social ScienceBSeries Process of Social SystemCStatistical Package for Social ScienceDStatistical Package of Social System

单选题What’s the meaning of “This is a business philosophy, not a social philosophy” in the fourth paragraph?AWal-Mart predicts huge profits in its green activity.BWal-Mart aims to solve its health-insurance practice.CWal-Mart’s green activity is just a window dressing.DWal-Mart doesn’t have any social responsibility at all.

单选题The anthropologist was interested in studying the Maori people, particularly their history, rituals, and social relationships.Aparticularly their history, rituals, and social relationshipsBto study particularly their history, rituals, and social relationshipsCparticularly the study of their history, rituals, and social relationshipsDparticularly of their history and rituals in addition to their social relationshipsEparticularly studying their history, rituals, and social relationships