单选题______tomorrow, she would get there on Sunday.AWould she leaveBIf she leavesCWere she to leaveDIf she had left

______tomorrow, she would get there on Sunday.

Would she leave


If she leaves


Were she to leave


If she had left




36. She will write to you as soon as she ______ to Guangzhou.A. gotB. will get C. gets D. get

55. What do we know about the character(个性) of my neighbor’s mother?A. She would like to buy expensive things.B. She would like to buy cheap things.C. She would like to help others when they’re in trouble.D. She would like to have her son pay for her shopping.

She was ill that day . Otherwise she ____to the concert. A. would have goneB. would goC. had goneD. would be gone

If I didn’t have to get up early, I( )out tonight, but I start work at 7.30 tomorrow. A. wentB. would goC. had goneD. am going

She asked me, “will you go to the cinema tomorrow?” (改为宾语从句)She asked me ________ I ________ go to the cinema the next day.

I feared that the shopkeeper would change her mind ( ). A、or that she would raise her priceB、or that she will raise her priceC、or that she raises her priceD、and raises her price

Once a week my aunt would announce, "I am going to have my bath today."Now most people find it fairly simple to have a bath.You probably remember how it goes.You enter the bathroom, you put the plug in, turn on the hot water, get into the bath, wash, sing, get out, dry yourself and exit.My aunt's approach was more epic(宏大的), like one of those long Eisenstein films where people seem to be climbing up the same flight of stairs forever.My aunt would first slowly collect her clean linen(亚麻布衬衫), so as to have it all ready for changing into after her bath.This involved sorting out her linen, which took up most of the morning.Sometimes she would find an old letter buried among her linen, become interested in the memories it aroused and have to postpone the bath until the next day.But if all went well, she would have a bite of lunch and start Phase Two around two o'clock.Phase Two was washing out the bath.She would wash the bath very thoroughly, rinse(冲洗) it with running cold water, rewash it and then carefully feel the whole surface with her fingers.If there was the slightest blemish, she would clean the whole bath out again.This took about an hour.Then she would fill the bath.By this time she was feeling a bit hungry and exhausted.So she would put on the kettle for a cup of tea.Several cups of tea and several cream crackers (her favourite food) later, she would go back to the bathroom.And find the water stone cold.1.According to the writer, most people().A.read magazines in the bathB.make bath time a special occasionC.sing when they are in the bathD.have a bath once every other week2.The writer's aunt().A.never got used to taking a bath regularlyB.always treated bathtime as an eventC.hated climbing the stairs to the bathroomD.would collect her new linen quickly3.How did she use to spend most of the morning?()A.Reading old letters.B.Preparing lunch.C.Getting the bath water hot.D.Sorting out her linen.4.Why might the writer's aunt put off bathing until the next day?()A.She might get fascinated by an old letter.B.She would sometimes get too tired.C.She would sometimes have lunch instead.D.She might start ironing the linen.5.She would never fill the bath until she().A.had cleaned it at least three timesB.had had several cups of teaC.had polished it inside and outsideD.had made sure it was perfectly clean

Tom ______ get up a little earlier tomorrow.A、needsB、needC、need toD、needs to

She said she would go and she ________ go. A didn’tB didC reallyD would

“Have you seen Ann at the concert?”“No, but she said she would come,?”()A. didn’t sheB. wouldn’t sheC. did sheD. would she

She is coming either today or tomorrow. (英译汉)

____ right now, she would not be late for the class. A.Would she leaveB.If she leaveC.Were she to leaveD.If she had left

Get some sleep, or you will be () tomorrow. A、boredB、tiredC、excitedD、overslept

At a party or social occasions, how would you indicate that it was time for you to leave someone's house?A、I would say, "It's getting late and I'd better be going."B、I would say, "I'm sorry. I have to leave now."C、I would wait until the host said something.D、I would make up an excuse (e.g. I have to get up early tomorrow, etc.) and thank the hosts.

__________ she goes shopping with her friends on Sunday. A.SometimesB.Some timesC.SometimeD.Some time

She promised to ____________ me off at the station tomorrow. A、seeB、getC、meetD、carry

If she had studied harder, she ____________.A、would succeedB、had succeededC、should succeedD、would have succeeded

10. —My sister goes swimming every Sunday.—Oh? But she __________hate swimming.A. used toB. use toC.uses toD.is used to

______get your engine ready before six tomorrow morning.A.You’d betterB.You would betterC.You at leastD.You at most

Louise decided to lend money to the author because__________.A.She wanted to join his companyB.She knew he would build a teamC.She knew his plan would succeedD.She wanted to help promote his sales

I would rather you ()tomorrow.A、Will comeB、comeC、Would have comeD、came

单选题Should she come tomorrow, I will take her to the museum.AShouldBcomeCwillDto the museum

单选题()get your engine ready before six tomorrow morning.AYou’d betterBYou would betterCYou at leastDYou at most

单选题She didn’t come to the party last Sunday. _____, she must have made the party more exciting.AIf she cameBWould she comeCHad she comeDDid she come

单选题—I’d like to get two seats for the show tomorrow.—Where would you like to sit?—_____AMay I sit here?BDo you have the money?CHow much are the middle seats?DCan I pay by card?

单选题()the ship leaves at 1000 today,she can arrive there tomorrow.AWhenBHowCIfDShould

单选题The little girl _____ walked over the broken glass so that she would not get hurt.AconfidentlyBstealthilyCwarilyDsecretively