执行以下代码,输出结果为: lst=[1,2,3,4,5] for i in lst: print(i,end=',')A.1,2,3,4,5,B.1,2,3,4,5C.1 2 3 4 5D.1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

执行以下代码,输出结果为: lst=[1,2,3,4,5] for i in lst: print(i,end=',')



C.1 2 3 4 5

D.1, 2, 3, 4, 5,



3有如下程序,输出结果为( )。 Private Sub Form_Activate() Dima a=Array(1,2,3,4,5) Fori=LBound(a)To UBound(A) a(i)=i*a(i) Nexti Printi,LBound(a),UBound(a),a(i) End SubA.4 0 4 25B.5 0 4 25C.不确定D.程序出错

有以下程序: Sub subP(b()As Integer) For i=1 To 4 b(i)=2*i Next i End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a(1 To 4)As Integer a(i)=5 a(2)=6 a(3)=7 a(4)=8 subP a() For i=1 To 4 Print a(i) Next i End Sub 运行上面的程序,单击命令按钮,输出结果为______。A. 2 4 6 8B.5 6 7 8C.10 12 14 6D.出错

有如下程序: Private Sub Form_Click() Dim i As Integer,Sum As Integer Sum=0 For i=2 To 10 If i Mod 2<>0 And i Mod 3=0 Then Sum=Sum+i End If Next Print Sum End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为A.12B.30C.24D.18

有以下程序: Sub subP(b()As Integer) For i=1 To 4 b(i)=2*i Next i End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a(1 To 4)As Integer a(1)=5 a(2)=6 a(3)=7 a(4)=8 subPa() For i=1 To 4 Print a(i) Next i End Sub 运行上面的程序,单击命令按钮,输出结果为( )A.2 4 6 8B.5 6 7 8C.10 12 14 16D.出错

设有如下程序: Private Sub Form. Click( ) Dim i As Integer,x As String,y As String x="ABCDEFG" For i=4 To 1Step-1 y=Mid(X,i,i)+y Next i Print y End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为( )。A.ABCCDEDEFGB.AABBCDEFGC.ABCDEFGD.AABBCCDDEEFFGG

以下程序的执行结果是______ include include void print(int n) { if(n 以下程序的执行结果是______include<iostream.h>include<iomanip.h>void print(int n){if(n!=0){print(n-1);for(int i=1;i<=n;i++=cout<<setw(3)<<i;cout<<endl;}}void main(){print (4);}

编译和执行以下代码,输出结果是( )。 int i=1; switch (i) { case 0: System.out.print("zero,"); break; case 1: System.out.print("one,"); case 2: System.out.print("two,"); default: System.out.println("default"); }A.one,B.one,two,C.one,two,defaultD.default

执行以下程序段 a$="abbacddcba" For i=6 To 2 Step-2 X=Mid(a,i,i) Y=Left(a,i) Z=Right(a,i) z=UCase(XYz) Next i Print z 输出结果为( )A.ABCB.BBABBAC.ABBABAD.AABAAB

单击命令按钮之后,下列程序代码的执行结果为______。 Private Function P(N As Integer) Static sum For I=I To N Sum = sum +1 Next I P =sum End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() S=P(1)+P(2)+P(3)+P(4) Print S: End SubA.20B.30C.115D.135

有如下程序: Private Sub Form_Click( ) Dim i As Integer, Sum As Integer Sum = 0 For i = 2 To 10 If i Mod 2=0 And i Mod 3<>0 Then Sum = Sum + i End If Next Print Sum End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为A.12B.30C.24D.18

对窗体编写如下代码: Option Base 1 Private Sub Form_ KeyPress (KeyAscii As Integer) a=Array(237,126,87,48,498) m1=a(1) m2=1 If KeyAscii=13 Then For i=2 To 5 If a(i)>m1 Then m1=a(I) m2=i End If Next i End If Print m1 Print m2 End Sub 程序运行后,按回车键,输出结果为______ 。A. 48 4B.237 1C.498 5D.498 4

下列程序的执行结果是______。 print(int*b,int m) { int i; for(i=0;i<m;i++) {*b=i; b++; } printf("%d\n",*--B) ; } main() { int a[5]=}1,2,3,4,5}; print(a,5);}A.5B.4C.3D.2

单击一次命令按钮之后,下列程序代码的执行结果为______。 Private Sub Command1_ Click() a = fun(4) + fun(5) Print a; End Sub Public Function fun (n As Integer) Static Num For i = 1 To n Num = Num + i Next i fun = Num End FunctionA.15B.20C.35D.40

执行以下程序段 a$ ="abbacddcba" For i = 6 To 2 Step - 2 X = Mid(a, i,i) Y=Left(a, i) z=Right(a,i) z=UCase(X Y Z) Next i Print z 输出结果为A.ABCB.BBABBAC.ABBABAD.AABAAB

有如下程序:: Private Sub Form. Click() Dim i As Integer,sum As Integer sum=0 For i=2 To 10 If i Mod 2 <>0 And i Mod 3=0 Then sum=sum+i End If Next i Print sum End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为______。A. 12B.30C.24D.18

有如下程序: Private Sub Form_Click() Dim i As Integer, Sum As Integer sum=0 For i=2 To 10 If i Mod 2<>0 And i Mod 3=0 Then sum=sum+i End If Next i Print sum End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为______。A.12B.30C.24D.18

对窗体编写如下代码,当程序运行后,按回车键,输出结果为 ______。 Option Base 1 Private Sub Form. KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) a = Array(237,126,87,48,498) m1 = all) m2= 1 If KeyAscii = 13 Then For i = 2 To 5 If a(i)>m1 Then m1 = a(j) m2= i End If Next i End If Print m1 Print m2 End SubA.48 4B.237 1C.498 5D.498 4

执行以下程序段 a$=“abbacddcba” For i=6 To 2 Step-2 X=Mid(a,i,i) Y=Left(a,i) z=Right(a, i) z=Ucase(X Y z) Next i Print z 输出结果为A.ABAB.BBABBAC.ABBABAD.AABAAB

单击命令按钮时,下列程序代码的执行结果为______。 Private Function PickMid(xStr As String) As String Dim tempStr As String Dim strLen As Integer tempStr=“” strLen=Len(xStr) i=1 Do While i<=strLen/2 tempStr=tempStr+Mid(xStr,i,1)+Hid(xStr,strLen-i+1,1) i=i + 1 Loop PickMid=tempStr End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim FirstStr As String FirstStr=“abcdef” Print PickMid(FirstStr) End SubA.abcdefB.afbecdC.fedcbaD.defabc

窗体上没有任何控件,编写下列程序: Option Base 1 Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) a = Array(5, 2, 7, 6, 9) x = a(1) y = 1 If KeyAscii = 13 Then For i = 2 To 5 If a(i)>m1 Then x = a (i) y= i End If Next i End If Print x; y End Sub 执行程序后,按下回车键后输出的结果为A.5 1B.9 5C.2 2D.7 3

执行以下两条语句后,lst的结果是1. lst = [3, 2, 1]2. lst.append(lst)() A.[3, 2, 1, [3, 2, 1]]B.[3, 2, 1, […]],其中“…”表示无穷递归C.抛出异常D.[3, 2, 1, lst]




代码for i in range(3):print(i,end=’,’)的执行结果为()。



填空题代码for i in range(3):print(i,end=’,’)的执行结果为()。