2、进出口总额突破4千亿美元,再上新台阶。 译文:Toal imports and exports exceeded 0.4 trillion dollars, reaching a new high.
2、进出口总额突破4千亿美元,再上新台阶。 译文:Toal imports and exports exceeded 0.4 trillion dollars, reaching a new high.
AB 解析:美国量化宽松政策会导致美元进一步贬值,而美元贬值又会导致以美元计价的国际大宗商品价格上涨,同时损害美国国债持有国的利益。故A、B项正确。美国的量化宽松政策会导致美元发行量增大,进而引发通胀的危险,会影响到美国的经济复苏,故C项说法有误。美元贬值是损害而不是巩固美元的全球储备货币的地位,故D项说法有误。本题正确答案为AB。
The Chinese Corp. shall apply to the relevant departments for reductions or exemptions with regard to business and income ()and customs taxes on imports and exports.A、tariffsB、dutiesC、taxesD、currency
2010年全年我国货物进出口总额29728亿美元,比上年增长34.7%。其中,货物出口 15779亿美元,增长31.3%;货物进口 13948亿美元,增长38.7%。进出口差额(出口减进口) 1831亿美元,比上年减少126亿美元。2010年我国对主要国家和地区的进出口总额超过2920亿美元的有多少个?A.3个B.4个C.5个D.6个
2010年,浙江省进出口总额为2535亿美元,比上年增长35%,其中进口730亿美元,增长33. 4%;出口1805亿美元,增长35.7%,出口占全国的比重从上年的11.1%提髙到11.4%。月均出口150.4亿美元,其中7月当月出口180. 4亿美元创历史新高。2010年,浙江省主要进出口市场中,进出口总额同比增长最快的国家或地区是( )。A.东盟 B.俄罗斯C.美国 D.中国台湾
Which of the following is not true of Britain.s foreign trade?()AThe value of Britain.s exports of goods usually exceeds the value of its imports.BThe value of Britain.s imports of goods usually exceeds the value of its exports.CManufactured goods now account for about 85%of British imports and about 80%of its exports.DMost of the United Kingdom.s trade is with other developed countries,especially other members of the European Union.
单选题Nearly _____ of Canada’s trade is with America including exports and imports.A1/3B1/2C2/3D3/4
单选题When our imports ______ our exports, we say we have a favorable trade balance; however, when our imports and exports are the other way round we say we have an unfavorable trade balance.Afall shortBfall short ofCrun out ofDare lack of
单选题Which of the following is not true of Britain.s foreign trade?()AThe value of Britain.s exports of goods usually exceeds the value of its imports.BThe value of Britain.s imports of goods usually exceeds the value of its exports.CManufactured goods now account for about 85%of British imports and about 80%of its exports.DMost of the United Kingdom.s trade is with other developed countries,especially other members of the European Union.