6、Matlab或Python这些软件属于图像处理系统的哪个部件? Matlab and Python software belong to which equipment in an image processing system?A.图像传感器 Image sensorB.专用图像处理硬件 Specialized image processing hardwareC.图像处理软件 Image processing softwareD.图像显示器 Image display
6、Matlab或Python这些软件属于图像处理系统的哪个部件? Matlab and Python software belong to which equipment in an image processing system?
A.图像传感器 Image sensor
B.专用图像处理硬件 Specialized image processing hardware
C.图像处理软件 Image processing software
D.图像显示器 Image display
以下哪一个软件工具可以提供MATLAB与System Generator或ISE之间的直接链接,并自动产生可综合的RTL模型和测试床?() A.SimulinkB.Platform. StudioC.DSP TOOLsD.Accelchip
Which IP telephony component provides call processing, such as signaling, that in a traditional voice network is provided by switching equipment, such as a PBX?() A.Advanced call-handling software, such as Cisco UnityB.Call-management hardware and software, such as CiscoCallManagerC.Client-based software, such as CiscoSoftPhoneD.Voice gateways, such as the Cisco VG248 Analog Phone Gateway
单选题Which IP telephony component provides call processing, such as signaling, that in a traditional voice network is provided by switching equipment, such as a PBX?()AAdvanced call-handling software, such as Cisco UnityBCall-management hardware and software, such as CiscoCallManagerCClient-based software, such as CiscoSoftPhoneDVoice gateways, such as the Cisco VG248 Analog Phone Gateway
多选题Which two commands allow you to return to a previous version of software on the device?()Arequest system software addBrequest system software downgradeCrequest system software replaceDrequest system software rollback