开展物质人为流动分析时应优先选择()When we carry out a material anthropogenic flow analysis, priority should be given to ()A.自然状态下不能循环流动的物质 The material that the nature cannot cycle itB.自然状态下便于循环流动的物质 The material that is easy to cycle in the natural stateC.自然状态下便于循环流动的物质 The material that the nature can cycle in higher flow ratesD.自然循环速率与人为循环速率相等的物质 The material whose biogeochemical flow rate is equal to that of its anthropogenic flow

开展物质人为流动分析时应优先选择()When we carry out a material anthropogenic flow analysis, priority should be given to ()

A.自然状态下不能循环流动的物质 The material that the nature cannot cycle it

B.自然状态下便于循环流动的物质 The material that is easy to cycle in the natural state

C.自然状态下便于循环流动的物质 The material that the nature can cycle in higher flow rates

D.自然循环速率与人为循环速率相等的物质 The material whose biogeochemical flow rate is equal to that of its anthropogenic flow



Can we use this material for the decoration of the exhibition hall?A.Yes. Any available material will do for this jobB.Yes. Water-proof material for the decoration of the hall will be used for the interior decorationC.No. Fire-proof materials should be used for the interior decorationD.No. Only highly-cost materials should be used for the interior decoration

不搞改革,不坚持开放政策,我们确定的战略目标就不能实现。A、If we do not carry out reforms and adhere to the opening-up policy, the strategic goals we have determined can not be achieved.B、Without carrying out reforms and following the opening-up policy, our strategic goals can not be reached.C、We can not achieve our strategic goals unless we carry out reforms and adhere to the opening-up policy.D、Without carrying out reforms and following the opening-up policy, it is impossible for us to reach our strategic goals.

The idea sounds fine, but we still need to ( ) it ( ) in practice. A. figure…outB. try…outC. carry … outD. work… out

If we have given you any cause() dissatisfied , we should be glad to know of it .A. to beB. ofC. forD. to

Neither ______ entirely on the agent when we buy insurance.A: we should dependB: should we dependC: we dependD: depend we

This particular material()quite well, and we believe it will turn out()your satisfaction. A、is⋯inB、has been⋯forC、uses⋯withD、sells⋯to

It is fixed ________ at seven tomorrow morning.A、if we’ll start outB、that we’ll start outC、when we’ll start outD、are we going to start out

When we are crossing the streets, we must look out ()cars. A、toB、forC、atD、of

I’d rather we ____ the plan in detail before we carry it out.A、shall discussB、must discussC、discussedD、had discussed

The sentence "But we pay for our sensitivity." in the third paragraph implies that______.A) we should pay a debt for, our feelingB) we have to be hurt when We feel somethingC) our pain is worth feelingD) when we feel pain, we are suffering it

A circuit breaker and a fuse have a basic similarity(类似) in that they both ______.A.can be reset to energize the circuitB.should open the circuit when overloadedC.will burn out when an over current flow developsD.should short the circuit when overloaded

A circuit breaker and a fuse have a basic similarity in that they both______.A.can be reset to energize the circuitB.should open the circuit when overloadedC.will burn out when an over current flow developsD.should short the circuit when overloaded

在船上应当日落时降下国旗.()A、We should lower national flag when the sun sets.B、We should lower national flag when the ship is in port.C、We should lower national flag when loading and unloading.D、We should lower national flag when the sun rises.

We are going to carry out an/a ()(应急演习).A、fire drillB、emergency drillC、boat drillD、abandon ship drill

Every deck officer should be able efficiently carry out:()A、ConningB、Navigation/Collision AvoidanceC、AdministrationD、Above of all

物质流通率 ratio of material flow

单选题If we carry out our plan with()we will surely achieve our goal sooner or later.AconditionsBdeterminationCcompetitionDfrowns

名词解释题现金流量分析(Cash Flow Analysis)

单选题If he______to this project, we will not go on to carry it out.Awill objectBobjectsChad objectedDobjected

单选题Given the following script, why does the output come out as an empty line instead of "dog"?()A The $VAR variable was not exportedB The $VAR should have been set as VARC dog needs double quotes around it when setting $VARD The { } should not be around VAR in the echo command

单选题A store was published based upon the consumer direct model.  After it was published, the store flow was changed and the APPLY PERMANENTLY option was chosen.  The store flow can no longer be changed through the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator because when the APPLY PERMANENTLYoption was chosen:()AThe flow:ifEnabled and flow:ifDisabled tags were commented out of the JSP files. BThe portion of the JSP files that is enclosed within the flow:ifDisabled tags is removed and both the flow:ifEnabled and flow:ifDisabled tags are then removed. CThe portion of the JSP files that is enclosed within the flow:ifDisabled tags is commented out. DThe JSP files are renamed. EThe portion of the JSP files that is enclosed within the flow:ifDisabled tags is commented out and both the flow:ifEnabled and flow:ifDisabled tags are commented out.

单选题If the PSCO has clear grounds for carrying out a more detailed inspection,()Athe master should be immediately informedBthe master will be prohibited from contacting the Administration or other organizationChe will carry out the inspection after the master be informed and be readyDhe will carry out the inspection without informing the master

单选题0perational tests of ship’s equipment should()out.Abe carriedBcarryCcarryingDto carry

单选题We are going to carry out an emergency ().ApractiseBpracticeCdrillDdrills

单选题If he _____ to this project, we will not go on to carry it out.Awill objectBobjectsChad objectedDobjected

名词解释题物质流通率 ratio of material flow

单选题_____ it began to rain.ANo sooner we started out whenBHardly had we started out thatCScarcely had we started out thatDRarely had we started out when

单选题It is _____ that should be given priority to.Athe government who decidedBwhat has the government decidedConly the government has decidedDwhat the government has decided