苹果手机通讯录程序允许相同名字的联系人存在,编程将相同名字的联系人进行合并。输入为联系人的数量n(n< typedef struct friend char nameMAX_LEN long int phonenum int num FRIEND ds ld s ld n peter alice alice zhang peter alice zhang peter alice wang zhang peter alice wang zhang >

苹果手机通讯录程序允许相同名字的联系人存在,编程将相同名字的联系人进行合并。输入为联系人的数量n(n< typedef struct friend char nameMAX_LEN long int phonenum int num FRIEND ds ld s ld n peter alice alice zhang peter alice zhang peter alice wang zhang peter alice wang zhang >




定义结构体数组:struct stu{int num;charname[20];}x[5]={1,"LI",2,"ZHAO",3,"WANG",4,"ZHANG",5,"LIU"};for(i=1;i<5;i++)printf("%d%C",x[i].num,x[i]name[2]);以上程序段的输出结果为( )。A.2A3N4A5UB.112A3H41C.1A2N3A4UD.2H3A4H51

定义结构体数组:struct stu{ int num;char name[20];}x[5]={1,"LI",2,"ZHAO",3,"WANG",4,"ZHANG",5,"LIU"};for(i=1;i<5;i++)printf("%d%c",x[i].num,x[i].name[2];以上程序段的输出结果为( )。A.2A3N4A5UB.112A3H41C.1A2N3A4UD.2H3A4H51

TALKING ABOUT BOXING DAYA. People will give money and other giftsB. Come on. Let s go.C. Boxing Day D. Well, I see.E. Yes, indeed so. _Zhang Hua and Peter are talking about Boxing Day after dinner._ …PETER:Do you know what do we call the day after Christmas DayZHANG HUA:(1)But I don t know much about it.PETER:Boxing Day is on December 26, the day after Christmas. People celebrate theholiday in many Commonwealth nations.ZHANG HUA:(2)What would you usually do on Boxing DayPETER:(3)to charitable institutions, needy individuals, and people in service jobs. And on that day, there are many discounts in the shopping centers and department stores.ZHANG HUA:I guess the shopping centers must be very crowded.PETER:(4)Do you want to go shoppingZHANG HUA:I won t miss this opportunity.PETER:I want to go too. (5)ZHANG HUA:All right.

有以下程序:#includestruct stu { int num;char name[10];int age;}void fun(struct stu*p){ printf(%s\n,(*p).name);}main{ struct stu students[3]={{9801,Zhang.20}, {9802,Wang,19},{9803,Zhao,1 8}}fun(students+2); }输出的结果是( )。A.ZhangB.ZhaoC.WangD.18

The user Sue issues this SQL statement:GRANT SELECT ON sue. EMP TO alice WITH GRANT OPTION; The user Alice issues this SQL statement:GRANT SELECT ON sue. EMP TO reena WITH GRANT OPTION; The user Reena issues this SQL statement:GRANT SELECT ON sue. EMP TO timber;The user Sue issues this SQL statement:REVOKE select on sue. EMP FROM alice;For which users does the revoke command revoke SELECT privileges on the SUE.EMP table?()A. Alice onlyB. Alice and ReenaC. Alice, Reena, and TimberD. Sue, Alice, Reena, and Timber

定义结构体数组: struct stu { int num; char name[20]; }x[5];{1,"L1",2,"ZHAO",3,"WANG",4,"ZHANG",5,"LIU"}; for(i=1;i<5;i++) printf("%d%c",x[i].num,x[i].name[2]); 以上程序段的输出结果为( )。A.2A3N4A5UB.1I2A3H4IC.1A2N3A4UD.2H3A4H5I

String s="zhang san,li si,wang wu"; 按字母顺序对姓名

有以下程序#include stdio.hstruct stu{ int num; char name [10];int age;};Void fun(struct stu *p){ printf("%s\n,p-name);}main( ){ struct stu x[3]={ {01,”Zhang”,20},{02, ” Wang”,19},{03, ”zhao”,18} };fun(x+2);}程序运行后的输出结果是A)ZhangB)ZhaoC)WangD)19

定义下列结构体(联合)数组: struct St { char name[15]; int age; }a[10]={"ZHAO",14,"WANG",15,"LIU",16,"ZHANG",17}; 执行语句printf("%d,%c",a[2].age,*(a[3].name+2))的输出结果为( )。A.15,AB.16,HC.16,AD.17,H

有以下程序: #includestdio.h struct stu { int num;char name[l0];int age;}; void fun(struct stu*p) { printf("%s\n",p-name);} main( ) { struct stu x[3]={{01,"Zhang",20),{02,"Wang",l9},{03,"Zha0",l8}}; fun(x+2); } 程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.ZhangB.ZhaoC.WangD.19

有以下程序: #includestdio.h struct stu { int num; char name[10]: int age;} void fun(struct stu*p) {printf("%s\n",(*p).name);} the main { struct stu students[3]={{9801,"Zhang".20}, {9802,"Wang",19},{9803,"Zhao",1 8}} fun(students+2); } 输出的结果是( )。A. ZhangB.ZhaoC.WangD.18

以下程序的输出结果是______。includestruct stu{int num; char name[10]; int age;};v 以下程序的输出结果是______。#include<stdio.h>struct stu{ int num; char name[10]; int age;};void fun(struct stu*p){ printf("%s\n",(*p).name);}main(){ struct stu students[3]={ {9801,"Zhang",20}, { 9802,"Wang",19}, { 9803,"Zhao",18} }; fun(students+2);}A.ZhangB.ZhaoC.WangD.18

Alice发给Bob一个经Alice签名的文件,Bob可以通过( )验证该文件来源的合法性。A.Alice的公钥 B.Alice的私钥 C.Bob的公钥 D.Bob的私钥

以下哪个是SIP协议规定的用户标识?() A.alice.abc.comB.alice#abc.comC.alice@abc@comD.alice@abc.com

●Alice发送带数字签名的消息共有以下4个步骤,步骤的正确顺序是(56) 。①Alice生成消息摘要 ②Alice生成消息③Alice发送消息 ④Alice利用私钥生成签名(56)A.①②③④B.①②④③C.②①④③D.②①③④

Alice 发给 Bob 一个经 Alice 签名的文件,Bob 可以通过(16)验证该文件来源的合法性。A.Alice 的公钥B.Alice 的私钥C.Bob的公钥 D.Bob的私钥

Alice发送带数字签名的消息共有以下4个步骤,步骤的正确顺序是()。①Alice生成消息摘要 ②Alice生成消息③Alice发送消息 ④Alice利用私钥生成签名A.①②③④ B.①②④③C.②①④③ D.②①③④



以下哪种初始化数组的方式是错误的?() A、 String[]names={"zhang",   "wang",   "li");B、 String  names[]  =new  String [3];names [0]  ="zhang";  names [1]  ="wang";   names [2]  ="li";C、 String[3] names={"zhang", "wang", "li"};D、 以上皆正确

The user Sue issues this SQL statement: GRANT SELECT ON sue. EMP TO alice WITH GRANT OPTION; The user Alice issues this SQL statement: GRANT SELECT ON sue. EMP TO reena WITH GRANT OPTION; The user Reena issues this SQL statement: GRANT SELECT ON sue. EMP TO timber; The user Sue issues this SQL statement: REVOKE select on sue. EMP FROM alice; For which users does the revoke command revoke SELECT privileges on the SUE.EMP table?()A、Alice onlyB、Alice and ReenaC、Alice, Reena, and TimberD、Sue, Alice, Reena, and Timber

若Bob给Alice发送一封邮件,并想让Alice确信邮件是由Bob发出的,则 Bob应该选用()对邮件加密。A、Alice的公钥B、Alice的私钥C、Bob公钥D、Bob的私钥

单选题以下哪种初始化数组的方式是错误的?()AString[] name =,“zhang”,”wang”,”li”-BString*3+ names=,“zhang”,”wang”,”li”-CString names[] =new String[3]  names*0+=”wang”Dnames*1+=”wang”Enames*2+=”li”F以上皆正确

单选题有以下函数:#include struct stu{ int num; char name[10]; int age;};void fun(struct stu *p){ printf(%s, p-name);}main(){ struct stu x[3] = {{01,Zhang,20}, {02,Wang,19}, {03,Zhao,18}}; fun(x+2);}程序运行后的输出结果是(  )。AZhangBZhaoCWangD19

单选题以下哪种初始化数组的方式是错误的?()A String[]names={zhang,   wang,   li);B String  names[]  =new  String [3];names [0]  =zhang;  names [1]  =wang;   names [2]  =li;C String[3] names={zhang, wang, li};D 以上皆正确

单选题有如下程序:#include struct person{ char name[10]; int age;};main(){ struct person room[4] = {{Zhang,19}, {Li,20}, {Wang,17}, {Zhao,18}}; printf(%s:%d,(room+2)-name, room-age);}程序运行后的输出结果是(  )。AWang:19BWang:17CLi:20DLi:19

单选题— Please tell me ______ the scarf?— She bought it online, I guess.Aif Alice likedBwhen Alice boughtCwhere Alice boughtDhow much did Alice pay for