关于以下代码的描述,错误的选项是() with open('abc.txt', 'r+') as f: lines = f.readlines() for item in lines: print(item)A.执行代码后,abc.txt文件未关闭,必须通过close()函数关闭B.程序功能是打印输出abc.txt文件内容C.lines是列表类型D.item是字符串类型
关于以下代码的描述,错误的选项是() with open('abc.txt', 'r+') as f: lines = f.readlines() for item in lines: print(item)
修改代码为:a = [1,2,3]print(id(a))a = "Runoob"print(id(a))执行时,输出2行的内容相同。
在J2EE中,假设sample.xml文档有一个元素是,它有个子元素是。我们已经获得了Document对象doc,取出第一个的第一个子元素的值的代码是()。 A.((Element).doc.getElementsByTagName(“PERSON”).item(0)).getNodeValue;B.((Element).doc.getElementsByTagName(“PERSON”).item(0)).getFristChild().getNodeValue();C.((Element).doc.getElementsByTagName(“PERSON”).item(0)).getElementsByTagName(“NAME”).item(0).getNodeValue();D.((Element).doc.getElementsByTagName(“PERSON”).item(0)).item(0).getNodeValue();
在J2EE中,假设sample.xml文档有一个元素是,它有个子元素是。我们已经获得了Document对象doc,取出第一个的第一个资源的值的代码是()。 A.((Element)doc.getElementsByTagName(“PERSON”).item(0)).getNodeValue()B.((Element)doc.getElementsByTagName(“PERSON”).item(0)).getElementsByTagName(“NAME”).item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue()C.((Element)doc.getElementsByTagName(“PERSON”).item(0)).getElementsByTagName(“NAME”).item(0).getNodeValue()D.((Element)doc.getElementsByTagName(“PERSON”).item(0)).item(0).getNodeValue()
有以下程序:includeincludeusing namespace std;int main(){fstream file;fi 有以下程序:include<iostream>include<fstream>using namespace std;int main(){fstream file;file.open("abc.txt", ios :: in);if ( !file ){cout<<"Can not open abc.txt"<<end1;abort();}char buf[ 80 ];int i = 0;while (!file.eof()){file.getline(buf,80);i++;}cout<<"Lines :"<<i<<end1;file.close();return 0;}程序实现的功能是【 】。
表达式 writelines(lines) 能够将一个元素是字符串的列表 lines 写入文件,以下 选项中描述正确的是()。 A、列表 lines 中各元素之间无分隔符B、列表 lines 中各元素之间默认采用逗号分隔C、列表 lines 中各元素之间默认采用换行分隔D、列表 lines 中各元素之间默认采用空格分隔
A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client application is consuming an RSS syndication feed from a blog.You have a SyndicationFeed variable named feed. The application iterates through the items as follows.(Line numbers are included for reference only.)01 foreach (SyndicationItem item in feed.Items)02 {03 }You need to display the content type and body of every syndication item to the console.Which two lines of code should ou insert between lines 02 and 03?()A.B.C.D.
请根据图6-15网页的显示效果,将ASP程序中(2)、(5)、(7)、(8)、(9)空缺处的代码补充完整。供选择的答案:A.Trim(request("item")) B.rs item.movenextC.rs.movenext D.<!--include file="conn.asp"-->E.select*from data where item="item_type"F.<td width="43"height="30"align="center"><%=rs("Brand")%></td>G.<td width="43"height="30"align="center"><%=rs("hits")%></td>
Which two statements are true about a Work Item with "Open" Notification? ()(Choose two.) A. The Work Item is not eligible for Purge.B. The Work Item is eligible for a Permanent purge.C. The Work Item is eligible for a Temporary purge.D. The Work Item is not complete because it still has Open Notification.E. The Work Item is eligible for both Temporary and Permanent purge.
下列打开文件的表达式中,错误的是( )。A.ofstream ofile; ofile.open("C:\\vc\\abc.txt",ios: :binary);B.fstream iofile; iofile.open("abc.txt",ios::ate);C.ifstream ifile("C:\\vc\\abc.txt");D.cout.open("C:\\vc\\abc.txt",ios: :binary);
请根据图2-13网页的显示效果,将ASP程序中(2)、(5)、(7)、(8)、(9)空缺处的代码补充完整。A.Trim (request("item")) B.rs_item.movenextC. rs.movenext D. <!--include file="conn.asp" -->E. select * from data where item="item_type"F. <td width="43"height="30"align="center"><%=rs ("Brand") %></td>G. <td width="43"height="30"align="center"><%=rs ("hits") %></td>
在有N个缓冲区的生产者消费者的问题中,下列叙述中哪些是错误的?producer() { int item; while(TRUE) { item = produce_item(); P(empty); P(mutex); insert_item(item); V(mutex) V(full); } } consumer() { int item; while(TRUE) { P(full); P(mutex); item = remove_item(); V(mutex); V(mutex); consume_item(item); } }A.信号量empty的初值为NB.信号量full的初值为0C.信号量mutex的初值为0D.P(full)和P(mutex)两条语句可以颠倒顺序E.V(mutex)和V(mutex)两条语句可以颠倒顺序
已知xml文档包含如下内容(list为根元素): <list> <item id="0001"> <price>18</price> </item> <item id="0002"> <price>15</price> </item> <item/> <product> <item id="01"></item> </product> </list> 使用xslt进行转换时,语句<xsl:template match=”/list/item[@id]”>能够匹配到()个item元素。A、3B、2C、1D、0
A department of users is reporting there are lines across their printouts. They have alreadychanged the toner cartridge but the issue remains. Which of the following is the BEST item for Karen, a technician, to inspect?()A、The fuser unit for damageB、The toner cartridge for proper seatingC、The tray pickup rollers for wearD、The registration assembly for damage
在J2EE中,假设sample.xml文档有一个元素是,它有个子元素是。我们已经获得了Document对象doc,取出第一个的第一个子元素的值的代码是()。 A、((Element)doc.getElementsByTagName("PERSON").item(0)).getNodeValue();B、((Element)doc.getElementsByTagName("PERSON").item(0)).getElementsByTagName("NAME").item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();C、((Element)doc.getElementsByTagName("PERSON").item(0)).getElementsByTagName("NAME").item(0).getNodeValue();D、((Element)doc.getElementsByTagName("PERSON").item(0)).item(0).getNodeValue();
下列打开文件的表达式中,()是错误的。A、ofstream ofile;ofile.open("abc.txt",ios::binary);B、fstream iofile;iofile.open("abc.txt",ios::ate);C、ifstream ifile("abc.txt");D、cout.open("abc.txt",ios::binary);
What should be done to add lines from a Purchase Request (PR) to a Requests for Quotation (RFQ)? ()A、 Hyperlink to the PR tab and add each line.B、 Go to the Vendors tab in the RFQ application and click Create PO.C、 Go to the Quotation tab in the RFQ application and select RFQ lines.D、 Select Action in the RFQ application and click Copy PR line item to RFQ.
In IBM Maximo Asset Management V6.2, what does the Purchase Orders applications Distribute Costs action do?()A、 Distribute the line item cost among all lines.B、 Distribute the line item cost among all direct issue lines.C、 Distribute the line item cost among multiple GL accounts.D、 Distribute the purchase order cost among multiple GL accounts.
What is a rotating item?()A、A rotating item is an individual item that is defined with a common item number. An item is designated as rotating because one wants to be able to create individual asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification,and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the item record.B、A rotating item is a set of items that are defined with a specific code. An item is designated as rotating because one does not want to be able to create individual asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification, and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the item record.C、A rotating item is a set of kits that are defined with a specific description and GL. An item is designated as rotating because one has the single cost to manage prefers to be able to create individual asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification, and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the assembly record.D、A rotating item is an individual item that is defined with a common item number and can be a spare part. An item is designated as rotating because one wants to be able to create multiple asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification, and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the item set records.
单选题In IBM Maximo Asset Management V6.2, what does the Purchase Orders applications Distribute Costs action do?()A Distribute the line item cost among all lines.B Distribute the line item cost among all direct issue lines.C Distribute the line item cost among multiple GL accounts.D Distribute the purchase order cost among multiple GL accounts.
单选题Which tool is used to open the strands of fiber lines when making an eye splice?()ABelaying spikeBFidCHeaverDPricker
单选题A department of users is reporting there are lines across their printouts. They have alreadychanged the toner cartridge but the issue remains. Which of the following is the BEST item for Karen, a technician, to inspect?()AThe fuser unit for damageBThe toner cartridge for proper seatingCThe tray pickup rollers for wearDThe registration assembly for damage
多选题Which two statements are true about a Work Item with "Open" Notification? ()(Choose two.)AThe Work Item is not eligible for Purge.BThe Work Item is eligible for a Permanent purge.CThe Work Item is eligible for a Temporary purge.DThe Work Item is not complete because it still has Open Notification.EThe Work Item is eligible for both Temporary and Permanent purge.
单选题What should be done to add lines from a Purchase Request (PR) to a Requests for Quotation (RFQ)? ()A Hyperlink to the PR tab and add each line.B Go to the Vendors tab in the RFQ application and click Create PO.C Go to the Quotation tab in the RFQ application and select RFQ lines.D Select Action in the RFQ application and click Copy PR line item to RFQ.
单选题下列打开文件的表达式中,()是错误的。Aofstream ofile;ofile.open(abc.txt,ios::binary);Bfstream iofile;iofile.open(abc.txt,ios::ate);Cifstream ifile(abc.txt);Dcout.open(abc.txt,ios::binary);