下列关于政府形式的表述中,属于总统制政府形式特征的包括?A.There is normally popular election of the president who directs the government and makes appointments to it#B.The governing parties emerge from the assembly. Government ministers are usually drawn from, and remain members of, the legislature#C.The prime minister, usually appointed by the president, is responsible for day-to-day domestic government but the president retains an oversight role#D.There is no overlap in membe
A.There is normally popular election of the president who directs the government and makes appointments to it#B.The governing parties emerge from the assembly. Government ministers are usually drawn from, and remain members of, the legislature#C.The prime minister, usually appointed by the president, is responsible for day-to-day domestic government but the president retains an oversight role#D.There is no overlap in membe参考答案和解析
There is normally popular election of the president who directs the government and makes appointments to it;There is no overlap in membership between the executive and the legislature
下列各项中,关于财政特征的表述正确的是() A、强制性是政府理财和私人理财的重大区别,也是财政的最大特征B、政府收入的无偿性决定了政府支出的无偿性C、公共权力的强制性决定了财政是一种强制性质的理财形式D、财政盈利的目的决定了财政活动的公共性质