有如下结构类型定义和变量声明: Structure Stru Dim No As Integer Dim Sex As Char End Structure 下列选项不正确的是___________。A.Sex是结构成员B.s是结构变量C.Stru是结构类型D.Stru是结构变量

有如下结构类型定义和变量声明: Structure Stru Dim No As Integer Dim Sex As Char End Structure 下列选项不正确的是___________。





D 解析:本题考查链表结点的删除。q->next中存放的是r所指结点的首地址,将r所指结点的首地址存于p->next中,则实现删除q所指结点的功能,并保持链表连续,p所指结点与r所指结点相连。


( 31 )下列数组声明语句中,正确的是A ) dim A[3,4] As integerB ) dim A(3,4) As integerC ) dim A[3;4] As integerD ) dim A(3;4) As integer

设有如下语句:Dim a,b As Integerc="VisualBasic"d=#7/20/2005#以下关于这段代码的叙述中,错误的是( )。A.a被定义为Integer类型变量B.b被定义为Integer类型变量C.c中的数据是字符串D.d中的数据是日期类型

下面可以正确定义2个整形变量和1个字符串变量的语句的是( )。A.Dim n,m AS Interger,s AS StringB.Dim a%,b$,c AS StringC.Dim a AS Integer,b,c AS StringD.Dim x%,y AS Integer,z AS String

( 14 )有下列语句:Dim a,b As Integerc="VisualBasic"d=#7 / 20 / 2005#下列关于这段代码的叙述中错误的是( )。A ) a 被定义为 Integer 类型变量B ) b 被定义为 Integer 类型变量C ) c 中的数据是字符串D ) d 中的数据是日期类型

下面可以正确定义两个整型变量和—个字符串变量的语句是______。A.Dim n,m As Integer,s As StringB.Dim a%,b$,c As StringC.Dim a As Integer,b,c As StringD.Dim x%,y As Integer,z As String

( 11 )下面可以正确定义 2 个整形变量和 1 个字符串变量的语句的是( )A ) Dim n,m AS Interger,s AS StringB ) Dim a%,b$,c AS StringC ) Dim a AS Integer,b,c AS StringD ) Dim x%,y AS Integer,z AS String

假设有如下的记录类型: Type Student number As String name AS String age As Integer End Type 则正确引用该记录类型变量的代码是______。A.Student. name="" s. name="张红"B.Dim s As Student s. Dame="张红"C.Dim s As Type Student s. name="张红"D.Dim s As Type s. name="张红"

设有如下语句: Dim a,b As Integer c="Visual Basic" d=#7/20/2005# 以下关于这段代码的叙述中,错误的是______。A.a被定义为Integer类型变量B.b被定义为Integer类型变量C.c中的数据是字符串D.d中的数据是日期类型

下列数组声明语句中,正确的是( )。A.Dim A[3,4] As IntegerB.Dim A(3,4) As IntegerC.Dim A[3;4] As IntegerD.Dim A(3;4) As Integer

在VB中,以下关于变量定义错误的是( )A.Dim a As IntegerB.Public a As StringC.Private a As BooleanD.Dim a Integer

设有如下的用户定义类型: Type Student number As String name As string age As Integer End Type 则以下正确引用该类型成员的代码是______。A. Student name="李明”B.Dim s As Student s.name="李明"C.Dim s As Type Student s.name="李明"D.Dim s As Type s.name="李明"

如下数组声明语句,正确的是( )。A. Dim a[3, 4] As IntegerB. Dim a(34) As IntegerC. Dim a(n,n) As IntegerD. Dim a(3,4) As Integer

设有如下的记录类型: TypeStudent number As String name AS String age As Integer End Type 则正确引用该记录类型变量的代码是( )。A.Student.name="张红"B.Dim s As Student s.name="张红"C.Dim s As Type Student s.name="张红"D.Dim s As Type s.name="张红"

以下有关数组定义的语句序列中,错误的是A.Static arrl(3) arr1(1)=100 arrl(2)="Hello" arrl(3)=123.45B.Dim arr2()As Integer Dim size As Integer Private Sub Command2_Click() size=InputBOX(“输入:”) ReDim arr2(size) ┄ End SubC.Option Base 1 Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim arr3(3)As Integer ┄ End SubD.Dim n As Integer Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim arr4(n)As Integer ┄ End Sub

以下有关数组定义的语句序列中,错误的是 ______。A.Static arrl(3) arrl(1)=100 arrl(2)="Hello" arrl(3)123.45B.Dim arr2()As Integer Dim size As Integer Private Sub Command2_click() size=InputBox("输入:") ReDimarr2(size) End SubC.Option Base1 Private Sub Command3_click() Dim arr3(3)As Integer End SubD.Dim n As Integer Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim arr4(n)As Integer End Sub

有如下语句: Type Student Name As String Age As Integer Sex As String End Type Dim Stu As Student With Stu .Name="张红" .Age=22 .Sex="女" End With 执行Print Stu.Age语句后的结果是A.张红B.22C.“女”D.Age

下列数组声明语句中,正确的是( )。 A.Dim A[3,4]As IntegerB.Dim A(3,4)As IntegerS 下列数组声明语句中,正确的是( )。A.Dim A[3,4]As IntegerB.Dim A(3,4)As IntegerC.Dim A[3;4]As IntegerD.Dim A(3;4)As Integer

有如下函数:Private Function firstfunc(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer Dim n As Integer Do While n <= 4 x=x +y n=-+1 Loop firstfunc = x End Function调用该函数的事件过程如下:Private Sub Command1_lick() Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim n As Integer Dim z As Integer x=1 y=1 For n = 1 To 3 z = firstfunc(x, y) Next n Print z End Sub该事件过程的执行结果是 ______。A.1B.3C.16D.9

由如下程序: Type Student Num As Integer Name As String * 13 End Type Dim stu(30)As Student 该程序段定义了两个程序成分,它们分别是 ______。A.记录类型和记录数组B.记录类型和记录变量C.显示类型和记录数组D.记录变量和记录数组

以下将变量NewVar定义为Integer型正确的是______。A.Integer NewVarB.Dim NewVar Of IntegerC.Dim NewVar As IntegerD.Dim Integer NewVar

设在工程中定义了如下类型: Type stutype ino As Integer strname As String*20 strsex As String* 1 smark As Single End Type在窗体上正确使用这个类型的是下列哪个操作( )。A.Sub Commandl_Click0 Dim student As Stutype With student .ino = 12 . strname = smith .strsex = .smark = 89 End With End SubB.Sub Commandl_Click0 Dim student As Stutype With student .ino = 12 .strname = "smith" .strscx = "男" .smark = 89 End With End SubC.Sub Commandl_Click0 Dim student As Stutype With Stutype ino = 12 .strname = "smith" .strsex = "男" .smark = 89 End With End SubD.Sub Command1 _Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino = 12 .strname = "smith" .strsex = "男" .smark = 89 End student End Sub

下列对变量的定义中,不能定义A为变体变量的是().A、DIM A AS DOUBLEB、DIM A AS VARIANTC、DIM;AD、A=24

在VB中,使用变量前一般应对变量进行定义。以下变量定义语句错误的是()。A、Dim  x As IntegerB、Dim  x As Integer,y As SingleC、Var  x,y:IntegerD、Dim  x As Integer,y As Integer

下列数组声明语句,正确的是()。A、Dim a[3,4] As IntegerB、Dim a(3 4) As IntegerC、Dim a(n,n) As IntegerD、Dim a(3,4) As Integer

在VBA中,变量声明语句“Dim a!,b AS integer”中的变量a的类型是()A、整型B、单精度型C、长整型D、变体型

语句“Dim i,j As Integer”的含义是“定义两个整型变量i和j”。

如下数组声明语句,正确的是()。A、Dim a[3,4] as IntegerB、Dim a(3,4)as IntegerC、Dim a(n,n)as IntegerD、Dim a[3][4]as Integer

单选题在VBA中,变量声明语句“Dim a!,b AS integer”中的变量a的类型是()A整型B单精度型C长整型D变体型