请列举出5个多音多义字,写出不同的读音以及所对应的主要意思。注意:请不要列举教学视频里提到的例字。Please list 5 polyphonic polysemy Characters, write out different pronunciations and the corresponding main meanings. Note: Please do not list the examples mentioned in the instructional video.

请列举出5个多音多义字,写出不同的读音以及所对应的主要意思。注意:请不要列举教学视频里提到的例字。Please list 5 polyphonic polysemy Characters, write out different pronunciations and the corresponding main meanings. Note: Please do not list the examples mentioned in the instructional video.

恶 差 和


以下( )英语表示为“请不要倚靠站台门”。 A.Please stand clear of the door.B.Please wait for the train at the opposite platform.C.Please lean on the door.D.Please pay the excess fare.

“请填单。”译成英文有()。 A、Please complete the forms.B、Fill out the forms,please.C、please show methe contents.D、Please fill in the forms.

Please _______ these names again from the top of the list. A、save upB、meet upC、stress outD、run through

现代汉字的定音工作包括 ( ) A.地名读音的审定 B.轻声、儿化词表的制定 C.一些多音多义字读音的审定 D.日本“和字”读音的审定 E.异读词读音的审定

() please find a price list of our new products.A、EnclosingB、EncloseC、EnclosedD、Encloses

Please tell us how long this price list () valid.A、remainB、keepC、isD、being

()please find our price list. A、EncloseB、EnclosedC、EnclosingD、Be enclosed

下面哪些句子正确表达"请填写这张表格。"() A、Please fill in this form.B、Please fill this form.C、Please fill on this form.D、Please fill out this form.

If Mary()shopping this afternoon, please ask her to write a shopping list first.Awill goBgoesCwentDhas gone

普通话“请不要吸烟”翻译成英语是:()。A、Smoking,please.B、NO smoking,please.C、NO smokingD、Are you OK.

请写出下列递归算法的功能。  typedef struct node{          datatype data;          struct node *link;  } *LinkList;  int ALGORISM(LinkList list)  {          if(list==NULL)              return 0;          else              return 1+ALGORISM(list-link);  }

Will you please give the note to him?()A、Certainly, I'll give it to himB、No, please notC、Sorry, I don'tD、Yes, please do

If Mary()shopping this afternoon, please ask her to write a shopping list first.A、will goB、goesC、wentD、has gone

请从下列译文中选出“请给我们点赞”错误的英文表达。()A、Please click a like for usB、Please give us thumbs upC、Please point us good

下列常用服务用语中汉英对照正确的有()A、您准备住多久?How long do you intend to stay?B、欢迎下榻本饭店。Welcome to our hotel!C、请您出示证件。Please sign here.D、请填写入住登记表。Please fill out the registration form.



Please list the name of 5 files those are necessary in DB flash memory and their function.



基本文明用语中,“请交通行费”的英文说法是()。A、Take your note carefully,please.B、Pay the toll,please.C、Have a good trip.D、Wait a minute,please.

以下英语是什么意思:No smoking,Please.()A、请带好随身物品。B、请拿好你的发票。C、请不要喧哗。D、请不要吸烟。

多选题下列常用服务用语中汉英对照正确的有()A您准备住多久?How long do you intend to stay?B欢迎下榻本饭店。Welcome to our hotel!C请您出示证件。Please sign here.D请填写入住登记表。Please fill out the registration form.

问答题请写出下列递归算法的功能。  typedef struct node{          datatype data;          struct node *link;  } *LinkList;  int ALGORISM(LinkList list)  {          if(list==NULL)              return 0;          else              return 1+ALGORISM(list-link);  }

单选题If Mary()shopping this afternoon, please ask her to write a shopping list first.Awill goBgoesCwentDhas gone

单选题Will you please give the note to him?()ACertainly, I'll give it to himBNo, please notCSorry, I don'tDYes, please do

