VHDL文本编辑中编译时出现如下的报错信息 Error: VHDL syntax error: choice value length must match selector expression value length 其错误原因是()。A.表达式宽度不匹配B.错将设计文件存入了根目录,并将其设定成工程C.设计文件的文件名与实体名不一致D.程序中缺少关键词

VHDL文本编辑中编译时出现如下的报错信息 Error: VHDL syntax error: choice value length must match selector expression value length 其错误原因是()。







VHDL文本编辑中编译时出现如下的报错信息Error: VHDL syntax error: signal declaration must have ‘;’,but found begin instead. 其错误原因是( )。 A.信号声明缺少分号。B.错将设计文件存入了根目录,并将其设定成工程。C.设计文件的文件名与实体名不一致。D.程序中缺少关键词。

请使用VC6或使用【答题】菜单打开考生文件夹projl下的工程projl,此工程中含有一个源程碍文件 projl.epp。其中位于每个注释“//ERROR ****found****”之后的一行语句存在错误。请改正这些错误,使程序的输出结果为: ConstruCtor Called. The value is 10 Copy ConstruCtor Called. The value is 10 DestruCtor Called. DestruCtor Called. 注意:只修改注释“//ERROR ****found****”的下一行语句,不要改动程序中的其他内容。 //pwjl.Cpp inCludeiostream ’using namespaCe std; Class MyClass{ publiC: //ERROR**********found********** MyClass(int i) {value=i;Cout”ConstruCtor Called.” endl;} //ERROR**********found********** MyClass(eonst MyClass P) { value = P.value; eout”Copy ConstruCtor Called.”endl; } void Print {Cout”The value is” valueendl;} //ERROR**********found********* void-MyClass {Cout”DestruCtor Called.”endl;} private: int value; }; int main { MyChas objl owl.Print; MyClmss obj2(owl); obj2.Print; retum 0;

请使用VC6或使用【答题】菜单打开考生文件夹projl下的工程projl,该工程含有一个源程序文件pn,jl.cpp。其中位于每个注释“//ERROR 木}}水found}}水木”之后的一行语句存在错误。请改正这些错误,使程序的输出结果为: The value is 10 注意:只修改注释“//ERROR **** found****”的下一行语句,不要改动程序中的其他内容。 //pmjl.cpp includeiostream using namespace std; class MyClass{ int value; public: //ERROR********found********* void MyClass(int val):value(val){} int GetValueconst{return value;} void SetValue(int val); }; //ERROR********found******** inline void SetValue(int val){value=val;} int main MyClass obj(O); obj.SetValue(10); //ERROR********found********下列语句功能是输出obj的成员value的值 tout”The value is”obj.valueendl: return 0; }

从切片中删除一个元素,下面的算法实现正确的是() A.func (s *Slice)Remove(value interface{}) error {for i, v := range *s { if isEqual(value, v) { if i== len(*s) - 1 { *s = (*s)[:i] }else { *s = append((*s)[:i],(*s)[i + 2:]...) } return nil }}return ERR_ELEM_NT_EXIST}B.func (s *Slice)Remove(value interface{}) error {for i, v := range *s { if isEqual(value, v) { *s = append((*s)[:i],(*s)[i + 1:]) return nil }}return ERR_ELEM_NT_EXIST}C.func (s *Slice)Remove(value interface{}) error {for i, v := range *s { if isEqual(value, v) { delete(*s, v) return nil }}return ERR_ELEM_NT_EXIST}D.func (s *Slice)Remove(value interface{}) error {for i, v := range *s { if isEqual(value, v) { *s = append((*s)[:i],(*s)[i + 1:]...) return nil }}return ERR_ELEM_NT_EXIST}

关于函数声明,下面语法错误的是() A. func f(a, b int) (value int, err error)B. func f(a int, b int) (value int, err error)C. func f(a, b int) (value int, error)D. func f(a int, b int) (int, int, error)

Evaluate this SQL statement:What will happen if you remove all the parentheses from the calculation?() A. The value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column will be lower.B. The value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column will be higher.C. There will be no difference in the value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column.D. An error will be reported.

For which BGP attribute is a higher value preferred?() A. OriginB. CommunityC. Local PreferenceD. AS Path length

前缀列表{ip ip-prefix}的命令格式为 ip ip-prefix ip-prefix-name[index index-number]{permit|deny}ipv4-address mask-length[greater-equal greater-equal-value][less-equal less-equal-value],如果仅指定了greater-equal未指定less-equal,则前缀范围为()A.[0,greater-equal-value]B.[mask-length.greater-equal-value]C.[greater-equal-value,32]D.无限制

A public member vairable called MAX_LENGTH which is int type, the value of the variable remains constant value 100. Use a short statement to define the variable.()   A、 public int MAX_LENGTH=100;B、 final int MAX_LENGTH=100;C、 final public int MAX_LENGTH=100;D、 public final int MAX_LENGTH=100;

Which statements concerning the value of a member variable are true, when no explicit assignments have been made?()  A、The value of an int is undetermined.B、The value of all numeric types is zero.C、The compiler may issue an error if the variable is used before it is initialized.D、The value of a String variable is "" (empty string).E、The value of all object variables is null.

What is true regarding subqueries?()A、The inner query always sorts the results of the outer queryB、The outer query always sorts the results of the inner queryC、The outer query must return a value to the outer queryD、The inner query returns a value to the outer queryE、The inner query must always return a value or the outer query will give an error


What must be included in a SOAP fault message when an error occurs due to a value in the message Body element?()A、 A detail elementB、 A Body fault codeC、 An application-specific fault codeD、 A fault string element with a value of "Body"

For which BGP attribute is a higher value preferred?()A、OriginB、CommunityC、Local PreferenceD、AS Path length

An RMAN backup job fails, displaying the following error:  ORA/x7f19809: limit exceeded for recovery files  Your analysis shows that the Flash Recovery area is full. Which two actions could you take to resolve the error and avoid this error in future?()A、take the backup of the flash recovery area less frequentlyB、increase the value of the UNDO_RETENTION initialization parameterC、change the value of the WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY initialization parameter to AUTOD、change the backup retention policy to retain the backups for a smaller period of time E、increase the value of the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE initialization parameterF、increase the value of the CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME initialization parameter

What is true regarding subqueries?()A、The inner query always sorts the results of the outer query.B、The outer query always sorts the results of the inner query.C、The outer query must return a value to the inner query.D、The inner query returns a value to the outer query.E、The inner query must always return a value or the outer query will give an error.

多选题An RMAN backup job fails, displaying the following error:  ORA-19809: limit exceeded for recovery files  Your analysis shows that the Flash Recovery area is full.  Which two actions could you take to resolve the error and avoid this error in the future? ()Atake the backup of the flash recovery area less frequentlyBincrease the value of the UNDO_RETENTION initialization parameterCchange the value of the WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY initialization parameter to AUTODchange the backup retention policy to retain the backups for a smaller period of timeEincrease the value of the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE initialization parameterFincrease the value of the CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME initialization parameter

填空题On Mindy's guitar, the frequency of a vibrating string varies inversely as the length of the string. When a guitar string of s inches in length that vibrates at a frequency of 80 cycles per second is shortened to 6 inches in length, it vibrates at a frequency of 120 cycles per second. What is the value of s?____

单选题What is true regarding subqueries?()AThe inner query always sorts the results of the outer queryBThe outer query always sorts the results of the inner queryCThe outer query must return a value to the outer queryDThe inner query returns a value to the outer queryEThe inner query must always return a value or the outer query will give an error

单选题What is the distribution processing value? ()ADistributionBProcessingCSales and processingDChanging the length, thickness and the package of the goods

单选题A public member vairable called MAX_LENGTH which is int type, the value of the variable remains constant value 100. Use a short statement to define the variable.()A public int MAX_LENGTH=100;B final int MAX_LENGTH=100;C final public int MAX_LENGTH=100;D public final int MAX_LENGTH=100;

单选题What must be included in a SOAP fault message when an error occurs due to a value in the message Body element?()A A detail elementB A Body fault codeC An application-specific fault codeD A fault string element with a value of Body

多选题An RMAN backup job fails, displaying the following error:  ORA/x7f19809: limit exceeded for recovery files  Your analysis shows that the Flash Recovery area is full. Which two actions could you take to resolve the error and avoid this error in future?()Atake the backup of the flash recovery area less frequentlyBincrease the value of the UNDO_RETENTION initialization parameterCchange the value of the WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY initialization parameter to AUTODchange the backup retention policy to retain the backups for a smaller period of timeEincrease the value of the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE initialization parameterFincrease the value of the CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME initialization parameter

单选题An RMAN backup job fails, displaying the following error message:  ORA/x7f19809: limit exceeded for recovery files  Your analysis shows that the Flash Recovery area is full. What would you do to resolve the error?()Aincrease the value of UNDO_RETENTIONBchange the value of WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY to AUTOCincrease the value of DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZEDincrease the value of CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME

多选题协议错误情况可以分成哪些:()ATransfer Syntax ErrorBAbstract Syntax ErrorCLogical ErrorDUnknown Error

单选题What is true regarding subqueries?()AThe inner query always sorts the results of the outer query.BThe outer query always sorts the results of the inner query.CThe outer query must return a value to the inner query.DThe inner query returns a value to the outer query.EThe inner query must always return a value or the outer query will give an error.

单选题What is the result?()A Compilation of class A fails.B Line 28 prints the value 3 to System.out.C Line 28 prints the value 1 to System.out.D A runtime error occurs when line 25 executes.E Compilation fails because of an error on line 28.

单选题Evaluate this SQL statement: What will happen if you remove all the parentheses from the calculation?()A The value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column will be lower.B The value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column will be higher.C There will be no difference in the value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column.D An error will be reported.