3、中国南北方的天然分界线是() The natural boundary between the north and the south of China is ()A.长江Yangtze RiverB.珠江Pearl RiverC.秦岭-淮河一线Qinling Huaihe lineD.黄河Yellow River

3、中国南北方的天然分界线是() The natural boundary between the north and the south of China is ()

A.长江Yangtze River

B.珠江Pearl River

C.秦岭-淮河一线Qinling Huaihe line

D.黄河Yellow River

秦岭-淮河一线Qinling Huaihe line


Beijing is( )the north of China. A.onB.atC.acrossD.in


It often ()in summer in the south of China. A.rainB.rainsC.raining

It often _____ in winter in the north of China. A.snowB.snowsC.is snowing

Among the following rivers, _____ forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the U.S. A.the PotomacB.the ColumbiaC.the Rio Grande RiverD.the Colorado

It often ( ) in winter in the north of China.A. snowB. is snowingC. snows


When it is winter in China, ______.A. the USA is tilted toward the sun B. the South Pole is tilted away from the sunC. the North Pole is tilted toward the sun D. the North Pole is tilted away from the sun

The weather in South China is d_________ from that in North China.

The distance between any two meridians measured along a parallel of latitude ______.A.increases in north latitude and decreases in south latitudeB.decreases as DLO increasesC.increases with increased latitudeD.decreases with increased latitude

The surface currents of the South Atlantic,South Pacific and South Indian Ocean follow,in general,a regular pattern of ______.A.counter-clockwise circulationB.clockwise circulationC.trend from east to westD.trend from north to south

In the Northern Hemisphere, if the center of a high pressure area is due west of you, what wind direction would you expect?______.A.South to westB.South to eastC.North to westD.North to east

One cause of the Civil War was economic and political rivalry between the( )South and the industrial North.A.agrarianB.prosperousC.old‐fashionedD.poorly organized

Text 2 When people talk about a"north-south divide"in Britain they are usually referring to house prices,employment and the ratio of private-sector to public-sector jobs.The south scores higher on all such measures.But new data from the British Trust for Ornithology(BTO),a research charity,hints at the growth of another north-south divide-this time to the north's benefit.Every 20 years the BTO produces a superbly detailed atlas of bird life in Britain and Ireland.The 2007 t0 2011 edition is cheery:more species are tallied than in previous atlases,and many birds are increasing in number.Compared with two decades ago,45%of regular native species are ranging more widely while 32%are living in smaller areas;the rest have stayed put.But the most striking news comes from the north.The overall populations of woodland,farmland and migrant perching birds are up in northern England and Scotland but down in the south.The same is true of individual species such as the garden warbler,bullfinch and swallow.The number of cuckoos,a closely-watched species,declined by 63%in England between 1995 and 2010 but by only 5%in Scotland.Raptors are faring especially well in the south,but their numbers are rising in most parts of Britain.Partly this reflects climate change,suggests Simon Gillings of the BTO.Some birds are drawn to warmer winters in Scotland and northem England;visiting migrants may stick around for longer.Hard though it may be to believe during a week of torrential rain,the south is becoming drier,pushing snipe northward.More efficient farming has squeezed some farmland species.Some birds find it harder to make homes in the south,too.Pressure on housing means dilapidated buildings and barns,handy for nesting,have been converted into human dwellings.Between 2006 and 2012 the number of vacant dwellings fell by 17%in London and by 12%in Kent.Over the same period the number of empty houses increased by 16%in Derbyshire and by 10%in Lancashire:Northern mining villages once full of workers are now sparsely populated,points out Ian Bartlett,a birdwatcher in Hartlepool,in north-east England.They have become hot spots for birds and the people who watch them.Culrural difference also plays a part,thinks Mark Cocker,an expert on birds.The"obsession with tidiness"is stronger in the south,he says.Fewer people cultivate gardens;they prefer to cover them in decking and remove weeds from between concrete slabs.Village greens are mowed short.In contrast,Scotland and northern England have more trees,grassland and wind-swept moors.Less popular with humans,rugged parts of the countryside are filling up with a winged population instead.The text mainly discusses_____A.birds thriving in EnglandB.new north-south divideC.culture difference between north and southD.climate change in England

Yalu river forms a natural boundary between China and North Korea.A:border B:stringC:spot D:zone

( )is the dividing line between the South and North of America. A.The Hudson River B.The Potomac River C.The Ohio River D.The Missouri River

New Zealand is situated about 1, 500 km ()A、north-west of AustraliaB、south-east of AustraliaC、north-east of AustraliaD、south-west of Australia

单选题A boundary between two air masses is a(n)().Alapse rateBisobarCfrontDcontinent

单选题The horizontal angle between the magnetic meridian and the north-south line of the magnetic compass is().AdeviationBvariationCcompass errorDdip

单选题The distance between any two meridians measured along a parallel of latitude ().Aincreases in north latitude and decreases in south latitudeBdecreases as DLO increasesCincreases with increased latitudeDdecreases with increased latitude

单选题The Philippines _____ to the south-east of China.AliesBlieClayDlays

单选题The satellites over the major ocean regions cover the globe().Abesides the polar regionsBincluding the North Pole and the South PoleCabove 70°N and below 70°SDas for north and south as 70°

多选题import java.awt.*;   public class X extends Frame {   public static void main (String args) {   X x = new X();   x.pack();   x.setVisible(true);   }  public X() {   setLayout (new BordrLayout());   Panel p = new Panel ();   add(p, BorderLayout.NORTH);   Button b = new Button (“North”);   p.add(b):   Button b = new Button (“South”);   add(b1, BorderLayout.SOUTH):   }   }   Which two statements are true?()AThe buttons labeled “North” and “South” will have the same width.BThe buttons labeled “North” and “South” will have the same height.CThe height of the button labeled “North” can very if the Frame is resized.DThe height of the button labeled “South” can very if the Frame is resized.EThe width of the button labeled “North” is constant even if the Frame is resized.FThe width of the button labeled “South” is constant even if the Frame is resized.

单选题The satellites over the major ocean regions cover the globe().Abesides the polar regionsBincluding the North Pole and the South PoleCabove 70N and below 70SDas far north and south 70

单选题class Parent {     String one, two;  public Parent(String a, String b){     one = a;     two = b;    }  public void print(){ System.out.println(one); }    }  public class Child extends Parent {     public Child(String a, String b){     super(a,b);     }  public void print(){  System.out.println(one + " to " + two);     }  public static void main(String arg[]){     Parent p = new Parent("south", "north");     Parent t = new Child("east", "west");     p.print();     t.print();     }     }  Which of the following is correct?()A Cause error during compilation. B south     east C south to north     east to west    D south to north     east    E south     east to west

单选题China is _____ in natural resources.AexcessiveBadequateCrichDenough

单选题The North Pole is surrounded by land, while the South Pole is surrounded by the Antarctic Ocean.So scientists thought that______.Amost of the ice melted in the Northern hemisphereBmost of the ice melted in the Southern hemisphereCThe North Pole is colder than the South PoleDThe South Pole is colder than the North Pole

单选题Precautionary areas and IMO adopted TSS have been established through the straits between Permatang Sedepa (One Fathom Bank) and the entrance to South China Sea in the vicinity of Horsburgh Light.In this sentence,“TSS”is the abbreviation of().ATraffic Selection SchemeBTraffic Solution SchemeCTraffic Separation SchemeDTraffic Separation system