43、一带电粒子垂直磁感应线射入匀强磁场,则它作___运动; With the electric particle vertical magnetic induction line into the uniform magnetic field, it makes ___motion;A.直线; straight lines;B.变速率圆周; speed change rate of the circumference;C.匀速率圆周; uniform speed of the circumference;D.螺线; spiral;

43、一带电粒子垂直磁感应线射入匀强磁场,则它作___运动; With the electric particle vertical magnetic induction line into the uniform magnetic field, it makes ___motion;

A.直线; straight lines;

B.变速率圆周; speed change rate of the circumference;

C.匀速率圆周; uniform speed of the circumference;

D.螺线; spiral;

匀速率圆周; uniform speed of the circumference;



一带电粒子平行磁力线射入匀强磁场中,则它作加速直线运动。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Permanent magnetism is caused by ______.A.operation of electrical equipment and generators on board shipB.the earth's magnetic field affecting the ship's hard iron during constructionC.the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field acting on the horizontal soft ironD.the vertical component of the earth's magnetic field acting on the vertical soft iron

Prior to magnetic particle inspection of anchor chain,the chain should be ______.A.DegaussedB.DemagnetizedC.SoakedD.Sandblasted

Magnetic dip is a measurement of the angle between the ______.A.geographic pole and the magnetic poleB.lubber’s line and true northC.horizontal and the magnetic line of forceD.compass heading and the magnetic heading


磁场(magnetic field)

磁异常(magnetic anomaly)


单选题关于带电粒子的运动,下面各种说法中,正确的是(  ).A沿着电场线方向飞入匀强电场,电场力做功,动能增加B沿着磁感线方向飞入匀强磁场,磁场力做功,动能增加C垂直电场线方向飞入匀强电场,在电场中运动,电场力不做功D垂直磁感线方向飞入匀强磁场,在磁场中运动,磁场力不做功

单选题The magnetic compass magnets are acted on by the horizontal component of the Earth’s total magnetic force. This magnetic force is GREATEST at the().Anorth magnetic poleBsouth magnetic poleCmagnetic prime vertical meridianDmagnetic equator

名词解释题磁场(magnetic field)

单选题The coil of wire rotating in the magnetic field produces the().AvoltageBcurrentCpowerDfrequency

单选题Prior to magnetic particle inspection of anchor chain,the chain should be().AdegaussedBdemagnetizedCsoakedDsandblasted

单选题The horizontal angle between the magnetic meridian and the north-south line of the magnetic compass is().AdeviationBvariationCcompass errorDdip

单选题The vertical component of the Earth’s magnetic field causes induced magnetism in vertical soft iron. This changes with latitude. What corrects for this coefficient of the deviation? ()AThe Flinders barBThe heeling magnetCQuadrantal soft iron spheresDBar magnets in the binnacle

单选题During the transition of the Earth’s magnetic field _____.Athe compass will become uselessBman and animals will be confused as to directionsCthe magnetic strength of the Earth will disappearDthe magnetic strength of the Earth will be stronger

单选题The greatest directive force is exerted on the magnetic compass when the().Aneedles are nearly in line with the meridianBvessel is near the magnetic polesCvariation is near zeroDvessel is near the magnetic equator

单选题Magnetic dip is a measurement of the angle between the().Ageographic pole and the magnetic poleBlubber's line and true northChorizontal and the magnetic line of forceDcompass heading and the magnetic heading

单选题According to the passage, _____.Awe should not worry about the transition of the Earth’s magnetic fieldBthe Earth’s magnetic field will not change for at least 2000 yearsCthe Earth’s magnetic field has decreased its strength rapidlyDthe transition of the Earth’s magnetic field can be controlled by modern science


单选题The magnetic compass operates on the principle that().Alike magnetic poles attractBunlike magnetic poles repelCunlike poles attractDthe poles of the compass line up with the geographic poles of the earth

单选题The line which connects the points of zero magnetic dip is().AAn agonic lineBThe magnetic equatorCA magnetic meridianDAll of the above


单选题Permanent magnetism is caused by().Aoperation of electrical equipment and generators on board shipBthe earth's magnetic field affecting the ship's hard iron during constructionCthe horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field acting on the horizontal soft ironDthe vertical component of the earth's magnetic field acting on the vertical soft iron

单选题The American Petroleum Institute recommends magnetic particle inspection for().Aanchor chainBwire ropeCconnecting linksDpendant wires

单选题The vertical angle between the horizontal and the magnetic line of force is the().AelevationBmagnetic angleCvertical angleDdip

单选题At the magnetic equator there is no induced magnetism in the vertical soft iron because().Athe lines of force cross the equator on a 0°-180°alignmentBthe quadrantal error is 0°Cthere is no vertical component of the Earth's magnetic fieldDthe intercardinal headings have less than 1°