The undersigned ______ that he is duly authorized by the said Government to issue this certificate.A.claimsB.declaresC.complainsD.says

The undersigned ______ that he is duly authorized by the said Government to issue this certificate.





He said he is my _______ friend but I don’t think so. A、intensiveB、onionC、intimateD、occasion

What he said was already (记录) by the police.

He said he’ll () for a car to come and pick you up. A、rageB、arrangeC、planD、intend

What he said_____correct.

______he said he wasn't hungry, he ate a big breakfast.A. AlthoughB. UnlessC. DespiteD. Even

Passage FiveJim was intelligent, but he hated hard work. He said, "You work hard, and make a lot of money, and then the government takes most of it. I want easy work that gives me lots of money and that the government doesn't know about".So he became a thief--but he did not do the stealing himself. He got others to do it. They were much less intelligent than he was, so he arranged everything and told them what to do.One day they were looking for rich families to rob, and Jim sent one of them to a large beautiful house just outside the town.It was evening, and when the man looked through one of the windows, he saw a young man and a girl playing on a piano.When he went back to Jim, he said, "That family can't have much money. Two people were playing on the same piano there."52. What Jim said can be said to be______.A. an excuseB. a lieC. a jokeD. a truth

The government official said that the new tax rates would come into ______ (effective) from April.

听力原文:The signature of the payee or of his duly authorized agent is essential to the validity of an endorsement.(7)A.The payee's signature can make the endorsement valid.B.The drawer's duly authorized agent can make the endorsement valid.C.The payer's signature can make the endorsement valid.D.The drawee's duly authorized agent can make the endorsement valid.

He said that he ______ already _______ the English film. A. has; seenB. has; seeC. had; seen

(), the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first above written.A、In witness thereforeB、Under witness herebyC、In witnessess forD、Under witness therefor

He appeared dazed but said nothing.

He said that he would come and _____ he would bring his wife together.A: thatB: whichC: whenD: while

He said that he __________(come) back in five minutes.

When the nurse asked the patient again ______.A. he repeated what he had saidB. he kept silent all the sameC. he said he needed her help very muchD. he said she was a very bad woman

The maritime labour certificate shall be issued to ______ by the competent authority,or by a recognized organization duly authorized for this purpose.A.a shipB.a authorityD.a person

He said he′ d phone you __________ he got home.A.the momentB.the moment the the moment when

He said his government hadn’t appointed any( ).A.delegationB.delegatesC.organizationD.mission

__it is not his responsibility to dothat,he said he would help.A.AlthoughB.AsC.SinceD.Unless

He said the UK government would allow the island to determine its own____and democracy.A.equalityB.enhancementC.agreementD.development

He said that he was ()aware of the difficulty of being a father.AhighlyBfullyCsoundlyDfirmly

单选题Under the provisions of applicable international conventions, the officers to conduct port state control inspection must be duly authorized by ().Athe companyBthe Government of the countryCthe organization recognized by the AdministrationDthe IMO

单选题The undersigned ()that he is duly authorized by the said Government to issue this certificate.AclaimsBdeclaresCcomplainsDsays

单选题The maritime labour certificate shall be issued to()by the competent authority,or by a recognized organization duly authorized for this purpose.Aa shipBa countryCan authorityDa person

单选题He said he´ d phone you __________ he got home.Athe momentBthe moment whenCat the momentDat the moment when

单选题This certificate is issued under the authority of the said Government,and it will remain in () until Jan 1 2008.AstrengthBpowerCforceDstress

单选题He said that he was ()aware of the difficulty of being a father.AhighlyBfullyCsoundlyDfirmly

单选题Under the provisions of applicable international conventions, ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party are subject, while in the port of a Party, to control by officers duly authorized by the Party Ships of non-parties or below convention size shall be given ().Amore favorable treatmentBless favorable treatmentCno more favorable treatmentDthe most favorable treatment

单选题He made an excellent speech, and everything he said was to the()AsenseBmeaningCfocusDpoint