The necessity for administering artificial(人工的) respiration may be recognized by the victim's ______.A.vomiting(呕吐) color and lack of breathingC.irregular breathingD.unconscious(无意识的) condition
The necessity for administering artificial(人工的) respiration may be recognized by the victim's ______.
A.vomiting(呕吐) color and lack of breathing
C.irregular breathing
D.unconscious(无意识的) condition
After sending a message describing the symptoms of an ill crew member,you receive a message containing the code MRL. This means ______.A.Apply ice-cold compress and renew every 4 hoursB.Commence artificial respiration immediatelyC.Give enemaD.Pass catheter into bladder
After a person has been revived by artificial respiration,he should be ______.A.walked around until he is back to normalB.given several shots of whiskeyC.kept lying down and warmD.allowed to do as he wishes
Changing rescuers while carrying out artificial respiration should be done ______.A.without losing the rhythm of respirationB.only with the help of two other not stopping the respiration for more than 5 ten-minute intervals
Sign(s)of respiratory arrest requiring artificial respiration is(are) color and lack of breathingC.irregular breathingD.unconsciousness
Which is TRUE concerning immersion suits and their use ________.A.Only a light layer of clothing may be worn underneathB.They provide sufficient flotation to do away with the necessity of wearing a life jacketC.They should be tight fittingD.A puncture in the suit will not appreciably reduce its value
In reviving a person who has been overcome by gas fumes,what would you AVOID doing?_________.A.Giving stimulantsB.Prompt removal of the patient from the suffocating atmosphereC.Applying artificial respiration and massageD.Keeping the patient warm and comfortable
单选题Sign(s) of respiratory arrest requiring artificial respiration is(are)().AvomitingBblue color and lack of breathingCirregular breathingDunconsciousness
单选题When administering artificial respiration to an adult, the breathing cycle should be repeated about ()A12 to 15 times per minuteB18 to 20 times per minuteC20 to 25 times per minuteDas fast as possible
单选题When administering artificial respiration, it is of the utmost important to ()Ause the mouth-to-mouth methodBclear airwaysCuse rhythmic pressure methodDknow all approved methods
单选题After a person has been revived by artificial respiration,he should be().Awalked around until he is back to normalBgiven several shots of whiskeyCkept lying down and warmDallowed to do as he wishes
单选题Before you begin administering artificial respiration, you should be sure the victim()Ais comfortableBis warmCis not bleedingDhas a clear airway
单选题The necessity for administering artificial respiration may be recognized by the victims ().AvomitingBblue color and lack of breathingCirregular breathingDunconscious condition
单选题Which is TRUE concerning immersion suits and their use?()AOnly a light layer of clothing may be worn underneathBThey provide sufficient flotation to do away with the necessity of wearing a life jacketCThey should be tight fittingDA puncture in the suit will not appreciably reduce its value
单选题After sending a message describing the symptoms of an ill crew member,you receive a message containing the code MRL. This means().AApply ice-cold compress and renew every 4 hoursBCommence artificial respiration immediatelyCGive enemaDPass catheter into bladder
单选题()may be defined as a departure without justification and under no necessity from the proper and usual course of an agreed voyage,whereby the character and the incidents of such voyage are altered.ADeviationBChangeCAlterationDAmendment
单选题In reviving a person who has been overcome by gas fumes,what would you AVOID doing?().AGiving stimulantsBPrompt removal of the patient from the suffocating atmosphereCApplying artificial respiration and massageDKeeping the patient warm and comfortable
单选题Changing rescuers while carrying out artificial respiration should be done().Awithout losing the rhythm of respirationBonly with the help of two other peopleCby not stopping the respiration for more than 5 minutesDat ten-minute intervals
名词解释题人工神经网络(artificial neural network,ANN)