The riding pawl is ______.A.a safety interlock in a cargo winch that prevents the runner from overspeedingB.a stopper that prevents the anchor cable from running free if the cable jumps the wildcatC.the device that locks the deck lashings of the Peck and Hale systemD.the lug that rides on the eccentric rib and engages the locking ring on the windlass

The riding pawl is ______.

A.a safety interlock in a cargo winch that prevents the runner from overspeeding

B.a stopper that prevents the anchor cable from running free if the cable jumps the wildcat

C.the device that locks the deck lashings of the Peck and Hale system

D.the lug that rides on the eccentric rib and engages the locking ring on the windlass


An electrical device which prevents an action from occurring until all other required conditions are met is called a/an _____.A.limitB.monitorC.modulatorD.interlock

The safety stopper that prevents the anchor cable from running free if the cable jumps the wildcat is the ______.A.riding pawlB.devil's clawC.buckler plateD.spill pipe

Which certificate is always issued by the China Classification Society? ______.A.Loadline certificateB.Safety equipment certificateC.Safety construction certificateD.Safety cargo gear certificate

______ is issued under the provision of International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,1973,as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto.A.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATEB.CARGO SHIP SAFETY CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATEC.CARGO SHIP SAFETY EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATED.CARGO SHIP SAFETY RADIOTELEPHONY CERTIFICATE

If an attempt is made to hoist a load that exceeds the capacity of an electric winch,an overload safety device causes a circuit breaker to cut off the current to the winch motor ______.A.when the line pull reaches the rated winch capacityB.after the line pull exceeds the rated winch capacityC.after a short build-up of torqueD.immediately

What is a wet cargo ________.A.A liquid cargo carried in the deep tanksB.A canned or bottled liquid such as beerC.A cargo that contains hygroscopic moistureD.A cargo particularly susceptible to damage by moisture

Which instrument is suitable for determining the presence of explosive concentrations of fuel oil vapors in tanks ________.A.A flame safety lampB.A combustible gas indicatorC.A liquid cargo meterD.All of the above

A whipping is ______.A.a messengerB.a stopper for nylon lineC.a U-bolt for securing a cargo whip to the winch drumD.turns of twine around a rope end

If an electric cargo winch is being used to lift a draft of cargo and the engine room loses all power,which will occur ________.A.A pawl,forced by a spring mechanism,will engage the teeth of the bull gear and hold the loadB.An electromagnetic brake will hold the load where it is suspendedC.The load will fall rapidly to the deck unless the foot brake is engagedD.The load will slowly lower to the deck under control of the drag of the winch motor

A ()can give power to hoist or lower the cargo.A、craneB、life winchC、derrickD、cargo winch

General cargo is loaded by()(克令吊).A、shipsB、derricksC、cranesD、winch

单选题If the winch should fail while you are hauling in the anchor,what prevents the anchor cable from running out?()AChain stopperBDevil's clawCHawse ratchetDRiding pawl

单选题带上吊索钩。()APut on the sling hooks.BPut up the sling hooks.CPut on the chain hooks.DPut on the cargo runner.

单选题In the cargo winch, spur reduction gearing transfers the motor drive to ().Athe toping lightBthe board brakeCthe fail-safeDthe barrel shaft

单选题The riding pawl is().Aa safety interlock in a cargo winch that prevents the runner from overspeedingBa stopper that prevents the anchor cable from running free if the cable jumps the wildcatCthe device that locks the deck lashings of the Peck and Hale systemDthe lug that rides on the eccentric rib and engages the locking ring on the windlass

单选题A ()can give power to hoist or lower the cargo.AcraneBlife winchCderrickDcargo winch

单选题Renew a cargo runner, please. ()AfallBstayCguyDsling

单选题If an attempt is made to hoist a load that exceeds the capacity of an electric winch,an overload safety device causes a circuit breaker to cut off the current to the winch motor().Awhen the line pull reaches the rated winch capacityBafter the line pull exceeds the rated winch capacityCafter a short build-up of torqueDimmediately

单选题Electric cargo winches have an overload safety device which normally cuts the current to the winch motor().Aafter torque causes line pull to exceed the rated capacity of the winchBbefore the line pull reaches the rated capacity of the winchCwhen the line pull reaches the breaking strength of the fallDbefore the safe working load of the fall is reached

单选题For a given weight of cargo,the stress on the heel block of a cargo boom().Aincreases as the cargo closes the head while hoistingBincreases if the cargo runner is doubled upCdecreases as the boom is topped to a greater angleDis determined by the thrust stresses on the boom

单选题当船舶停靠码头时,为了保证船货安全,有必要24小时值班。()AWhen a vessel is alongside the wharf, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour deck watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.BWhen a vessel is alongside the wharf, t’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.CWhen a vessel is alongside the port, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour deck watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.DWhen a vessel is alongside the port, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.

单选题A survey of refrigerated cargo,to certify that proper methods of stowage were utilized,can be conducted by the().AABSBOccupational Safety and Health AdministrationCMSADNational Cargo Bureau

单选题A ()is at the end of the cargo runner for picking up the load.AslingBhookCblockDtackle

单选题cargo runner()A起货绞车B吊货钢丝C锚链舱D锚机

单选题This cargo runner is too short. Please ()it for a long one.AchargeBchangeCdischargeDrepair

单选题The most important principle in the cargo stowage is().Ato avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on boardBto ensure the safety of the ship and cargoCto reject the damaged cargo during loading operationDto prevent the spontaneous combustion of the coal and grain

单选题If an electric cargo winch is being used to lift a draft of cargo and the engine room loses all power,which will occur?()AA pawl,forced by a spring mechanism,will engage the teeth of the bull gear and hold the loadBAn electromagnetic brake will hold the load where it is suspendedCThe load will fall rapidly to the deck unless the foot brake is engagedDThe load will slowly lower to the deck under control of the drag of the winch motor