An example of a modern anchor which has a stock is a(n)______.A.Articulated anchorB.Flipper Delta anchorC.Baldt anchorD.Danforth anchor

An example of a modern anchor which has a stock is a(n)______.

A.Articulated anchor

B.Flipper Delta anchor

C.Baldt anchor

D.Danforth anchor


(b) Explain the meaning of the term ‘Efficient Market Hypothesis’ and discuss the implications for a company ifthe stock market on which it is listed has been found to be semi-strong form. efficient. (9 marks)

ALIBABA SEEKS TO RAISE BILLIONS IN IPO Investors in the United States are preparing for the first public sale of stock in the Chinese company Alibaba. The company sells goods________ linking buyers and sellers in the huge Chinese online market. Alibaba is expected to ________ its initial public offering, called an IPO, in September on the New York Stock Exchange. The total value of the company, based in Hangzhou, has been estimated at about $200 billion. Reports from Bloomberg News say Alibaba is offering investors a 12 percent ________ of the company. That would mean the company could raise ________ $20 billion dollars in the public stock sale. After the IPO, Alibaba could become one of the most ________ technology companies in the world. Apple, for example, has a market value of about $600 billion. Google is valued at about $390 billion and Microsoft is worth about $370 billion.

On an anchor windlass,the wheel over which the anchor chain passes is called a______.A.brake compressor wheelB.devil's clawC.wildcatD.winch head

A balance sheet is simply the enumeration of the various assets of a business on one side of a ledger and the enumeration of various liabilities and (61) accounts on the other side. The two sides must be equal, or balance. Only one further point should be (62) : A balance sheet refers to a single point in time, for example, the close of business on December 31. Taken by itself, a balance sheet does not show (63) over time. It is what economists call a stock concept, not a (64) concept. That is, the balance sheet shows the stock of goods a firm has on hand at any particular instant and does not show the flow of goods through the firm over time. For this reason, a balance sheet does not show business (65) , which are a flow.(46)

Visual FoxPro有如下数据库表stock.dbf,是7月30日沪深股市的收盘情况,请根据此表,完成下题:将stock表中增加一个新字段“交易量”,字段类型是数值型,宽度为8,应使用SQL语句( )。A. ALTER stock ALTER交易量N(8)B. ALTER TABLE stock交易量N(8)C. ALTER TABLE stock ADD交易量N(8)D. ALTER TABLE stock交易量WTIH N(8)

if the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and clear of the bottom, what do you report?

Why should you soak an anchor ________.A.It can prevent the anchor from slipping during pretensioningB.It will lubricate all the moving parts of a stock anchorC.It will increase the maximum breaking strength of the anchor chainD.It will make it easier to disassemble the anchor for repair

If you shorten the scope of anchor cable, your anchor’s holding power ______.A.decreasesB.increasesC.remains the sameD.has no relation to the scope

The ship has to () out of harbour.A、beB、getC、let go anchorD、anchor

A customer has a Stock Watch application that publishes stock recommendations to different customers and programs. The stock recommendation message should be processed by only one of the JMS Servers in the cluster. Which JMS model should be used?()A、JMS QueueB、Distributed JMS QueueC、Uniform Distributed TopicD、Partitioned Distributed Topic

单选题Which of the following statements presents the strongest conclusionthat one could draw based on the information given in the passage?AThe collapse of the Internet stock “bubble” drove thousands of investors into bankruptcy.BPeople involved with the Internet do not all agree on which party bears the most responsibility forthe collapse of the Internet stock “bubble.”COf all parties involved with the Internet, financial professionals such as investment bankers and fund managers derived the most profts from the stock “bubble.”DThe Internet stock “bubble” could not have occurred if entrepreneurs had been honest about the true financial prospects of their companies.EThe average investor has no one to blame but himself or herself if he or she invested in an Internet stock without adequately understanding the true financial prospects of the companies in question.

单选题An example of an anchor which has a stock is a().ABruce anchorBDunn anchorCHook anchorDLWT anchor

单选题ANCHOR HAS ITS OWN CABLE TWISTED AROUND IT defines().Afoul of anchorBdropping anchorCweighing anchorDwalking back anchor

单选题A vessel has been damaged by fire. The survey shows the cost of repairs will exceed the value of the repaired vessel. This is an example of a(n)().Aconstructive total lossBsalvage lossCactual lossDpreferred loss

单选题A J-chaser is used to().Atransfer a pennant wire to the anchor handling vesselBclean chain as it is hauled into the rigClower spring buoys into the waterDretrieve an anchor after the buoy has been lost

单选题The sentence “But this has rarely been a one-way street.” in the last paragraph means that _____.Acontemporary art has been nourished by modern scienceBmodern science has been nourished by artCartists can become scientists and scientists can become artistsDthe impacts of modern art and science are actually mutual

单选题An example of a product which might well has been advertised during the early stages of the Industrial Revolution is _____.Aa cooking utensilBnew child’s toyCtinned fruitDhousehold soap

单选题Which of the following measures has iMOVE taken to guarantee its high standards?AOffering different language courses.BProviding modern training facilities.CStarting training courses overseas.DDeveloping quality standards.

单选题On an anchor windlass,the wheel over which the anchor chain passes is called a().Abrake compressor wheelBdevil's clawCwildcatDwinchhead

单选题An example of a modern anchor which has a stock is a(n)().Aarticulated anchorBFlipper Delta anchorCBaldt anchorDDanforth anchor

单选题At the beginning of the day, the prices of stocks X and Y are the same. At the end of the day, the price of stock X has increased by 1/20 of its original price and the price of stock Y has decreased by 1/20 of its original price. The new price of stock X is what fraction of the new price of stock Y?A2/20B19/21C21/19D18/20E20/18

单选题The existing terrestrial radio system has a number of basic flaws which().Acan be overcome by using traditional techniquesBcannot be overcome by satellite systemCcan be overcome by satellite and digital techniquesDcannot be tackled by any modern system

单选题Mooring with two bow anchors has which major advantage over anchoring with one bow anchor? ().AThe vessel will not reverse direction in a tidal currentBThe radius of the vessel's swing will be shortenedCA mooring approach may be made from any directionDThe vessel will not swing with a change in wind

单选题The Waste Land is a poem concerned with the spiritual breakup of _____ in which human life has lost its meaning, significance and purpose.AtraditionBcapitalismCa primitive societyDa modern civilization

单选题Which of the following is NOT cited as an example of the resurgence of Welsh national identity?AWelsh has witnessed a revival as a national language.BPoverty-relief funds have come from the European Union.CA Welsh national airline is currently in operation.DThe national symbol has become a familiar sight.

单选题A wildcat is a().Adeeply-grooved drum on the windlass with sprockets which engage the links of the anchor chainBwinch that is running out of control due to a failure of the overspeed tripsCline that has jumped off the gypsyhead while under strainDnylon line that parts under strain and whips back in a hazardous manner

单选题This vast stock of computerized images has()the possibilities open to the artistAspeculatedBsponsoredCgeneratedDmultiplied