A heated bulkhead has the effect on a hygroscopic commodity of ______.A.causing moisture to accumulate against the bulkheadB.lowering the vapor pressure of the commodityC.lowering the dew point of the airD.raising the vapor pressure of the commodity

A heated bulkhead has the effect on a hygroscopic commodity of ______.

A.causing moisture to accumulate against the bulkhead

B.lowering the vapor pressure of the commodity

C.lowering the dew point of the air

D.raising the vapor pressure of the commodity


酸性清洗剂与______和______发生强烈的化学作用,使之被溶解或脱落。 A.水垢/积炭B.积炭/油垢C.水垢/铁锈D.漆皮/铁锈

MARPOL73/78公约附则Ⅰ防止油类污染规则由()组成,其中1991年修正案船上油污应急计划是()条。 A、四章27条/27B、五章20条/20C、五章27条/26D、四章26条/26


Which of the following is (are) correct regarding the sharing of the salvage award? ______. ① The proportionate division of the award depends in great measure on the circumstances. ② The award to the crew is usually divided according to the rank of the crew. ③ The master and senior officers usually receive a larger percentage than the seamen,unless one or more of the seamen renders extraordinary service.A.① and ③ onlyB.② and ③ onlyC.① and ② onlyD.① ②,and ③


抛锚时锚机的操作程序是:(1)通知机舱供电; (2)解开锚机罩, 察看有无异常情况; (3)将刹车带刹牢, 脱开离合器,检查空车运转情况是否正常; (4)等待口令,将锚送出。A.(1)(2)(3)(4)对B.(1)(2)(3)对C.(2)(3)(4)对D.(1)(3)(4)对


