is a contiguous, numbered set of variables of a given base type, which can be used and passed to functions as a unit.A.RecordB.ArrayC.ParameterD.File

is a contiguous, numbered set of variables of a given base type, which can be used and passed to functions as a unit.






● (74) is a contiguous,numbered set of variables of a given base type,which can be used and passed to functions as a unit.(74) A.RecordB.ArrayC.ParameterD.File

The “rudder adjustment” control on an autopilot steering stand is used to ______.A.align the rudder angle indicator with the true rudder angleB.set the number of degrees of rudder per degree of course errorC.set the departure from base course before actuating the rudderD.set the rate at which the rudder responds

Which two statements are true about the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR)?() (Choose two.) A. The ADR base keeps all diagnostic information in binary formatB. SQL*Plus provides the ADRI script, which can be used to work with ADRC. The ADR can be used for problem diagnosis only when the database is openD. The ADR can be disabled by settting the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter to nullE. The ADR can be used for problem diagnosis even when the database instance is downF. The ADR base is shared across multiple instances

Given:Which statement is true about the class of an object that can reference the variable base? () A.It can be any class.B.No class has access to base.C.The class must belong to the geometry package.D.The class must be a subclass of the class Hypotenuse.

Array is a contiguous,numbered set of variables of a given base type,which can be used and passed to functions as a(67).A.recordB.unitC.fileD.parameter

______ is a contiguous, numbered set of variables of a given base type, which can be used and passed to functions as a unit.A.RecordB.ArrayC.FileD.Parameter

Which two LSA types can be used to aggregate inter-area routes?() A. Type 2B. Type 3C. Type 4D. Type 5E. Type 9

Which operational mode command can be used to synchronize the local system time with an NTP server?() A. set ntp time set clock ntp set time set date ntp

Which operational mode command can be used to synchronize the local system with an NTP server?() A. set ntp time set clock ntp set time set date ntp

What type of constraint can be used to ensure that, in any given row in a table, the value of one column never exceeds the value of another column?() A.CheckB.RangeC.ReferentialD.Informational

Which two statements are true about the hashCode method?()A、 The hashCode method for a given class can be used to test for object equality and object inequality for that class.B、 The hashCode method is used by the java.util.SortedSet collection class to order theelements within that set.C、 The hashCode method for a given class can be used to test for object inequality, but NOT object equality, for that class.D、 The only important characteristic of the values returned by a hashCode method is that the distribution of values must follow a Gaussian distribution.E、 The hashCode method is used by the java.util.HashSet collection class to group the elements within that set into hash buckets for swift retrieval.

Which two LSA types can be used to aggregate inter-area routes?()A、Type 2B、Type 3C、Type 4D、Type 5E、Type 9

There are 3 steps to confirm whether a range of IP address can be summarized. When of thefollowing is used in each of these 3 steps?()A、 The first number in the contiguous block of addressesB、 The last number in the contiguous block of addressesC、 The size of the contiguous block of addressesD、 The subnet mask of the original network address

A user would like their shell prompt to reflect the current directory. Which of the following environment variables can be set to accomplish this?()A、PS1B、PATHC、PROMPTD、LOCPATH

Which operational mode command can be used to synchronize the local system with an NTP server?()A、set ntp time、set clock ntp、set time、set date ntp

Which two statements are true about the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR)?() A、 The ADR base keeps all diagnostic information in binary formatB、 SQL*Plus provides the ADRI script, which can be used to work with ADRC、 The ADR can be used for problem diagnosis only when the database is openD、 The ADR can be disabled by settting the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter to nullE、 The ADR can be used for problem diagnosis even when the database instance is downF、 The ADR base is shared across multiple instances



Consider the Mysql Enterprise Audit plugin. Which statement is true when you identify a connection event that has used external authentication?()A、The attribute "STATUS" is set to the string EXTERNAL_AUTHB、The attribute "PRIV_USER" contains the usernameC、The event type that is given in the attribute "NAME" is EXTERNAL_AUTHD、There is no differentiation between native and external authentication eventsE、External authentication is managed through external auditing logsF、The "PROXY_PRIV" user shows a username if external authentication is used

Which of the following RMAN structures can data from a datafile span?()A、 RMAN backup-set pieces spanning backup setsB、 RMAN backup-set pieces within a given backup setC、 RMAN backupsD、 RMAN channelsE、 None of the above


多选题Which two are true about has-a and is-a relationships?()AInheritance represents an is-a relationship.BInheritance represents a has-a relationship.CInterfaces must be used when creating a has-a relationship.DInstance variables can be used when creating a has-a relationship.

多选题Which three contexts can be used as matching conditions in a source NAT configuration? ()(Choose three.)Arouting-instanceBzoneCinterfaceDpolicyErule-set

单选题There are 3 steps to confirm whether a range of IP address can be summarized. When of thefollowing is used in each of these 3 steps?()A The first number in the contiguous block of addressesB The last number in the contiguous block of addressesC The size of the contiguous block of addressesD The subnet mask of the original network address

单选题What type of constraint can be used to ensure that, in any given row in a table, the value of one column never exceeds the value of another column?()ACheckBRangeCReferentialDInformational

多选题Which two statements are true about the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR)?()AThe ADR base keeps all diagnostic information in binary formatBSQL*Plus provides the ADRI script, which can be used to work with ADRCThe ADR can be used for problem diagnosis only when the database is openDThe ADR can be disabled by settting the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter to nullEThe ADR can be used for problem diagnosis even when the database instance is downFThe ADR base is shared across multiple instances

多选题Which two statements are true about the hashCode method?()AThe hashCode method for a given class can be used to test for object equality and object inequality for that class.BThe hashCode method is used by the java.util.SortedSet collection class to order theelements within that set.CThe hashCode method for a given class can be used to test for object inequality, but NOT object equality, for that class.DThe only important characteristic of the values returned by a hashCode method is that the distribution of values must follow a Gaussian distribution.EThe hashCode method is used by the java.util.HashSet collection class to group the elements within that set into hash buckets for swift retrieval.

多选题A JSP page needs to set the property of a given JavaBean to a value that is calculated with the JSP page. Which three jsp:setProperty attributes must be used to perform this initialization?()AIdBValCNameDParamEValueFProperty