There are 3 steps to confirm whether a range of IP address can be summarized. When of thefollowing is used in each of these 3 steps?()A、 The first number in the contiguous block of addressesB、 The last number in the contiguous block of addressesC、 The size of the contiguous block of addressesD、 The subnet mask of the original network address
There are 3 steps to confirm whether a range of IP address can be summarized. When of thefollowing is used in each of these 3 steps?()
- A、 The first number in the contiguous block of addresses
- B、 The last number in the contiguous block of addresses
- C、 The size of the contiguous block of addresses
- D、 The subnet mask of the original network address
关于胸导联ST段改变描述正确的是 ()A.V1、V2导联ST抬高 关于胸导联ST段改变描述正确的是 ()A.V1、V2导联ST抬高B.V3导联ST抬高C.任何导联ST压低D.V4~V6导联ST抬高E.≥70%
设有以下程序: struct st{int n;struct st *next;}; static struct st a[3]={5,a[1],7,struct st *next;}; static struct st a[3]={5,a[1],7,a[2],9,'\0'},*p; p=a [0]; 下面选项中,表达式值为6的是______。A.p++->nB.p->n++C.(*p).n++D.++p->n
若有以下定义和语句 struct a{ int n,m;}; struct a st[3]={{2,3},{4,5},{6,7}}; struct a*p=st;则以下错误的引用是A.(p++)-n;[0].n; C.(*p).n; D.P=st.m,
配置如下:[H3C] wlanradio-policy1[H3C-wlan-rp-1] clientmax-count20[H3C] wlanservice-template1clear[H3C-wlan-st-1] ssidvip[H3C-wlan-st-1] bindWLAN-ESS1[H3C-wlan-st-1] clientmax-count10[H3C-wlan-st-1] service-templateenable[H3C] wlanservice-template2clear[H3C-wlan-st-2] ssidH3C[H3C-wlan-st-2] bindWLAN-ESS2[H3C-wlan-st-2] clientmax-count15[H3C-wlan-st-2] service-templateenable[H3C] wlanapap1[H3C-wlan-ap-ap1] radio1[H3C-wlan-ap-ap1-radio-1] radio-policy1[H3C-wlan-ap-ap1-radio-1] service-template1[H3C-wlan-ap-ap1-radio-1] service-template2[H3C-wlan-ap-ap1-radio-1] radioenable假设此时ap1radio1的SSID“H3C”上已经连接13个无线客户端,则根据以上配置判断,ap1 radio1的SSID“vip”最多还可以连接()个无线客户端。A、10B、7C、15D、20
配伍题45.急性前间壁心肌梗死( )|46.急性局限前壁心肌梗死( )AⅡ、Ⅲ、aVF病理性Q波及ST段上抬BV2~V3病理性Q波及ST段上抬CV3~V5病理性Q波及ST段上抬DV~V5病理性Q波及ST段上抬EI、aVL、V5病理性Q波及ST段上抬
单选题急性高侧壁心肌梗死时,下列定位诊断哪项正确?( )AⅡ、Ⅲ、aVF病理性Q波及ST段上移BⅠ、aVL病理性Q波及ST段上移CV1~V5病理性Q波及ST段上移DV1~V3病理性Q波及ST段上移EV3~V5病理性Q波及ST段上移