Since tablet computers and smart phones have( )interface, many people believe that all home and business computers will eventually have this kind of interface too.A.CRTB.LEDC.Touch-screenD.Large screen

Since tablet computers and smart phones have( )interface, many people believe that all home and business computers will eventually have this kind of interface too.

A.CRTB.LEDC.Touch-screenD.Large screen


Mr. Huntington's study showed that ______.A. the climate of the place where one lives may have an effect on his intelligenceB. all people turn out to be less intelligent in summer due to the hith temperatureC. people are less smart in summer due to the lack of factors existing in springD. people live in tropic are less intelligent than people live in cooler area

29. What changes have happened to some families?①There are lights at home.②People like to eat home-cooked food.③Lots of families have computers.④Lots of couples live apart because of unhappy problems.A.①②④B.②③④C.①②③D.①③④

We can conclude that accidents involving cars ______.A. happened most often in New York CityB. do not happen as often as they did in the early days of the autoC. have killed many more people since Mr Bliss was killedD. were always the driver's fault

This is not the world we know. This world is controlled by computers. Men and women can be seen, but they are following the orders given to them by machines. The machines were designed by mad scientists, but at some point even the mad scientists were taken over by their super-inventions.Does this sound familiar? You have probably read something like it in magazines or books, or seen it in a film. Why is it so popular? One of the reasons is that it reflects the fears of many people; fear of the unknown fear of what is not understood or, at least, fear of something that is not completely understood.The fact is that every day it seems that computers take control of another area of our lives. Somefactory jobs are now done by robots and the robots are controlled by computers. Our bank accounts are managed by computers. At the airport, our tickets are sold by a computer. Certainly, many of these operations are made moreefficient by computers, but our admiration is sometimes mixed with unsafe feelings. And this lack of safety is caused by the fact that we do not know how computers do these things, and we really don't know what they might do next. But we can find out how computers work, and once we understand them, we can use computers instead of worrying about being used by them. Today, there is a new generation of computer wizards who know exactly how computers get things done. These young men and women, usually university students, are happy to sit for hours, sometimes for days, designing programs, not eating, not sleeping, but discovering what can be done by these wonderful slaves which they have learned to control. These computer wizards have learned to use the computer and search for new tasks for their machines.(1)、According to the passage, our present world is under the control of ______ .A:mad scientistsB:men and womenC:the unknown fearD:some super-inventions(2)、The reason why many people are afraid of computers is that ______ .A:they don't know anything about computersB:they haven't really understood computersC:there are so many computer gamesD:computers are often down(3)、The author mentions computer wizards in order to point out that ______ .A:computers can be controlled by manB:there should be more people devoted to computersC:only young people are interested in computersD:more time and energy is required to control computers(4)、This passage is probably written to suggest that ______ .A:some day computers can deal with all human problemsB:computers can be used in place of traveling to our jobsC:people should not fear computersD:computer technology will not meet people's needs in various situations(5)、The author's attitude towards widely used computers is __.A:positiveB:anxiousC:worriedD:serious

Many people driving around the suburbs in their giant SUVs while taking on their new cell phones are, in fact, deeply ____. A、in despairB、in orderC、in debt

Have you ever stopped to think why many people are complaining about all the pressure in life? (翻译)

Since tablets and smartphones have( )interface, many people believe that all home and business computers will eventually have this kind of interface too.A.CRT B.LED C.touch-screen D.large screen

共用题干Prolonging Human LifeProlonging human life has increased the size of the human population. Many people alivetoday would have died of childhood diseases if they had been born 100 years ago.Becausemore people live longer,there are more people around at any given time. In fact,it is a decrease in death rates,not an increase in birthrates,that has led to the population explosion.Prolonging human life has also increased the dependency load. In all societies,people who are disabled or too young or too old to work are dependent on the rest of society to provide for them. In hunting and gathering cultures,old people who could not keep up might be left behind to die. In times of famine,infants might be allowed to die because they could not survive if their parents starved,whereas if the parents survived they could have another child. In most contemporary societies,people feel a moral obligation to keep people alive whether they can work or not. We have a great many people today who live past the age at which they want to work or are able to work;we also have rules which require people to retire at a certain age. Unless these people were able to save money for their retirement,some-body else must support them. In the United States many retired people live on social security checks which are so little that they must live in near poverty. Older people have more illness than young or middle-aged people;unless they have wealth or private or government insur-ance,they must often“go on welfare” if they have a serious illness.When older people become senile or too weak and ill to care for themselves,they create grave problems for their families. In the past and in some traditional cultures,they would be cared for at home until they died. Today,with most members of a household working or in school,there is often no one at home who can care for a sick or weak person. To meet this need,a great many nursing homes and convalescent hospitals have been built.These are of-ten profit-making organizations,although some are sponsored by religious and other nonprofit groups.While a few of these institutions are good,most of them are simply“dumping grounds”for the dying in which“care”is given by poorly paid,overworked,and under-skilled personnel.According to the passage,which of the following statements about retired people in the United States is true?A: Many of them have a very hard life.B: They cannot live a decent life without enough bank savings.C: They rely mainly on their children for financial support.D: Most of them live with their children and therefore are well looked after.

共用题干Prolonging Human LifeProlonging human life has increased the size of the human population.Many people alive to-day would have died of childhood diseases if they had been born 100 years ago.Because more people live longer,there are more people around at any given time.In fact,it is a decrease in death rates,not an increase in birthrates,that has led to the population explosion.Prolonging human life has also increased the dependency load.In all societies,people who are disabled or too young or too old to work are dependent on the rest of society to provide for them.In hunting and gathering cultures,old people who could not keep up might be left behind to die .In times of famine,infants might be allowed to die because they could not survive if their parents starved,whereas if the parents survived they could have another child.In most contempo- rary societies,people feel a moral obligation to keep people alive whether they can work or not. We have a great many people today who live past the age at which they want to work or are able to work;we also have rules which require people to retire at a certain age.Unless these people were able to save money for their retirement,somebody else must support them .In the United States many retired people live on social security checks which are so little that they must live in nearpoverty .Older people have more illness than young or middle-aged people;unless they have wealth or private or government insurance,they must often"go on welfare"if they have a serious illness.When older people become senile or too weak and ill to care for themselves,they create grave problems for their families.In the past and in some traditional cultures,they would be cared for at home until they died.Today,with most members of a household working or in school,there is often no one at home who can care for a sick or weak person.To meet this need, a great many nursing homes and convalescent hospitals have been built.These are often profit-making organizations,although some are sponsored by religious and other nonprofit groups.While a few of these institutions are good,most of them are simply"dumping grounds"for the dying in which"care"is given by poorly paid,overworked,and under-skilled personnel. The writer believes that the population explosion results from______.A: an increase in birthratesB: the industrial developmentC: a decrease in death ratesD: cultural advances

Since tablet computers and smart phones have(71)interface, many people believe that all home and business computers will eventually have this kind of interface too.A.CRTB.LEDC.Touch-screenD. Large screen

Since tablets and smartphones have()interface, many people believe that all home and business computers will eventually have this kind of interface too.A.CRTB.LED]C.touch-screenD.large screen

Since tablets and smartphones have( )interface,many people believe that all home and business computers will eventually have this kind of interface too.A.CRTB.LEDC.touch-screenD.large screen

Text 1 A new study suggests that contrary to most surveys,people are actually more stressed at home than at work.Researchers measured people’s cortisol,which is a stress marker,while they were at work and while they were at home and found it higher at what is supposed to be a place of refuge.“Further contradicting conventional wisdom,we found that women as well as men have lower levels of stress at work than at home”,writes one of the researchers,Sarah Damske.In fact women even say they feel better at work,she notes.“It is men,not women,who report being happier at home than at work.”Another surprise is that findings hold true for both those with children and without,but more so for nonparents.This is why people who work outside the home have better health.What the study doesn’t measure is whether people are still doing work when they’re at home,whether it is household work or work brought home from the office.For many men,the end of the workday is a time to kick back.For women who stay home,they never get to leave the office.And for women who work outside the home,they often are playing catch-up-with-household tasks.With the blurring of roles,and the fact that the home front lags well behind the workplace in making adjustments for working women,it’s not surprising that women are more stressed at home.But it’s not just a gender thing.At work,people pretty much know what they’re supposed to be doing:working,making money,doing the tasks they have to do in order to draw an income.The bargain is very pure:Employee puts in hours of physical or mental labor and employee draws out life-sustaining moola.On the home front,however,people have no such clarity.Rare is the household in which the division of labor is so clinically and methodically laid out.There are a lot of tasks to be done,there are inadequate rewards for most of them.Your home colleagues—your family—have no clear rewards for their labor;they need to be talked into it,or if they’re teenagers,threatened with complete removal of all electronic devices.Plus,they’re your family.You cannot fire your family.You never really get to go home from home.So it’s not surprising that people are more stressed at home.Not only are the tasks apparently infinite,the co-workers are much harder to motivate.The home front differs from the workplace in that_____A.home is hardly a cozier working environmentB.division of labor at home is seldom clearcutC.household tasks are generally more labor is often adequately rewarded

共用题干Cell PhonesI Believe it or not,cell phones have been around for over a quarter of a century.The first commercial cell phone systemfl was developed by the Japancoc in I 979.But cell phones have changed a lotsince that time.The early cell phones were big and heavy but they have developed into small and light palm-sized mod- els.There have been huge (lcveloprnents in their functions,too;we have had call forwarding,text messaging, answering services and hands-free use for years,but now there are countless new facilities,su,ch as instant ac- cess to the Internet and receiving and sending photos.2 Cell phones have become very common in our lives;recent statistics suggest as many as one in three people cii the planet now have a cell phone,and most of them say they couldn't live without one.Cell phones are used in every area of our lives and have become a necessary tool,used for essential arrangements,socialcontact and business.They have made it easier to call for help on the highway.They have made it possible tokeep in touch with people"on the move”一when people are traveling.3 Cell phones have made communication easier and have reduced the need for family arguments.Wecan use cell phones to let our family know we'11 be late or if there’。a sudden change of tian or an emergen- cy.Cell phones have eased the worries of millions of parents when their teenagers are out late,they can nowcontact their children at any time.4 This does not mean that cell phones are all good news.They have brought with them a number of new headaches for their owners;it costs a lot to replace stolen phones,something that is becoming a frequent occurrence,and have you ever seen such huge phone bills? More serious,however,is the potential healthproblem they bring:there are fears that radiation from the phones may cause brain tumor(肿瘤).This may be a time bomb waiting to happen to younger people who have grown up with cell phones that they simply can'tlive without!Paragraph 3________A:Cell Phones and the FamilyB:Commercial Cell Phone SystemsC:Cell Phones in Everyday LifeD:Cell Phones for TeenagersE:History of Cell PhonesF:Problems with Cell Phones

共用题干Cell PhonesI Believe it or not,cell phones have been around for over a quarter of a century.The first commercial cell phone systemfl was developed by the Japancoc in I 979.But cell phones have changed a lotsince that time.The early cell phones were big and heavy but they have developed into small and light palm-sized mod- els.There have been huge (lcveloprnents in their functions,too;we have had call forwarding,text messaging, answering services and hands-free use for years,but now there are countless new facilities,su,ch as instant ac- cess to the Internet and receiving and sending photos.2 Cell phones have become very common in our lives;recent statistics suggest as many as one in three people cii the planet now have a cell phone,and most of them say they couldn't live without one.Cell phones are used in every area of our lives and have become a necessary tool,used for essential arrangements,socialcontact and business.They have made it easier to call for help on the highway.They have made it possible tokeep in touch with people"on the move”一when people are traveling.3 Cell phones have made communication easier and have reduced the need for family arguments.Wecan use cell phones to let our family know we'11 be late or if there’。a sudden change of tian or an emergen- cy.Cell phones have eased the worries of millions of parents when their teenagers are out late,they can nowcontact their children at any time.4 This does not mean that cell phones are all good news.They have brought with them a number of new headaches for their owners;it costs a lot to replace stolen phones,something that is becoming a frequent occurrence,and have you ever seen such huge phone bills? More serious,however,is the potential healthproblem they bring:there are fears that radiation from the phones may cause brain tumor(肿瘤).This may be a time bomb waiting to happen to younger people who have grown up with cell phones that they simply can'tlive without!Cell phones are common in our lives and have become_________.A:a necessityB:an emergencyC:a number of new hcadachesD:family argumentsF:big and light palm-sized models F:countless new facilities

共用题干Cell PhonesI Believe it or not,cell phones have been around for over a quarter of a century.The first commercial cell phone systemfl was developed by the Japancoc in I 979.But cell phones have changed a lotsince that time.The early cell phones were big and heavy but they have developed into small and light palm-sized mod- els.There have been huge (lcveloprnents in their functions,too;we have had call forwarding,text messaging, answering services and hands-free use for years,but now there are countless new facilities,su,ch as instant ac- cess to the Internet and receiving and sending photos.2 Cell phones have become very common in our lives;recent statistics suggest as many as one in three people cii the planet now have a cell phone,and most of them say they couldn't live without one.Cell phones are used in every area of our lives and have become a necessary tool,used for essential arrangements,socialcontact and business.They have made it easier to call for help on the highway.They have made it possible tokeep in touch with people"on the move”一when people are traveling.3 Cell phones have made communication easier and have reduced the need for family arguments.Wecan use cell phones to let our family know we'11 be late or if there’。a sudden change of tian or an emergen- cy.Cell phones have eased the worries of millions of parents when their teenagers are out late,they can nowcontact their children at any time.4 This does not mean that cell phones are all good news.They have brought with them a number of new headaches for their owners;it costs a lot to replace stolen phones,something that is becoming a frequent occurrence,and have you ever seen such huge phone bills? More serious,however,is the potential healthproblem they bring:there are fears that radiation from the phones may cause brain tumor(肿瘤).This may be a time bomb waiting to happen to younger people who have grown up with cell phones that they simply can'tlive without!Nowadays cell phones are equipped with_______.A:a necessityB:an emergencyC:a number of new hcadachesD:family argumentsF:big and light palm-sized models F:countless new facilities

共用题干Cell PhonesI Believe it or not,cell phones have been around for over a quarter of a century.The first commercial cell phone systemfl was developed by the Japancoc in I 979.But cell phones have changed a lotsince that time.The early cell phones were big and heavy but they have developed into small and light palm-sized mod- els.There have been huge (lcveloprnents in their functions,too;we have had call forwarding,text messaging, answering services and hands-free use for years,but now there are countless new facilities,su,ch as instant ac- cess to the Internet and receiving and sending photos.2 Cell phones have become very common in our lives;recent statistics suggest as many as one in three people cii the planet now have a cell phone,and most of them say they couldn't live without one.Cell phones are used in every area of our lives and have become a necessary tool,used for essential arrangements,socialcontact and business.They have made it easier to call for help on the highway.They have made it possible tokeep in touch with people"on the move”一when people are traveling.3 Cell phones have made communication easier and have reduced the need for family arguments.Wecan use cell phones to let our family know we'11 be late or if there’。a sudden change of tian or an emergen- cy.Cell phones have eased the worries of millions of parents when their teenagers are out late,they can nowcontact their children at any time.4 This does not mean that cell phones are all good news.They have brought with them a number of new headaches for their owners;it costs a lot to replace stolen phones,something that is becoming a frequent occurrence,and have you ever seen such huge phone bills? More serious,however,is the potential healthproblem they bring:there are fears that radiation from the phones may cause brain tumor(肿瘤).This may be a time bomb waiting to happen to younger people who have grown up with cell phones that they simply can'tlive without!In spite of many benefits,cell phones have brought for their owners_________.A:a necessityB:an emergencyC:a number of new hcadachesD:family argumentsF:big and light palm-sized models F:countless new facilities

You are designing a remote administration solution that meets business requirements. You need to specify client or server software that will be required. What should you do?()A、Ensure that all client computers have a graphical Telnet client installedB、Ensure that all client computers have the Remote Desktop Connection client software installedC、Ensure that all server computers have RCONSOLE installed and that it is configured to start automaticallyD、Ensure that all server computers have Remote Administration (HTML) installed

You are designing an authentication strategy for the accounting department. Your solution must meet business requirements. What should you do?()A、Install wireless network cards on all accounting department computers. Select PEAP authenticationB、Install user certificates on all accounting department computers. Configure these computers to respond to requests for IPSec encryptionC、Issue smart cards and smart card readers to all accounting department users and computers. Require NTLMv2 authenticationD、Issue smart cards and smart card readers to all accounting department users and computers. Configure the domain to require smart cards for the accounting department users during logon

单选题Why will many people start to hate Big Data according to the last paragraph?ABecause people will have no privacy and can' t tell any lies at all.BBecause they facilitate performance and productivity assessment.CBecause they give people no choice but to comply with computers.DBecause people have found it really hard to finish doing everything.

单选题The legal actions have ______.Acreated more downloaders of music from home computers.Bchanged people’s attitude toward intellectual property rights.Cbeen effective in curbing legal downloading and trading of music.Dhas no effect whatsoever.

问答题Practice 7  Some people would say that the Englishman's home is no longer his castle; that it has become his workshop. This is partly because the average English is keen on working with his own hands and partly because he feels, for one reason or another, that he must do for himself many household jobs for which, some years ago, he would have hired professional help. The main reason for this is a financial one.. the high cost of labor has meant that the builders and decorators' costs have reached a level which makes them prohibitive for house-proud English people of modest means. So, if they wish to keep their houses looking bright and smart, they have to tackle some of the repairs and decorating themselves. As a result, there has grown up in the post-war years what is sometimes referred to as the “Do-it-yourself Movement”.  The “Do-it-yourself Movement” began with home decorating but has since spread into a much wider field. Nowadays there seem to be very few things that cannot be made by the “do-it- yourself” method.

单选题Since many insects have already become()to DDT, scientists have to look for some new insecticideAactiveBresistantCtoughDgradual

单选题According to the passage, what problem does Sao Paulo have?AA lot of people don’t have jobs.BToo many people live in the city centre.CA lot of people are moving out of the city.DToo many people travel into the city every day.

单选题You need to design an authentication strategy for users of portable computers. Your solution must meet business requirements. What should you do?()AIssue smart cards and smart card readers to all portable computer users. Configure the domain to require smart cards for login and to log off users who remote their smart cardsBConfigure the portable computers to connect to only wireless networks that use Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). Install digital certificates on all portable computersCInstall computer certificates on all portable computers. Configure all portable computers to respond to requests for IPSec encryptionDInstall biometric authentication devices on all portable computers. Configure the Default Domain Policy GPO to require complex passwords for all users

单选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain named All servers on the network run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). All client computers on the network run Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (SP3). All computers run a custom application named App1. App1 requires domain authentication. App1 does not support smart card authentication. Your company implements a new security policy that states that all users must log on to their computers by using a smart card. You need to ensure that all users can use App1 whilemeeting the new security policy.  What should you do?()AConfigure the Smart Card service to start automatically on all computers by using a Group Policy object (GPO).BFrom the properties of all user accounts, enable the Store password using reversible encryption setting.CFrom the properties of all user accounts, enable the Require smart cards for interactive logon setting.DEnable the Require smart cards for interactive logon policy setting on all computers by using a Group Policy object (GPO).

单选题You are the administrator of your company’s network. You install Windows 2000 Professional on 10 computers in the graphics department. The 10 computers have built in USB controllers. You physically install a USB tablet pointing device on each computer. You install the 32-bit manufacturer tablets software on each computer. A tablet icon appears in the central panel to configure the device but the device does not work. You want the USB tablets to work on 10 computers. What should you do?()AEnable the USB ports in the BIOS and reinstall the USB tablet device drivers.BEnable the USB root hub controller and reinstall the USB tablet device drivers.CDisable the USB error detection for the USB root hub controller and enable the USB tablet device in the hardware profile.DReinstall the USB device drivers and disable the USB error detection.