单选题Why will many people start to hate Big Data according to the last paragraph?ABecause people will have no privacy and can' t tell any lies at all.BBecause they facilitate performance and productivity assessment.CBecause they give people no choice but to comply with computers.DBecause people have found it really hard to finish doing everything.
Why will many people start to hate Big Data according to the last paragraph?
Because people will have no privacy and can' t tell any lies at all.
Because they facilitate performance and productivity assessment.
Because they give people no choice but to comply with computers.
Because people have found it really hard to finish doing everything.
About 300 years ago, many people __________.A. wanted to leave LondonB. had big houses in LondonC. became policemenD. came to live in London
The reason why so many people sit before the television tonight is that there will be a () show. A.livingB.liveC.aliveD.lived
He doesn’t understand __________ so early in the morning.(A) why to start(B) why start(C) why to starting(D) why they should be start
Why are researches on parrots important according to the passage?A. The Trust shows great concern for the programme.B. We need to know more about how to preserve parrots.C. Many people are interested in collecting parrots.D. Parrots’ intelligence may some day benefit people.
Why is it a problem if all the smaller fish species die?A. It's not healthy for the environment.B. People only like to catch big fish.C. There are too many small fish.D. The smaller fish can get lost in the lake.
The thought of dying slowly and painfully ( )me. I really can t understand why so many people are opposed to euthanasia (安乐死).A、terrifiesB、cursesC、puzzlesD、injures
There are so many people in the hall _______ it's hard for me to find her. A.becauseB.thatC.forD.why
Have you ever stopped to think why many people are complaining about all the pressure in life? (翻译)
Many people live in large families. In a big family, all the people share one _______. A. roomB. householdC. Family
The patterns of () show the next probable behavior. of a person or market without a logical explanation as to why . A.Internet of ThingsB.Cloud ComputingC.Artificial IntelligenceD.Big Data
Passage 1Self-driving vehicles threaten to send truck drivers to the unemployment office. Computerprograms can now write journalistic accounts of sporting events and stock price movements. Thereare even computers that can grade essay exams with reasonable accuracy, which could revolutionizemy own job. Increasingly, machines are providing not only the brawn but the brains, too. And thatraises the question of where humans fit into this picture--who will prosper and who won′t in thisnew kind of machine economyWithin five years we are likely to have the world′s best education, or close to it, online andfree. But not everyone will sit down and go through the material without a professor pushing them todo the work.Your Smartphone will record data on your life and, when asked, will tell you what to do,drawing on data from your home or from your spouse and friends if need be. "You′ ve thrown outthat bread the last three times you′ve bought it, give it a pass" will be a text message of the future.How about"Now is not the time to start another argument with your wife" The GPS is just thebeginning of computer-guided instruction. Take your Smartphone on a date, and it might vibrate inyour pocket to indicate "Kiss her now." If you hesitate for fear of being seen as pushy, it may write:"Who cares if you look bad You are sampling optimally in the quest for a lifetime companion."A lot of jobs will consist of making people feel either very good or very bad about themselves.Coaches, mentors and disciplinarians will spread to many areas of life, at least for those of us whocan stand to listen to them. These people will cajole us, flatter us and shame us into improving ourlives, our work habits and our consumption.Computing and software will make it easier to measure performance and productivity.It will be harder to gloss over our failings and maintain self-deception. In essence everyone willsuffer the fate of professional chess players, who will always know when they have lost a game, havean exact numerical rating for their overall performance, and find excuses for failure hard to come by.Individuals will have many measures of their proficiency. They will have an incentive todisclose that information to get the better job or social opportunity. You′ll assume the worst aboutthose who keep secrets, and so openness will reign. Many of us will start to hate the idea of BigData.Why will many people start to hate Big Data according to the last paragraphA.Because people will have no privacy and can' t tell any lies at all.B.Because they facilitate performance and productivity assessment.C.Because they give people no choice but to comply with computers.D.Because people have found it really hard to finish doing everything.
Many young people are drawn to big cities by their good opportunities.A:transported B:pushedC:attracted D:immigrated
According to the passage,the combined efforts by govermments,layout unions and big corporations to guarantee economic comfort have led to a significant change in( ) A.people’s outlook on life B.people’s life styles C.people’s living standard D.people s social values
单选题Why do American Indians protest against the construction of this pipeline?ABecause it will cost up to $3.8 billion.BBecause it threatens the region's water supply.CBecause it will make many people lose their jobs.DBecause it will force many people to leave their homes.
单选题Henry Ford’s statement can be taken negatively because _____.Aworking people are discouraged to fight for their fightsBthere are many industries controlled by a few big capitalistsCthere is a conflicting relationship between big corporations and laborDpublic services are not run by the federal government
单选题According to the selection, why are people slow to stop hating?AThe painful reality of the issue must then be faced.BIt is easier to hate than to love.CIt is embarrassing to admit that the hating is unnecessary.DMost people are too stubborn to admit they are wrong.
单选题What will people do according to the passage?①Overuse the resources②Make good use of the resources③Start a global group④Protect the earthA①④B②③C①③D②④
单选题According to the second paragraph, many people are involved in the job to generate customer loyalty besidesAproducers.Bsuppliers.Csalespeople.Dvendors.
单选题According to the passage, many important persons in public life and the big corporations______.Awere educated in Oxford and CambridgeBwere educated in Princeton and YaleCgraduated from Harvard and PrincetonDgraduated either from Harvard or from Yale
单选题According to the passage, what problem does Sao Paulo have?AA lot of people don’t have jobs.BToo many people live in the city centre.CA lot of people are moving out of the city.DToo many people travel into the city every day.
单选题According to the author, living in a city causes stress because there are so many people who are ______.Ain need of helpBnaturally aggressiveClikely to commit crimeDanxious to succeed
单选题According to the passage, Shi Li and Cui Jiping ______.Aare disabled people full of loveBwrote many famous booksCfinished the book by themselvesDlive a very poor life
单选题According to the passage, the best way for children to learn things is by _____.Aasking older people many questionsBlistening to skilled people's adviceCmaking mistakes and correcting themDdoing what other people do