Circuit Switching is problematic because data communications is(),that is, it is typically dominated by short bursts of activity with long periods of().A.reliable B.bursty D.continuous A.latency B.transmission C.delay D.inactivity

Circuit Switching is problematic because data communications is(),that is, it is typically dominated by short bursts of activity with long periods of().

A.reliable B.bursty D.continuous A.latency B.transmission C.delay D.inactivity


In data communication, data link is those parts of two data terminal equipments that are controlled by a protocol along with the(71) data circuit, which together enable data(72). So-called protocol means, in short, a set of rules that determines the behavior. of functional units in achieving communication.Data circuit, however, consists of a pair of(73) transmission channels that provides a means of two-way data transmission. Between data switching exchanges, the data circuit may or may not include data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE), depending on the type of(74) used at the data switching exchange. Between a data station and a data switching exchange or data concentrator, the data circuit includes the DCE at the data station end, and may include equipment(75) to a DCE at the data switching exchange or dam concentrator location.A.handshakingB.interconnectingC.linkageD.joining

Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM)is a(16)that promises to change the fabric of local and wide area communications.The key advantage of ATM is the capability to move voice, data, graphics and(17)at speeds of up to 2 gigabits per second.An ATM switch allows you to create a(18)network that is completely independent from the(19)configuration of the network.ATM uses a(20)called cell switching to convert data into fixed length cells of 53 bytes each, so they can be switched very quickly and imagesC.logicalD.physical

Which of the following WAN protocols is a circuit switching technology?() A. ISDNB. SONETC. Frame RelayD. ATM

Packet-switching wireless networks are preferable(66)when transmissions are(67)bemuse of the way charges are(68)per packet. Circuit-switched networks are preferable for transferring large files or for other lengthy transmissions because customers are(69)for the(70)of time they use the network.A.toB.forC.thanD.only

Packet-switching wireless networks are preferable(71)when transmissions are(72)because of the way charges are(73)per packet. Circuit-switched networks are preferable for transferring large files or for other lengthy transmissions because customers are(74)for the(75)of time they use the network.A.toB.forC.thanD.only

Circuit-switching technology is used in Publish Switched Telephone Network(PSTN), Global System for Mobile Communications(GSM) and code Division Multiple Access (CMDA) .It is a ( ) information transfer mode.A.connection orientedB.connectionlessC.high bandwidth utilizationD.poor real-time

ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode) technology combines connection oriented mechanism and (72) mechanismA.circuit switchingB.packet switchingC.message switchingD.voice switching

() switching was invented in the late 1960s for data communications.A.Frame B.Link C.Packet D.Line

ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) technology combines connection oriented mechanism and () mechanism.A.circuit switchingB.packet switchingC.message switchingD.voice switching

ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode)technology combines connection oriented mechanism and ( ) mechanism.ATM(异步传输模式)技术结合了面向连接机制和( )分组交换机制。A.circuit switching电路转接B.packet switching分组交换C.message switching信息转换D.voice switching声音转换

Circuit-switching technology is used in Public Switched Telephone Network(PSTN), Global System for Mobile Communications(GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access(CDMA). It is a ( ) information transfer mode.A.Connection orientedB.connectionlessC.High bandwidth utilizationD.Poor-real-time

The architecture of an embedded system is an abstraction of the embedded device,meaning that it is a______of the system that typically doesn't show detailed implementation information such as software source code or hardware circuit

IC卡的英文全称是:()A、Integrated Communications CardB、Integrated Circuit CardC、Internet Computation CardD、Intelligent Computing Card


1850 TSS-320数据业务的传送方式有()A、数据到数据的交换(Pure Data Switching)B、SDH承载数据(Data over SDH)C、波分承载数据(Data ove rWDM)

帧中继中,虚电路VC(VirtualCircuit)是建立在两台网络设备之间的逻辑电路。根据建立方式,可以将虚电路分为().A、静态虚电路SVC(Static Virtual Circuit)B、临时虚电路TVC(Temporary Virtual Circuit)C、永久虚电路PVC(Permanent Virtual Circuit)D、交换虚电路SVC(Switching Virtual Circuit)

Why is QoS important in a converged network?()A、Because data does not need to arrive intact, so data transfer rates can be variableB、Because lost voice-data packets must be retransmittedC、Because voice data packets should arrive quickly and sequentially, and with no lost dataD、Because voice data packets must follow a single dedicated path through the network

Cisco Unified Communications 500 Series for Small Business, a critical part of the Cisco SmartBusiness Communications System, is a unified communications solution for small businesses that provides voice, data, voicemail. For which technology the Cisco UC520 provides integrated WLAN connectivity to mobile clients?()A、 voice onlyB、 data onlyC、 data and voiceD、 None of above

A laptop typically has a physical switch to disable which of the following features?()A、BluetoothB、Hard Drive Impact ProtectionC、Data EncryptionD、Wireless

Which of the following WAN protocols is a circuit switching technology?()A、ISDNB、SONETC、Frame RelayD、ATM

The user SCOTT executes the following command successfully to increase the salary values in one of his sessions:  SQL UPDATE emp SET sal=sal*1.15 WHERE deptno=20;  Before SCOTT ends the transaction, user HR who has the privileges on EMP table executes a query to fetch the salary details but finds the old salary values instead of the increased values. Why does HR still see the old data?()A、because of redo data from redo log fileB、because of data from database buffer cacheC、because of data from a temporary tablespaceD、because of undo data from the undo tablespace

CPDLC的英文全文是()。A、controller-pilot data link communicationsB、control pilot using data link communicationsC、communications passed by data link circuitD、control pilot using long distancecommunicationstechnology

单选题Circuit-switching technology is used in Publish Switched Telephone Network(PSTN), Global System for Mobile Communications(GSM) and code Division Multiple Access (CMDA) . It is a ( ) information transfer mode.Aconnection orientedBconnectionlessChigh bandwidth utilizationDpoor real-time

多选题Cisco Unified Communications 500 Series for Small Business, a critical part of the Cisco Smart Business Communications System, is a unified communications solution for small businesses that provides voice, data, voicemail. Which three features does the Cisco UC520 support?()Adistributed routingBCisco Unity ExpressCsecurity, firewall and VPNDanalog devices

多选题帧中继中,虚电路VC(VirtualCircuit)是建立在两台网络设备之间的逻辑电路。根据建立方式,可以将虚电路分为().A静态虚电路SVC(Static Virtual Circuit)B临时虚电路TVC(Temporary Virtual Circuit)C永久虚电路PVC(Permanent Virtual Circuit)D交换虚电路SVC(Switching Virtual Circuit)


单选题Cisco Unified Communications 500 Series for Small Business, a critical part of the Cisco SmartBusiness Communications System, is a unified communications solution for small businesses that provides voice, data, voicemail. For which technology the Cisco UC520 provides integrated WLAN connectivity to mobile clients?()A voice onlyB data onlyC data and voiceD None of above