The badly wounded receive( )for medical attention over those only slightly hurt.A.superiorityB.inferiorityC.priorityD.minority

The badly wounded receive( )for medical attention over those only slightly hurt.



解析:priority“优先权;重点,优先考虑的事”。A.superiority“优越性”,指状态或质量上优于、高于、大于等。如:The superiority of these goods to the others is easy to see.B.inferiority“低劣,卑下,劣根性”,为[A]的反义词,如:We are slowly becoming conscious of his long buried feelings of inferiority.D.minority“少数派,少数民


A child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder may have symptom of( ) . A、Attention difficultiesB、Be over-activeC、Eating disordersD、Impulsiveness

Only by combining our efforts ____ those of other people can we triumph over the difficulties we are now facing. A、intoB、ontoC、withinD、with

University applicants who had worked at a job would receive ____ over those who had not.A.inferenceB.referenceC.conferenceD.preference

Any applicant who had worked in this field would receive __________over those who had not.A. referenceB. inferenceC. preferenceD. conference

The guest in Room 201 needs (proper) medical attention at a hospital.选择能代替括号里的选项A、rightB、correctC、suitableD、precise

— Were all three people in the car injured in the accident?— No, ______ only the two passengers who got hurt. A there isB it wereC there wasD it was

It was terrible. One passenger was killed, and was badly hurt.()A. the othersB. restC. the otherD. the rest

The driver had fled, careless of _______ essential to save the victim's life.A. medical attention might beB. medical attention might well beC. that medical attention might beD. the fact that medical attention might be

We()you that all your enquiries will receive our prompt attention. A、ensureB、assureC、insureD、guarantee

Which tech nology manages multicast traffic at Layer 2 by configuring Layer 2 LAN interfaces dynamically to forward multicast traffic only to those interfaces that want to receive it?() A. IGMPB. IGMP snoopingC. PIM - DMD. DVMRPE. MOS PF

To which of the following is the author most likely to agree?[A] the rich and the poor are equal in the face of death. [B] more scientists are needed for the medical advancement.[C] there is a double standard in medical ethics. [D] the dead deserve the same attention as the living.

A stage should only be rigged ______.A.over the bow or stern of a vesselB.over the flat sides of a vesselC.over the open waterD.over the dockside

Prior to loading barges over the stern of a LASH vessel,the vessel should be trimmed in what manner ________.A.Two to four feet by the bowB.Slightly by the bowC.No trim should be permittedD.Slightly by the stern

Who should consult page 78 of the directions?A.Those who worked for an employer during 2006B.Those who expect to receive a refund from the governmentC.Those who did not have enough tax withheld from their payD.Those who are not sure how much they earned in 2006

Only those over 70 are eligible for the special payment.A:encouraged B:enforcedC:expected D:entitled

Only those over 70 are eligible for the special payment.A:competitive B:diligent C:qualified D:adopted

Which tech nology manages multicast traffic at Layer 2 by configuring Layer 2 LAN interfaces dynamically to forward multicast traffic only to those interfaces that want to receive it?()A、IGMPB、IGMP snoopingC、PIM - DMD、DVMRPE、MOS PF

Which of the following protocols define the rules and processes used to transmit and receive block storage applications over TCP/IP?()A、iSCSIB、VoIPC、Distributed Applications over IPD、HTTPS

单选题Fortunately, Jack was only slightly injured in the traffic()AincidentBeventCcaseDaccident

单选题You are a network administrator of a large investor relations company that uses a switchednetwork to carry both data and IP telephony services. Why should you carry voice traffic on aseparate VLAN?()AIP phones require inline power and must be in separate VLAN to receive inline powerBIP telephony applications require prioritization over other traffic as they are more delaysensitiveCIP phones can only receive IP addresses through DHCP if they are in separate VLANDThe CDP frames from the IP phone can only be recognized by the switch if the phone is in anauxiliary vlan

单选题Nearly every hospital has the same unwritten regulation—the badly wounded have priority for medical attention ______those only slightly hurt.AoverBtoCbeyond Dfor

多选题The child was so spoiled by her indulgent parents that she pouted and became ______ when she did not receive all of their attention.AdiscreetBsuspiciousCelatedDsullenEtranquilFgrumpy

单选题The parenthetical phrase in lines 22-23 (who had., attention) suggests that ______.ARachel fears that she will be seen as proud. because of her friend's jealousyBmany of those who are accustomed to receiving praise are given to vanityCwomen who do not receive compliments are often jealous of those who doDpeople who are envied by others have just cause to be egotisticalEAphra realizes that the attention Rachel receives will one day make her arrogant

单选题Which tech nology manages multicast traffic at Layer 2 by configuring Layer 2 LAN interfaces dynamically to forward multicast traffic only to those interfaces that want to receive it?()AIGMPBIGMP snoopingCPIM - DMDDVMRPEMOS PF

单选题A lot of blind people in the world have to suffer because ______.AORBIS didn’t do its best to offer helpBthere is no good medical knowledge and skillsCsome countries can’t afford medical knowledge and skillsDdeveloping countries don’t pay much attention to the blind

单选题In fact, the Englishman who tried to fly _____.Alost his lifeBflew only 8 minutesCgot badly woundedDsucceeded in flying

单选题With lots of wounded people, the quake-stricken area is__________ for medical assistance now.AcrazyBoppositeCdesperateDreluctant