What is the price of anarchy?Technically,in transportation engineering,the price of anarchy describes the difference between what happens when every driver selfishly picks the fastest route and what the socially optimal traffic outcome would be.In the pre-mobile-app days,drivers'selfishness was limited by their knowledge of the road network.In those conditions,both simulation and real-world experience showed that most people stuck to the freeways and arterial roads.Sure,there were always people who knew the crazy,back-road route but the bulk of people just stuck to the routes that transportation planners had designated as the preferred way to get from a to B But a new body of research at the University of California's Institute of Transportation Studies suggests that the reality is far more complicated.In some scenarios,traffic-beating apps might work for an individual,but make congestion worse overall.And autonomous vehicles,touted as an answer to traffic streets,could deepen the problem This problem has been vastly overlooked,"Alexandre Bayen,the director of UC Berkeley,'s Institute of Transportation Studies,told me.It is just the beginning of something that is gonna be much worse.The situation then gets much worse because hundreds of people just like you want to go on the side streets,which were never designed to handle the traffic,Bayen says."So,now,in addition to congesting the freeway,you've also congested the side streets and the intersections While it's clear that these apps can put stress on local side streets,we still don't know what effect they may have on highways,or for traffic systems as a whole.This is an open problem,said Bayen Hence,we need to be very cautious in our conclusions They re building on pioneering work by researchers like Hani Mahmassani into the role of real-time information in shaping traffic conditions.In 1991,Mahmassani challenged what he took to be"possible misconceptions that information will automatically lead to improvements in traffic conditions.He was not alone.That same year,other researchers noted that information can cause drivers to change their departure times in such a way as to exacerbate congestion Nonetheless,most of this early work showed that when the percentage of drivers with access to in formation was low there was a major benefit for better-informed drivers.So,in the early days of Waze and Google Maps and automated routing at UPS,many individuals did experience substantial benefits rom these applications.The roads,as a whole,were probably also flowing better.Bayen does,in fact,have a suggestion for improving these apps,but the companies might not like it.He thinks the apps should spread out drivers on different routes intentionally,which would require collaboration among the mapping apps.Given the cutthroat nature of competition in Silicon valley thats a tough sell but it might help bring down the price of anarchyAccording to the last paragraph,Bayen suggests that the mapping apps shouldA.cooperate to direct drivers to different pathsB.obey the order of the traffic controllers strictlyC.collaborate with the drivers to provide better serviceD.clearly define their respective division of work

What is the price of anarchy?Technically,in transportation engineering,the price of anarchy describes the difference between what happens when every driver selfishly picks the fastest route and what the socially optimal traffic outcome would be.In the pre-mobile-app days,drivers'selfishness was limited by their knowledge of the road network.In those conditions,both simulation and real-world experience showed that most people stuck to the freeways and arterial roads.Sure,there were always people who knew the crazy,back-road route but the bulk of people just stuck to the routes that transportation planners had designated as the preferred way to get from a to B But a new body of research at the University of California's Institute of Transportation Studies suggests that the reality is far more complicated.In some scenarios,traffic-beating apps might work for an individual,but make congestion worse overall.And autonomous vehicles,touted as an answer to traffic streets,could deepen the problem This problem has been vastly overlooked,"Alexandre Bayen,the director of UC Berkeley,'s Institute of Transportation Studies,told me.It is just the beginning of something that is gonna be much worse.The situation then gets much worse because hundreds of people just like you want to go on the side streets,which were never designed to handle the traffic,Bayen says."So,now,in addition to congesting the freeway,you've also congested the side streets and the intersections While it's clear that these apps can put stress on local side streets,we still don't know what effect they may have on highways,or for traffic systems as a whole.This is an open problem,said Bayen Hence,we need to be very cautious in our conclusions They re building on pioneering work by researchers like Hani Mahmassani into the role of real-time information in shaping traffic conditions.In 1991,Mahmassani challenged what he took to be"possible misconceptions that information will automatically lead to improvements in traffic conditions.He was not alone.That same year,other researchers noted that information can cause drivers to change their departure times in such a way as to exacerbate congestion Nonetheless,most of this early work showed that when the percentage of drivers with access to in formation was low there was a major benefit for better-informed drivers.So,in the early days of Waze and Google Maps and automated routing at UPS,many individuals did experience substantial benefits rom these applications.The roads,as a whole,were probably also flowing better.Bayen does,in fact,have a suggestion for improving these apps,but the companies might not like it.He thinks the apps should spread out drivers on different routes intentionally,which would require collaboration among the mapping apps.Given the cutthroat nature of competition in Silicon valley thats a tough sell but it might help bring down the price of anarchyAccording to the last paragraph,Bayen suggests that the mapping apps should

A.cooperate to direct drivers to different paths
B.obey the order of the traffic controllers strictly
C.collaborate with the drivers to provide better service
D.clearly define their respective division of work




What was the normal price of the T-shirt?A.$15B. $30C. $50

What price can Miller accept() A. $ 38,500.B. $ 44,000.C. $ 49,500.

The real difference between plants and animals ____ what they do, and not in what they seem to be.A: lies inB: lies withC: lies downD: lies up

What happens to the 66.66.66/24 route when it is evaluated by this policy? () A. The route does not match this policy.B. The route is rejected.C. The route is accepted.D. The route is accepted, then rejected.

What happens when a route does not match any user configured policies?() A.The route is rejected.B.The route is accepted.C.The route is given a lower priority.D.The route is sent to the default policy.

What was the normal price of the T-shirt?A $15B $30C $50

Which of the following may illustrate the difference between "competence" and__________ "performance"?A.What a person "knows" and what he/she "does".B.What a person "can do" and what he/she "does".C.What a person "does" and what he/she "knows".D.What a person "does" and what he/she "can do".

What is the price of anarchy?Technically,in transportation engineering,the price of anarchy describes the difference between what happens when every driver selfishly picks the fastest route and what the socially optimal traffic outcome would be.In the pre-mobile-app days,drivers'selfishness was limited by their knowledge of the road network.In those conditions,both simulation and real-world experience showed that most people stuck to the freeways and arterial roads.Sure,there were always people who knew the crazy,back-road route but the bulk of people just stuck to the routes that transportation planners had designated as the preferred way to get from a to B But a new body of research at the University of California's Institute of Transportation Studies suggests that the reality is far more complicated.In some scenarios,traffic-beating apps might work for an individual,but make congestion worse overall.And autonomous vehicles,touted as an answer to traffic streets,could deepen the problem This problem has been vastly overlooked,"Alexandre Bayen,the director of UC Berkeley,'s Institute of Transportation Studies,told me.It is just the beginning of something that is gonna be much worse.The situation then gets much worse because hundreds of people just like you want to go on the side streets,which were never designed to handle the traffic,Bayen says."So,now,in addition to congesting the freeway,you've also congested the side streets and the intersections While it's clear that these apps can put stress on local side streets,we still don't know what effect they may have on highways,or for traffic systems as a whole.This is an open problem,said Bayen Hence,we need to be very cautious in our conclusions They re building on pioneering work by researchers like Hani Mahmassani into the role of real-time information in shaping traffic conditions.In 1991,Mahmassani challenged what he took to be"possible misconceptions that information will automatically lead to improvements in traffic conditions.He was not alone.That same year,other researchers noted that information can cause drivers to change their departure times in such a way as to exacerbate congestion Nonetheless,most of this early work showed that when the percentage of drivers with access to in formation was low there was a major benefit for better-informed drivers.So,in the early days of Waze and Google Maps and automated routing at UPS,many individuals did experience substantial benefits rom these applications.The roads,as a whole,were probably also flowing better.Bayen does,in fact,have a suggestion for improving these apps,but the companies might not like it.He thinks the apps should spread out drivers on different routes intentionally,which would require collaboration among the mapping apps.Given the cutthroat nature of competition in Silicon valley thats a tough sell but it might help bring down the price of anarchyWhich of the following is true about the mapping apps?A.It helps people avoid congestion and keep traffic flowingB.It considers the conditions of the whole traffic systemC.It eases the traffic pressure of the main roadsD.It increases traffic congestion in general

What is the price of anarchy?Technically,in transportation engineering,the price of anarchy describes the difference between what happens when every driver selfishly picks the fastest route and what the socially optimal traffic outcome would be.In the pre-mobile-app days,drivers'selfishness was limited by their knowledge of the road network.In those conditions,both simulation and real-world experience showed that most people stuck to the freeways and arterial roads.Sure,there were always people who knew the crazy,back-road route but the bulk of people just stuck to the routes that transportation planners had designated as the preferred way to get from a to B But a new body of research at the University of California's Institute of Transportation Studies suggests that the reality is far more complicated.In some scenarios,traffic-beating apps might work for an individual,but make congestion worse overall.And autonomous vehicles,touted as an answer to traffic streets,could deepen the problem This problem has been vastly overlooked,"Alexandre Bayen,the director of UC Berkeley,'s Institute of Transportation Studies,told me.It is just the beginning of something that is gonna be much worse.The situation then gets much worse because hundreds of people just like you want to go on the side streets,which were never designed to handle the traffic,Bayen says."So,now,in addition to congesting the freeway,you've also congested the side streets and the intersections While it's clear that these apps can put stress on local side streets,we still don't know what effect they may have on highways,or for traffic systems as a whole.This is an open problem,said Bayen Hence,we need to be very cautious in our conclusions They re building on pioneering work by researchers like Hani Mahmassani into the role of real-time information in shaping traffic conditions.In 1991,Mahmassani challenged what he took to be"possible misconceptions that information will automatically lead to improvements in traffic conditions.He was not alone.That same year,other researchers noted that information can cause drivers to change their departure times in such a way as to exacerbate congestion Nonetheless,most of this early work showed that when the percentage of drivers with access to in formation was low there was a major benefit for better-informed drivers.So,in the early days of Waze and Google Maps and automated routing at UPS,many individuals did experience substantial benefits rom these applications.The roads,as a whole,were probably also flowing better.Bayen does,in fact,have a suggestion for improving these apps,but the companies might not like it.He thinks the apps should spread out drivers on different routes intentionally,which would require collaboration among the mapping apps.Given the cutthroat nature of competition in Silicon valley thats a tough sell but it might help bring down the price of anarchyWhat is Mahmassani,s attitude to the improvement of traffic brought by information?A.SkepticalB.ApprovingC.UncertainD.Condemning

What is the price of anarchy?Technically,in transportation engineering,the price of anarchy describes the difference between what happens when every driver selfishly picks the fastest route and what the socially optimal traffic outcome would be.In the pre-mobile-app days,drivers'selfishness was limited by their knowledge of the road network.In those conditions,both simulation and real-world experience showed that most people stuck to the freeways and arterial roads.Sure,there were always people who knew the crazy,back-road route but the bulk of people just stuck to the routes that transportation planners had designated as the preferred way to get from a to B But a new body of research at the University of California's Institute of Transportation Studies suggests that the reality is far more complicated.In some scenarios,traffic-beating apps might work for an individual,but make congestion worse overall.And autonomous vehicles,touted as an answer to traffic streets,could deepen the problem This problem has been vastly overlooked,"Alexandre Bayen,the director of UC Berkeley,'s Institute of Transportation Studies,told me.It is just the beginning of something that is gonna be much worse.The situation then gets much worse because hundreds of people just like you want to go on the side streets,which were never designed to handle the traffic,Bayen says."So,now,in addition to congesting the freeway,you've also congested the side streets and the intersections While it's clear that these apps can put stress on local side streets,we still don't know what effect they may have on highways,or for traffic systems as a whole.This is an open problem,said Bayen Hence,we need to be very cautious in our conclusions They re building on pioneering work by researchers like Hani Mahmassani into the role of real-time information in shaping traffic conditions.In 1991,Mahmassani challenged what he took to be"possible misconceptions that information will automatically lead to improvements in traffic conditions.He was not alone.That same year,other researchers noted that information can cause drivers to change their departure times in such a way as to exacerbate congestion Nonetheless,most of this early work showed that when the percentage of drivers with access to in formation was low there was a major benefit for better-informed drivers.So,in the early days of Waze and Google Maps and automated routing at UPS,many individuals did experience substantial benefits rom these applications.The roads,as a whole,were probably also flowing better.Bayen does,in fact,have a suggestion for improving these apps,but the companies might not like it.He thinks the apps should spread out drivers on different routes intentionally,which would require collaboration among the mapping apps.Given the cutthroat nature of competition in Silicon valley thats a tough sell but it might help bring down the price of anarchyWhat may fundamentally lead to the anarchy in transportation?A.All drivers drive under the guidance of the mobile apps.B.All drivers choose their fastest and most convenient waysC.All drivers pick the freeways and arterial roadsD.All drivers drive along the back road and country roads

what is the difference between the HSRP and VRRP?

What happens when a route does not match any user configured policies?()A、The route is rejected.B、The route is accepted.C、The route is given a lower priority.D、The route is sent to the default policy.

翻译:There is big difference between your price and those of your competitors.

What is difference between OSPF neighbor and adjacencies?

单选题What would help customers know better about your business when doing business with them?AInviting them to kinds of exhibitions related.BShowing them the price list of your products.CAsking them to find out the subtle differences between you and the competitors.DGiving them a catalogue of all the products or services your business provides.

问答题What is the major difference between deductive learning of grammar and inductive learning of grammar?

单选题What will accompany the letter?AA discount couponBA carpet sampleCA price listDA furniture catalog

单选题What feature of the advertised vehicle may a problem for Ms. Forsyth?AIts ageBIts sizeCIts fuel efficiencyDIts price

单选题At the beginning of the day, the prices of stocks X and Y are the same. At the end of the day, the price of stock X has increased by 1/20 of its original price and the price of stock Y has decreased by 1/20 of its original price. The new price of stock X is what fraction of the new price of stock Y?A2/20B19/21C21/19D18/20E20/18

问答题What’s the difference between “postal worker” and “postman” according to the passage?

单选题What happens when a route does not match any user configured policies?()AThe route is rejected.BThe route is accepted.CThe route is given a lower priority.DThe route is sent to the default policy.

问答题翻译:There is big difference between your price and those of your competitors.

单选题What is the difference between the transmitted power and the sensitivity of the receiver?()AOSNRBdispersionCattenuationDpower budgetEamplifier spacingFfour wave mixing

问答题What is difference between OSPF neighbor and adjacencies?

问答题what is the difference between the HSRP and VRRP?

问答题What’s the difference between casual listening and focused listening?

单选题What's the()difference between the two parties?AessentialBnecessaryCdominantDgreat

问答题What was the percent decrease in the price of MegaTek (MGTK) stock during the market decline of March 1, 2001, to March 1, 2002?  (1) The price of MGTK was $56.20 on March 1, 2001.  (2) The price of the stock on January 1, 2002, was only one-quarter of its price as of March 1, 2001.