Text 1 The influenza season is just getting started in the United States,and it already promises to be more severe than usual.Hospital emergency rooms are filling up with flu sufferers,and pharmacies have reported medicine shortages.Twelve children had died as of last month.To make matters worse,in Australia,which experienced its flu season four to six months ago,the current vaccine appeared to be only about 10 percent effective against tlus year's dominant strain.Yet as bad as this winter's epidemic is,it won't compare with the flu pandemic that is almost certainly on the horizon if we don't dedicate energy and resources to a universal vaccine.The 1918 Spanish flu epidemic killed 50 million t0 100 million around the globe.Given the century of medical progress since then,one might conclude that we are far better prepared today to deal with such a worldwide catastrophe.Unfortunately,the opposite is true.The world has about four times the number of inhabitants it did in 1918,including hundreds of millions of people,poultry and pigs living close together.This provides a potent biologic mixing bowl and natural influenza virus mutation factory.When a pandemic does strike,we'll be in trouble in part because American hospitals and pharruacies keep in stock no more than a few days supply of most lifesaving drugs,almost all of which are made in Asia.Worldwide manufacturing and shipping are highly susceptible to disruption,which could mean shortages in many areas.A 1918-type influenza pandemic could cause ruin on the order of what the Black Death did t0 14th-century Europe,but on a global scale.Our current vaccines are based on 1940s research.Limited global manufacturing capacity combined with the five to six months it takes to make these vaccines mean many people would never even have a chance to be vaccinated.Little is being done to aggressively change this unacceptable situation.We will have worldwide flu pandemics.Only their severity is unknown.The only real solution is a universal vaccine that effectively attacks all influenza A strains,with reliable protection lasting for years,like other modem vaccines.Although the National Institutes of Health has publicly declared developing a vaccine a priority,it has only about$32 million this year specifically for such research.The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority,the other federal agency responsible for developing and making available new vaccines for emergency response,has in fiscal year 2017 0nly a single project for$43 million supporting game-changing infiuenza vaccines.By contrast,the search for an H.I,V.vaccine-still a scientific long shot-receives Sl billion annually.We estimate that intemational govemments,vaccine manufacturers and the philanthropic community must make a similar commitment to influenza vaccine research if the kind of vaccine we need is to developed in the next 10 years.But there is no apparent effort to make these vaccines a priority in the current administration 21.The urgent task on hand is toA.solve medicine shortage.B.develop a new vaccine.C.go into a universal vaccine.D.control the spread ofinfiuenza.
Text 1 The influenza season is just getting started in the United States,and it already promises to be more severe than usual.Hospital emergency rooms are filling up with flu sufferers,and pharmacies have reported medicine shortages.Twelve children had died as of last month.To make matters worse,in Australia,which experienced its flu season four to six months ago,the current vaccine appeared to be only about 10 percent effective against tlus year's dominant strain.Yet as bad as this winter's epidemic is,it won't compare with the flu pandemic that is almost certainly on the horizon if we don't dedicate energy and resources to a universal vaccine.The 1918 Spanish flu epidemic killed 50 million t0 100 million around the globe.Given the century of medical progress since then,one might conclude that we are far better prepared today to deal with such a worldwide catastrophe.Unfortunately,the opposite is true.The world has about four times the number of inhabitants it did in 1918,including hundreds of millions of people,poultry and pigs living close together.This provides a potent biologic mixing bowl and natural influenza virus mutation factory.When a pandemic does strike,we'll be in trouble in part because American hospitals and pharruacies keep in stock no more than a few days supply of most lifesaving drugs,almost all of which are made in Asia.Worldwide manufacturing and shipping are highly susceptible to disruption,which could mean shortages in many areas.A 1918-type influenza pandemic could cause ruin on the order of what the Black Death did t0 14th-century Europe,but on a global scale.Our current vaccines are based on 1940s research.Limited global manufacturing capacity combined with the five to six months it takes to make these vaccines mean many people would never even have a chance to be vaccinated.Little is being done to aggressively change this unacceptable situation.We will have worldwide flu pandemics.Only their severity is unknown.The only real solution is a universal vaccine that effectively attacks all influenza A strains,with reliable protection lasting for years,like other modem vaccines.Although the National Institutes of Health has publicly declared developing a vaccine a priority,it has only about$32 million this year specifically for such research.The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority,the other federal agency responsible for developing and making available new vaccines for emergency response,has in fiscal year 2017 0nly a single project for$43 million supporting game-changing infiuenza vaccines.By contrast,the search for an H.I,V.vaccine-still a scientific long shot-receives Sl billion annually.We estimate that intemational govemments,vaccine manufacturers and the philanthropic community must make a similar commitment to influenza vaccine research if the kind of vaccine we need is to developed in the next 10 years.But there is no apparent effort to make these vaccines a priority in the current administration 21.The urgent task on hand is to
A.solve medicine shortage.
B.develop a new vaccine.
C.go into a universal vaccine.
D.control the spread ofinfiuenza.
B.develop a new vaccine.
C.go into a universal vaccine.
D.control the spread ofinfiuenza.
For more than thirty years the statue ______ millions of foreign people arriving by ship to live in the United States.A. welcomeB. welcomesC. welcomingD. welcomed
What happened in the 1970s?A The US government recommended the amount of food a restaurant gave to a customer.B Health experts persuaded restaurants to serve smaller portions.C The United States produced more grain than needed.D The American waistline started to expand.
Text 1 The influenza season is just getting started in the United States,and it already promises to be more severe than usual.Hospital emergency rooms are filling up with flu sufferers,and pharmacies have reported medicine shortages.Twelve children had died as of last month.To make matters worse,in Australia,which experienced its flu season four to six months ago,the current vaccine appeared to be only about 10 percent effective against tlus year's dominant strain.Yet as bad as this winter's epidemic is,it won't compare with the flu pandemic that is almost certainly on the horizon if we don't dedicate energy and resources to a universal vaccine.The 1918 Spanish flu epidemic killed 50 million t0 100 million around the globe.Given the century of medical progress since then,one might conclude that we are far better prepared today to deal with such a worldwide catastrophe.Unfortunately,the opposite is true.The world has about four times the number of inhabitants it did in 1918,including hundreds of millions of people,poultry and pigs living close together.This provides a potent biologic mixing bowl and natural influenza virus mutation factory.When a pandemic does strike,we'll be in trouble in part because American hospitals and pharruacies keep in stock no more than a few days supply of most lifesaving drugs,almost all of which are made in Asia.Worldwide manufacturing and shipping are highly susceptible to disruption,which could mean shortages in many areas.A 1918-type influenza pandemic could cause ruin on the order of what the Black Death did t0 14th-century Europe,but on a global scale.Our current vaccines are based on 1940s research.Limited global manufacturing capacity combined with the five to six months it takes to make these vaccines mean many people would never even have a chance to be vaccinated.Little is being done to aggressively change this unacceptable situation.We will have worldwide flu pandemics.Only their severity is unknown.The only real solution is a universal vaccine that effectively attacks all influenza A strains,with reliable protection lasting for years,like other modem vaccines.Although the National Institutes of Health has publicly declared developing a vaccine a priority,it has only about$32 million this year specifically for such research.The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority,the other federal agency responsible for developing and making available new vaccines for emergency response,has in fiscal year 2017 0nly a single project for$43 million supporting game-changing infiuenza vaccines.By contrast,the search for an H.I,V.vaccine-still a scientific long shot-receives Sl billion annually.We estimate that intemational govemments,vaccine manufacturers and the philanthropic community must make a similar commitment to influenza vaccine research if the kind of vaccine we need is to developed in the next 10 years.But there is no apparent effort to make these vaccines a priority in the current administration 25.Which ofthe following would be the best title for the text?A.We Desperately Need a Universal VaccineB.Shortages ofVaccines Need SolvingC.To Fully Prepared for a Worldwide CatastropheD.Measures We Should Take to Deal With Influenza
Text 1 The influenza season is just getting started in the United States,and it already promises to be more severe than usual.Hospital emergency rooms are filling up with flu sufferers,and pharmacies have reported medicine shortages.Twelve children had died as of last month.To make matters worse,in Australia,which experienced its flu season four to six months ago,the current vaccine appeared to be only about 10 percent effective against tlus year's dominant strain.Yet as bad as this winter's epidemic is,it won't compare with the flu pandemic that is almost certainly on the horizon if we don't dedicate energy and resources to a universal vaccine.The 1918 Spanish flu epidemic killed 50 million t0 100 million around the globe.Given the century of medical progress since then,one might conclude that we are far better prepared today to deal with such a worldwide catastrophe.Unfortunately,the opposite is true.The world has about four times the number of inhabitants it did in 1918,including hundreds of millions of people,poultry and pigs living close together.This provides a potent biologic mixing bowl and natural influenza virus mutation factory.When a pandemic does strike,we'll be in trouble in part because American hospitals and pharruacies keep in stock no more than a few days supply of most lifesaving drugs,almost all of which are made in Asia.Worldwide manufacturing and shipping are highly susceptible to disruption,which could mean shortages in many areas.A 1918-type influenza pandemic could cause ruin on the order of what the Black Death did t0 14th-century Europe,but on a global scale.Our current vaccines are based on 1940s research.Limited global manufacturing capacity combined with the five to six months it takes to make these vaccines mean many people would never even have a chance to be vaccinated.Little is being done to aggressively change this unacceptable situation.We will have worldwide flu pandemics.Only their severity is unknown.The only real solution is a universal vaccine that effectively attacks all influenza A strains,with reliable protection lasting for years,like other modem vaccines.Although the National Institutes of Health has publicly declared developing a vaccine a priority,it has only about$32 million this year specifically for such research.The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority,the other federal agency responsible for developing and making available new vaccines for emergency response,has in fiscal year 2017 0nly a single project for$43 million supporting game-changing infiuenza vaccines.By contrast,the search for an H.I,V.vaccine-still a scientific long shot-receives Sl billion annually.We estimate that intemational govemments,vaccine manufacturers and the philanthropic community must make a similar commitment to influenza vaccine research if the kind of vaccine we need is to developed in the next 10 years.But there is no apparent effort to make these vaccines a priority in the current administration 24.What govemments and the philanthropic communities are expected to do?A.Developing a new vaccine.B.Providing more funds.C.Setting up a new project.D.Supporting philanthropic causes.
Text 4 As the nation experiences one of the worst flu seasons in years,thousands of Americans have already died from influenza,according to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Though the season peaked in February,the CDC recently warned that we should prepare for a second wave of cases to hit before we emerge from the season entirely.Now,it appears more than 50,000 could die from the flu before the season ends.Perhaps most troubling is that this year marks a century since the deadliest viral outbreak in human history,which claimed the lives of 670,000 American men,women and children and as many as 50 to 100 million people worldwide.Among the lessons medical researchers gleaned from the catastrophic event is the critical importance of getting vaccinated.It's a lesson that much of the public continues to ignore,even as our scientific understanding of communicable diseases continues to grow.-The strain in tlus flu season,H3N2,is particularly nasty.It's similar to the HINl strain that set off the 1918 influenza pandemic,and it has resulted in high rates of death,particularly among the elderly.Researchers have struggled to create effective vaccines for the H3N2 strain;this year's flu vaccine is only about 36 percent effective at protecting against the virus,compared to an average of 45 percent over the past seven years.Nonetheless,it does provide some protection,and the unvaccinated are hit much harder without it.Earlier this year,a healthy young man from Pittsburgh did not get vaccinated and died soon afier getting the flu.While low vaccine efficacy means that those who get vaccinated can still contract the flu,it remains common sense and good civic behavior to get vaccinated.As a result of herd immunity,even low efficacy vaccines are enough to curb a pandemic from happening if vaccination rates are high.Flu vaccines did not exist during the pandemic of 1918,which is why it was so deadly.Yet year after year few Americans bother to get vaccinated.In economic terms,the herd immunity benefits of vaccination are a"public good."If I am vaccinated,I cannot exclude anyone from the herd immunity that I now offer.Similarly,someone enjoying my herd immunity does not diminish someone else's ability to enjoy my herd immunity.What typically happens when a public good like the flu vaccine is available is that many,perhaps most,people underinvest.They free ride off other people who get the vaccine.If too many people opt out of vaccination,communities become wlnerable to flu epidemics.According to the CDC,only 38 percent of the population chose to get vaccinated as ofNovember 2017.Low rates ofvaccination are particularly dangerous for children and the elderly,who are especially susceptible to influenza.As individuals,we have veU little control over the strain of the flu that emerges in a given year,or the efficacy of a vaccine,but we do have complete control over whether we get vaccinated.The public's response to a bad fiu outbreak or to low vaccine efficacy should be an increase in flu vaccinations,not a decrease.38.According to the text,there is no doubt about the infiuenza vaccines thatA.low efficacy vaccines can also help with vaccination accepted.B.those who get vaccinated would not be infected.C.the idea of herd immunity is a common sense.D.many Americans are willing to get vaccinated.
Text 4 As the nation experiences one of the worst flu seasons in years,thousands of Americans have already died from influenza,according to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Though the season peaked in February,the CDC recently warned that we should prepare for a second wave of cases to hit before we emerge from the season entirely.Now,it appears more than 50,000 could die from the flu before the season ends.Perhaps most troubling is that this year marks a century since the deadliest viral outbreak in human history,which claimed the lives of 670,000 American men,women and children and as many as 50 to 100 million people worldwide.Among the lessons medical researchers gleaned from the catastrophic event is the critical importance of getting vaccinated.It's a lesson that much of the public continues to ignore,even as our scientific understanding of communicable diseases continues to grow.-The strain in tlus flu season,H3N2,is particularly nasty.It's similar to the HINl strain that set off the 1918 influenza pandemic,and it has resulted in high rates of death,particularly among the elderly.Researchers have struggled to create effective vaccines for the H3N2 strain;this year's flu vaccine is only about 36 percent effective at protecting against the virus,compared to an average of 45 percent over the past seven years.Nonetheless,it does provide some protection,and the unvaccinated are hit much harder without it.Earlier this year,a healthy young man from Pittsburgh did not get vaccinated and died soon afier getting the flu.While low vaccine efficacy means that those who get vaccinated can still contract the flu,it remains common sense and good civic behavior to get vaccinated.As a result of herd immunity,even low efficacy vaccines are enough to curb a pandemic from happening if vaccination rates are high.Flu vaccines did not exist during the pandemic of 1918,which is why it was so deadly.Yet year after year few Americans bother to get vaccinated.In economic terms,the herd immunity benefits of vaccination are a"public good."If I am vaccinated,I cannot exclude anyone from the herd immunity that I now offer.Similarly,someone enjoying my herd immunity does not diminish someone else's ability to enjoy my herd immunity.What typically happens when a public good like the flu vaccine is available is that many,perhaps most,people underinvest.They free ride off other people who get the vaccine.If too many people opt out of vaccination,communities become wlnerable to flu epidemics.According to the CDC,only 38 percent of the population chose to get vaccinated as ofNovember 2017.Low rates ofvaccination are particularly dangerous for children and the elderly,who are especially susceptible to influenza.As individuals,we have veU little control over the strain of the flu that emerges in a given year,or the efficacy of a vaccine,but we do have complete control over whether we get vaccinated.The public's response to a bad fiu outbreak or to low vaccine efficacy should be an increase in flu vaccinations,not a decrease.36.We can infer from the first paragraph thatA.it is not difficult to control the influenza.B.the second wave of cases may be impending.C.the influenza reached its peak in February.D.50 thousand people died from the flu.
Text 4 As the nation experiences one of the worst flu seasons in years,thousands of Americans have already died from influenza,according to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Though the season peaked in February,the CDC recently warned that we should prepare for a second wave of cases to hit before we emerge from the season entirely.Now,it appears more than 50,000 could die from the flu before the season ends.Perhaps most troubling is that this year marks a century since the deadliest viral outbreak in human history,which claimed the lives of 670,000 American men,women and children and as many as 50 to 100 million people worldwide.Among the lessons medical researchers gleaned from the catastrophic event is the critical importance of getting vaccinated.It's a lesson that much of the public continues to ignore,even as our scientific understanding of communicable diseases continues to grow.-The strain in tlus flu season,H3N2,is particularly nasty.It's similar to the HINl strain that set off the 1918 influenza pandemic,and it has resulted in high rates of death,particularly among the elderly.Researchers have struggled to create effective vaccines for the H3N2 strain;this year's flu vaccine is only about 36 percent effective at protecting against the virus,compared to an average of 45 percent over the past seven years.Nonetheless,it does provide some protection,and the unvaccinated are hit much harder without it.Earlier this year,a healthy young man from Pittsburgh did not get vaccinated and died soon afier getting the flu.While low vaccine efficacy means that those who get vaccinated can still contract the flu,it remains common sense and good civic behavior to get vaccinated.As a result of herd immunity,even low efficacy vaccines are enough to curb a pandemic from happening if vaccination rates are high.Flu vaccines did not exist during the pandemic of 1918,which is why it was so deadly.Yet year after year few Americans bother to get vaccinated.In economic terms,the herd immunity benefits of vaccination are a"public good."If I am vaccinated,I cannot exclude anyone from the herd immunity that I now offer.Similarly,someone enjoying my herd immunity does not diminish someone else's ability to enjoy my herd immunity.What typically happens when a public good like the flu vaccine is available is that many,perhaps most,people underinvest.They free ride off other people who get the vaccine.If too many people opt out of vaccination,communities become wlnerable to flu epidemics.According to the CDC,only 38 percent of the population chose to get vaccinated as ofNovember 2017.Low rates ofvaccination are particularly dangerous for children and the elderly,who are especially susceptible to influenza.As individuals,we have veU little control over the strain of the flu that emerges in a given year,or the efficacy of a vaccine,but we do have complete control over whether we get vaccinated.The public's response to a bad fiu outbreak or to low vaccine efficacy should be an increase in flu vaccinations,not a decrease.40.Which ofthe following would be the best title for the text?A.Take Flu Vaccination More SeriouslyB.Develop Higher Efficacy Flu VaccinesC.Receive More VaccinesD.Tackle the Flu Outbreak
Text 4 As the nation experiences one of the worst flu seasons in years,thousands of Americans have already died from influenza,according to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Though the season peaked in February,the CDC recently warned that we should prepare for a second wave of cases to hit before we emerge from the season entirely.Now,it appears more than 50,000 could die from the flu before the season ends.Perhaps most troubling is that this year marks a century since the deadliest viral outbreak in human history,which claimed the lives of 670,000 American men,women and children and as many as 50 to 100 million people worldwide.Among the lessons medical researchers gleaned from the catastrophic event is the critical importance of getting vaccinated.It's a lesson that much of the public continues to ignore,even as our scientific understanding of communicable diseases continues to grow.-The strain in tlus flu season,H3N2,is particularly nasty.It's similar to the HINl strain that set off the 1918 influenza pandemic,and it has resulted in high rates of death,particularly among the elderly.Researchers have struggled to create effective vaccines for the H3N2 strain;this year's flu vaccine is only about 36 percent effective at protecting against the virus,compared to an average of 45 percent over the past seven years.Nonetheless,it does provide some protection,and the unvaccinated are hit much harder without it.Earlier this year,a healthy young man from Pittsburgh did not get vaccinated and died soon afier getting the flu.While low vaccine efficacy means that those who get vaccinated can still contract the flu,it remains common sense and good civic behavior to get vaccinated.As a result of herd immunity,even low efficacy vaccines are enough to curb a pandemic from happening if vaccination rates are high.Flu vaccines did not exist during the pandemic of 1918,which is why it was so deadly.Yet year after year few Americans bother to get vaccinated.In economic terms,the herd immunity benefits of vaccination are a"public good."If I am vaccinated,I cannot exclude anyone from the herd immunity that I now offer.Similarly,someone enjoying my herd immunity does not diminish someone else's ability to enjoy my herd immunity.What typically happens when a public good like the flu vaccine is available is that many,perhaps most,people underinvest.They free ride off other people who get the vaccine.If too many people opt out of vaccination,communities become wlnerable to flu epidemics.According to the CDC,only 38 percent of the population chose to get vaccinated as ofNovember 2017.Low rates ofvaccination are particularly dangerous for children and the elderly,who are especially susceptible to influenza.As individuals,we have veU little control over the strain of the flu that emerges in a given year,or the efficacy of a vaccine,but we do have complete control over whether we get vaccinated.The public's response to a bad fiu outbreak or to low vaccine efficacy should be an increase in flu vaccinations,not a decrease.37.Which of the following statements is right about H3N2?A.We have learned enough ofit.B.lt's a kind of virus with the highest fatality rate.C.It claimed more lives ofits victims for its severity.D.The vaccine efficacy was not high enough to control it.
Text 4 As the nation experiences one of the worst flu seasons in years,thousands of Americans have already died from influenza,according to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Though the season peaked in February,the CDC recently warned that we should prepare for a second wave of cases to hit before we emerge from the season entirely.Now,it appears more than 50,000 could die from the flu before the season ends.Perhaps most troubling is that this year marks a century since the deadliest viral outbreak in human history,which claimed the lives of 670,000 American men,women and children and as many as 50 to 100 million people worldwide.Among the lessons medical researchers gleaned from the catastrophic event is the critical importance of getting vaccinated.It's a lesson that much of the public continues to ignore,even as our scientific understanding of communicable diseases continues to grow.-The strain in tlus flu season,H3N2,is particularly nasty.It's similar to the HINl strain that set off the 1918 influenza pandemic,and it has resulted in high rates of death,particularly among the elderly.Researchers have struggled to create effective vaccines for the H3N2 strain;this year's flu vaccine is only about 36 percent effective at protecting against the virus,compared to an average of 45 percent over the past seven years.Nonetheless,it does provide some protection,and the unvaccinated are hit much harder without it.Earlier this year,a healthy young man from Pittsburgh did not get vaccinated and died soon afier getting the flu.While low vaccine efficacy means that those who get vaccinated can still contract the flu,it remains common sense and good civic behavior to get vaccinated.As a result of herd immunity,even low efficacy vaccines are enough to curb a pandemic from happening if vaccination rates are high.Flu vaccines did not exist during the pandemic of 1918,which is why it was so deadly.Yet year after year few Americans bother to get vaccinated.In economic terms,the herd immunity benefits of vaccination are a"public good."If I am vaccinated,I cannot exclude anyone from the herd immunity that I now offer.Similarly,someone enjoying my herd immunity does not diminish someone else's ability to enjoy my herd immunity.What typically happens when a public good like the flu vaccine is available is that many,perhaps most,people underinvest.They free ride off other people who get the vaccine.If too many people opt out of vaccination,communities become wlnerable to flu epidemics.According to the CDC,only 38 percent of the population chose to get vaccinated as ofNovember 2017.Low rates ofvaccination are particularly dangerous for children and the elderly,who are especially susceptible to influenza.As individuals,we have veU little control over the strain of the flu that emerges in a given year,or the efficacy of a vaccine,but we do have complete control over whether we get vaccinated.The public's response to a bad fiu outbreak or to low vaccine efficacy should be an increase in flu vaccinations,not a decrease.39.The author implies in the last paragraph that faced with a bad flu outbreak,A.the public should try to enhance the efficacy of a vaccine.B.effective vaccines should be used to control over it.C.the public should make a quicker response to it.D.emphasis should be laid more on vaccination than a vaccine efficacy.
Text 1 The influenza season is just getting started in the United States,and it already promises to be more severe than usual.Hospital emergency rooms are filling up with flu sufferers,and pharmacies have reported medicine shortages.Twelve children had died as of last month.To make matters worse,in Australia,which experienced its flu season four to six months ago,the current vaccine appeared to be only about 10 percent effective against tlus year's dominant strain.Yet as bad as this winter's epidemic is,it won't compare with the flu pandemic that is almost certainly on the horizon if we don't dedicate energy and resources to a universal vaccine.The 1918 Spanish flu epidemic killed 50 million t0 100 million around the globe.Given the century of medical progress since then,one might conclude that we are far better prepared today to deal with such a worldwide catastrophe.Unfortunately,the opposite is true.The world has about four times the number of inhabitants it did in 1918,including hundreds of millions of people,poultry and pigs living close together.This provides a potent biologic mixing bowl and natural influenza virus mutation factory.When a pandemic does strike,we'll be in trouble in part because American hospitals and pharruacies keep in stock no more than a few days supply of most lifesaving drugs,almost all of which are made in Asia.Worldwide manufacturing and shipping are highly susceptible to disruption,which could mean shortages in many areas.A 1918-type influenza pandemic could cause ruin on the order of what the Black Death did t0 14th-century Europe,but on a global scale.Our current vaccines are based on 1940s research.Limited global manufacturing capacity combined with the five to six months it takes to make these vaccines mean many people would never even have a chance to be vaccinated.Little is being done to aggressively change this unacceptable situation.We will have worldwide flu pandemics.Only their severity is unknown.The only real solution is a universal vaccine that effectively attacks all influenza A strains,with reliable protection lasting for years,like other modem vaccines.Although the National Institutes of Health has publicly declared developing a vaccine a priority,it has only about$32 million this year specifically for such research.The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority,the other federal agency responsible for developing and making available new vaccines for emergency response,has in fiscal year 2017 0nly a single project for$43 million supporting game-changing infiuenza vaccines.By contrast,the search for an H.I,V.vaccine-still a scientific long shot-receives Sl billion annually.We estimate that intemational govemments,vaccine manufacturers and the philanthropic community must make a similar commitment to influenza vaccine research if the kind of vaccine we need is to developed in the next 10 years.But there is no apparent effort to make these vaccines a priority in the current administration 22.We can infer from Paragraph 2 thatA.Spanish flu is one of the most severe epidemics.B.we still couldn't effectively cope with epidemics.C.medical course has made great progress in the past century.D.there is an increasing number of people living with poultry.
Text 1 The influenza season is just getting started in the United States,and it already promises to be more severe than usual.Hospital emergency rooms are filling up with flu sufferers,and pharmacies have reported medicine shortages.Twelve children had died as of last month.To make matters worse,in Australia,which experienced its flu season four to six months ago,the current vaccine appeared to be only about 10 percent effective against tlus year's dominant strain.Yet as bad as this winter's epidemic is,it won't compare with the flu pandemic that is almost certainly on the horizon if we don't dedicate energy and resources to a universal vaccine.The 1918 Spanish flu epidemic killed 50 million t0 100 million around the globe.Given the century of medical progress since then,one might conclude that we are far better prepared today to deal with such a worldwide catastrophe.Unfortunately,the opposite is true.The world has about four times the number of inhabitants it did in 1918,including hundreds of millions of people,poultry and pigs living close together.This provides a potent biologic mixing bowl and natural influenza virus mutation factory.When a pandemic does strike,we'll be in trouble in part because American hospitals and pharruacies keep in stock no more than a few days supply of most lifesaving drugs,almost all of which are made in Asia.Worldwide manufacturing and shipping are highly susceptible to disruption,which could mean shortages in many areas.A 1918-type influenza pandemic could cause ruin on the order of what the Black Death did t0 14th-century Europe,but on a global scale.Our current vaccines are based on 1940s research.Limited global manufacturing capacity combined with the five to six months it takes to make these vaccines mean many people would never even have a chance to be vaccinated.Little is being done to aggressively change this unacceptable situation.We will have worldwide flu pandemics.Only their severity is unknown.The only real solution is a universal vaccine that effectively attacks all influenza A strains,with reliable protection lasting for years,like other modem vaccines.Although the National Institutes of Health has publicly declared developing a vaccine a priority,it has only about$32 million this year specifically for such research.The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority,the other federal agency responsible for developing and making available new vaccines for emergency response,has in fiscal year 2017 0nly a single project for$43 million supporting game-changing infiuenza vaccines.By contrast,the search for an H.I,V.vaccine-still a scientific long shot-receives Sl billion annually.We estimate that intemational govemments,vaccine manufacturers and the philanthropic community must make a similar commitment to influenza vaccine research if the kind of vaccine we need is to developed in the next 10 years.But there is no apparent effort to make these vaccines a priority in the current administration 23.Which ofthe following is not mentioned as factors delaying treatment?A.Storage.B.Efficacy.C.Transportation.D.Manufacture
共用题干Flu Shots Or Not?It sounded like a good idea when New York City's mayor,Rudollph Giuliani,advised New Yorkers recently to get a flu shot.After all,20,000 Americans each year die of influenza. And this year in particular,the mayor suggested,getting a flu shot might be an especially good idea, since it could help doctors distinguish between flu and the deadly inhalational(吸入的)form of anthrax(炭疽).How? Both anthrax and flu exhibit strikingly similar symptoms-fever, chills and muscle aches-in the early days of the infection.Physicians would be quick to suspect anthrax in anyone who was vaccinated(接种疫苗)against flu and still developed fever and chills. That would give them a better chance to identify any new victims of terror while their infection was still in its earliest,most treatable stages.Or so the mayor's reasoning went. Unfortunately,there are a couple of problems with his log-ic .For one thing,getting vaccinated against influenza doesn't guarantee you won't get sick .Al-though highly effective,the flu vaccine(疫苗)protects against only the dominant types of the dis-ease and even then does not provide 100% protection.It takes a couple of weeks for your body to respond to the vaccine with a sufficient number of antibodies(抗体).Each year thousands ofAmericans who get the vaccine nevertheless still get the flu.There are also plenty of reasons you might develop fever,chills and muscle aches that have nothing to do with either anthrax or flu .Indeed,doctors estimate that more than 80%of all flu-like illnesses each winter are caused by other groups of viruses.Getting vaccinated against flu can't protect you against suffering from these other illnesses.In the worst case,asking all healthy adults to get vaccinated could actually have the opposite effect to the one intended,leading to even more deaths if it means we run out of shots for those who are most vulnerable to the infection.Already there have been delays in getting this year's shipment of vaccine to clinics and doctor's offices.Those who should be at the front of the line in-clude folks who are 65 or older,nursing-home residents and adults and children with chronic health problems as well as anyone who cares for or lives with such people .Flu shots are also im- portant for men and women whose immune system is weakened by HIV(艾滋病病毒)or other conditions.The best reason to get the flu vaccine is that it proteets against most flus-not that you're worried about getting anthrax.While inhalational anthrax has killed only five people so far,many more could be at risk from flu-related complications.There's no need to worsen the tragedy by making this year's influenza epidemic any worse. It is not easy to tell anthrax from flu in the early days of the infection.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned
共用题干Flu Shots Or Not?It sounded like a good idea when New York City's mayor,Rudollph Giuliani,advised New Yorkers recently to get a flu shot.After all,20,000 Americans each year die of influenza. And this year in particular,the mayor suggested,getting a flu shot might be an especially good idea, since it could help doctors distinguish between flu and the deadly inhalational(吸入的)form of anthrax(炭疽).How? Both anthrax and flu exhibit strikingly similar symptoms-fever, chills and muscle aches-in the early days of the infection.Physicians would be quick to suspect anthrax in anyone who was vaccinated(接种疫苗)against flu and still developed fever and chills. That would give them a better chance to identify any new victims of terror while their infection was still in its earliest,most treatable stages.Or so the mayor's reasoning went. Unfortunately,there are a couple of problems with his log-ic .For one thing,getting vaccinated against influenza doesn't guarantee you won't get sick .Al-though highly effective,the flu vaccine(疫苗)protects against only the dominant types of the dis-ease and even then does not provide 100% protection.It takes a couple of weeks for your body to respond to the vaccine with a sufficient number of antibodies(抗体).Each year thousands ofAmericans who get the vaccine nevertheless still get the flu.There are also plenty of reasons you might develop fever,chills and muscle aches that have nothing to do with either anthrax or flu .Indeed,doctors estimate that more than 80%of all flu-like illnesses each winter are caused by other groups of viruses.Getting vaccinated against flu can't protect you against suffering from these other illnesses.In the worst case,asking all healthy adults to get vaccinated could actually have the opposite effect to the one intended,leading to even more deaths if it means we run out of shots for those who are most vulnerable to the infection.Already there have been delays in getting this year's shipment of vaccine to clinics and doctor's offices.Those who should be at the front of the line in-clude folks who are 65 or older,nursing-home residents and adults and children with chronic health problems as well as anyone who cares for or lives with such people .Flu shots are also im- portant for men and women whose immune system is weakened by HIV(艾滋病病毒)or other conditions.The best reason to get the flu vaccine is that it proteets against most flus-not that you're worried about getting anthrax.While inhalational anthrax has killed only five people so far,many more could be at risk from flu-related complications.There's no need to worsen the tragedy by making this year's influenza epidemic any worse. People who care for those most vulnerable to the influenza infection needn't get flu shots.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned
共用题干Flu Shots Or Not?It sounded like a good idea when New York City's mayor,Rudollph Giuliani,advised New Yorkers recently to get a flu shot.After all,20,000 Americans each year die of influenza. And this year in particular,the mayor suggested,getting a flu shot might be an especially good idea, since it could help doctors distinguish between flu and the deadly inhalational(吸入的)form of anthrax(炭疽).How? Both anthrax and flu exhibit strikingly similar symptoms-fever, chills and muscle aches-in the early days of the infection.Physicians would be quick to suspect anthrax in anyone who was vaccinated(接种疫苗)against flu and still developed fever and chills. That would give them a better chance to identify any new victims of terror while their infection was still in its earliest,most treatable stages.Or so the mayor's reasoning went. Unfortunately,there are a couple of problems with his log-ic .For one thing,getting vaccinated against influenza doesn't guarantee you won't get sick .Al-though highly effective,the flu vaccine(疫苗)protects against only the dominant types of the dis-ease and even then does not provide 100% protection.It takes a couple of weeks for your body to respond to the vaccine with a sufficient number of antibodies(抗体).Each year thousands ofAmericans who get the vaccine nevertheless still get the flu.There are also plenty of reasons you might develop fever,chills and muscle aches that have nothing to do with either anthrax or flu .Indeed,doctors estimate that more than 80%of all flu-like illnesses each winter are caused by other groups of viruses.Getting vaccinated against flu can't protect you against suffering from these other illnesses.In the worst case,asking all healthy adults to get vaccinated could actually have the opposite effect to the one intended,leading to even more deaths if it means we run out of shots for those who are most vulnerable to the infection.Already there have been delays in getting this year's shipment of vaccine to clinics and doctor's offices.Those who should be at the front of the line in-clude folks who are 65 or older,nursing-home residents and adults and children with chronic health problems as well as anyone who cares for or lives with such people .Flu shots are also im- portant for men and women whose immune system is weakened by HIV(艾滋病病毒)or other conditions.The best reason to get the flu vaccine is that it proteets against most flus-not that you're worried about getting anthrax.While inhalational anthrax has killed only five people so far,many more could be at risk from flu-related complications.There's no need to worsen the tragedy by making this year's influenza epidemic any worse. Asking all healthy adults to get a flu shot may result in a shortage of the flu shots for those who are most vulnerable to the infection.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned
共用题干Flu Shots Or Not?It sounded like a good idea when New York City's mayor,Rudollph Giuliani,advised New Yorkers recently to get a flu shot.After all,20,000 Americans each year die of influenza. And this year in particular,the mayor suggested,getting a flu shot might be an especially good idea, since it could help doctors distinguish between flu and the deadly inhalational(吸入的)form of anthrax(炭疽).How? Both anthrax and flu exhibit strikingly similar symptoms-fever, chills and muscle aches-in the early days of the infection.Physicians would be quick to suspect anthrax in anyone who was vaccinated(接种疫苗)against flu and still developed fever and chills. That would give them a better chance to identify any new victims of terror while their infection was still in its earliest,most treatable stages.Or so the mayor's reasoning went. Unfortunately,there are a couple of problems with his log-ic .For one thing,getting vaccinated against influenza doesn't guarantee you won't get sick .Al-though highly effective,the flu vaccine(疫苗)protects against only the dominant types of the dis-ease and even then does not provide 100% protection.It takes a couple of weeks for your body to respond to the vaccine with a sufficient number of antibodies(抗体).Each year thousands ofAmericans who get the vaccine nevertheless still get the flu.There are also plenty of reasons you might develop fever,chills and muscle aches that have nothing to do with either anthrax or flu .Indeed,doctors estimate that more than 80%of all flu-like illnesses each winter are caused by other groups of viruses.Getting vaccinated against flu can't protect you against suffering from these other illnesses.In the worst case,asking all healthy adults to get vaccinated could actually have the opposite effect to the one intended,leading to even more deaths if it means we run out of shots for those who are most vulnerable to the infection.Already there have been delays in getting this year's shipment of vaccine to clinics and doctor's offices.Those who should be at the front of the line in-clude folks who are 65 or older,nursing-home residents and adults and children with chronic health problems as well as anyone who cares for or lives with such people .Flu shots are also im- portant for men and women whose immune system is weakened by HIV(艾滋病病毒)or other conditions.The best reason to get the flu vaccine is that it proteets against most flus-not that you're worried about getting anthrax.While inhalational anthrax has killed only five people so far,many more could be at risk from flu-related complications.There's no need to worsen the tragedy by making this year's influenza epidemic any worse. None of the five people killed by inhalational anthrax had been vaccinated against influenza.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned
Because of harsh weather conditions,more than a dozen states in the United States were declared disaster areas in 1977.A:severeB:bizarreC:moistD:improbable
The outbreak of swine flu that was first detected in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on June 11,2009.It is the first worldwide epidemic 1by the World Health Organization in 41 years.The heightened alert_2 an emergency meeting with flu experts in Geneva that convened after a sharp rise in cases in Australia,and rising 3_in Britain,Japan,Chile and elsewhere.But the epidemic is"4"in severity,according to Margaret Chan,the organization's director general,5 the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery,often in the 6 of any medical treatment.The outbreak came to global__7 in late April 2009,when Mexican authorities noticed an unusually large number of hospitalizations and deaths 8 healthy adults.As much of Mexico City shut down at the height of a panic,cases began to 9 in New York City,the southwestern United States and around the world.In the United States,new cases seemed to fade 10 warmer weather arrived.But in late September 2009,officials reported there was 11 flu activity in almost every state and that virtually all the 12 tested are the new swine flu,also known as(A)H1N1,not seasonal flu.In the U.S.,it has__13 more than one million people,and caused more than 600 deaths and more than 6,000 hospitalizations.Federal health officials__14_Tamiflu for children from the national stockpile and began 15 orders from the states for the new swine flu vaccine.The new vaccine,which is different from the annual flu vaccine,is 16 ahead of expectations.More than three million doses were to be made available in early October 2009,though most of those 17 doses were of the FluMist nasal spray type,which is not 18 for pregnant women,people over 50 or those with breathing difficulties,heart disease or several other 19.But it was still possible to vaccinate people in other high-risk group:health care workers,people20_infants and healthy young people.19选?A.problemsB.issuesC.agoniesD.sufferings
Text 4 Against a backdrop of drastic changes in economy and population structure,younger Americans are drawing a new 21st-century road map to success,a latest poll has found.Across generational lines,Americans continue to prize many of the same traditional milestones of a successful life,including getting married,having children,owning a home,and retiring in their sixties.But while young and old mostly agree on what constitutes the finish line of a fulfilling life,they offer strikingly different paths for reaching it.Young people who are still getting started in life were more likely than older adults to prioritize personal fulfillment in their work,to believe they will advance their careers most by regularly changing jobs,to favor communities with more public services and a faster pace of life,to agree that couples should be financially secure before getting married or having children,and to maintain that children are best served by two parents working outside the home,the survey found.From career to community and family,these contrasts suggest that in the aftermath of the searing Great Recession,those just starting out in life are defining priorities and expectations that will increasingly spread through virtually all aspects of American life,from consumer preferences to housing patterns to politics.Young and old converge on one key point:Overwhelming majorities of both groups said they believe it is harder for young people today to get started in life than it was for earlier generations.While younger people are somewhat more optimistic than their elders about the prospects for those starting out today,big majorities in both groups believe those“just getting started in life”face a tougher a good-paying job,starting a family,managing debt,and finding affordable housing.Pete Schneider considers the climb tougher today.Schneider,a 27-yaear-old auto technician from the Chicago suburbs says he struggled to find a job after graduating from college.Even now that he is working steadily,he said.”I can’t afford to pay ma monthly mortgage payments on my own,so I have to rent rooms out to people to mark that happen.”Looking back,he is struck that his parents could provide a comfortable life for their children even though neither had completed college when he was young.“I still grew up in an upper middle-class home with parents who didn’t have college degrees,”Schneider said.“I don’t think people are capable of that anymore.”Both young and old agree that_____A.good-paying jobs are less availableB.the old made more life achievementsC.housing loans today are easy to obtainD.getting established is harder for the young
The outbreak of swine flu that was first detected in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on June 11,2009.It is the first worldwide epidemic 1by the World Health Organization in 41 years.The heightened alert_2 an emergency meeting with flu experts in Geneva that convened after a sharp rise in cases in Australia,and rising 3_in Britain,Japan,Chile and elsewhere.But the epidemic is"4"in severity,according to Margaret Chan,the organization's director general,5 the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery,often in the 6 of any medical treatment.The outbreak came to global__7 in late April 2009,when Mexican authorities noticed an unusually large number of hospitalizations and deaths 8 healthy adults.As much of Mexico City shut down at the height of a panic,cases began to 9 in New York City,the southwestern United States and around the world.In the United States,new cases seemed to fade 10 warmer weather arrived.But in late September 2009,officials reported there was 11 flu activity in almost every state and that virtually all the 12 tested are the new swine flu,also known as(A)H1N1,not seasonal flu.In the U.S.,it has__13 more than one million people,and caused more than 600 deaths and more than 6,000 hospitalizations.Federal health officials__14_Tamiflu for children from the national stockpile and began 15 orders from the states for the new swine flu vaccine.The new vaccine,which is different from the annual flu vaccine,is 16 ahead of expectations.More than three million doses were to be made available in early October 2009,though most of those 17 doses were of the FluMist nasal spray type,which is not 18 for pregnant women,people over 50 or those with breathing difficulties,heart disease or several other 19.But it was still possible to vaccinate people in other high-risk group:health care workers,people20_infants and healthy young people.1选?A.criticizedB.appointedC.commentedD.designated
The outbreak of swine flu that was first detected in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on June 11,2009.It is the first worldwide epidemic 1by the World Health Organization in 41 years.The heightened alert_2 an emergency meeting with flu experts in Geneva that convened after a sharp rise in cases in Australia,and rising 3_in Britain,Japan,Chile and elsewhere.But the epidemic is"4"in severity,according to Margaret Chan,the organization's director general,5 the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery,often in the 6 of any medical treatment.The outbreak came to global__7 in late April 2009,when Mexican authorities noticed an unusually large number of hospitalizations and deaths 8 healthy adults.As much of Mexico City shut down at the height of a panic,cases began to 9 in New York City,the southwestern United States and around the world.In the United States,new cases seemed to fade 10 warmer weather arrived.But in late September 2009,officials reported there was 11 flu activity in almost every state and that virtually all the 12 tested are the new swine flu,also known as(A)H1N1,not seasonal flu.In the U.S.,it has__13 more than one million people,and caused more than 600 deaths and more than 6,000 hospitalizations.Federal health officials__14_Tamiflu for children from the national stockpile and began 15 orders from the states for the new swine flu vaccine.The new vaccine,which is different from the annual flu vaccine,is 16 ahead of expectations.More than three million doses were to be made available in early October 2009,though most of those 17 doses were of the FluMist nasal spray type,which is not 18 for pregnant women,people over 50 or those with breathing difficulties,heart disease or several other 19.But it was still possible to vaccinate people in other high-risk group:health care workers,people20_infants and healthy young people.9选?A.stay upB.crop upC.fill upD.cover up
More than()of the population in the United States lived in city areas in 1988.A、60%B、75%C、90%D、50%
单选题In 2005, online shoppers in the United States charged more money to their credit cards than 2004.AthanBthan online shoppers forCthan inDthan would online shoppers inEthan they did in
单选题In which of the following year did September 11 Attacks happen in the United States and kill more than 3,000 people?A2000B2001C2002D2003
单选题Passage 2 indicates that Costanza himself considers the true value of the world's ecosys- tems to be ______.Aa subject more for psychologists than economistsBimpossible to determineClikely greater than his estimateDindependent of the value of human emotionsEroughly equal to the value of the gross national product of the United States1
单选题Consequently, more than 100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and ozone that()legally established limits.AsucceedBproceedCexceedDexcess
单选题The passage is chiefly concerned with _____.Aarguing against the increased internationalization of United States corporationsBwarning that the application of laws affecting trade frequently has unintended consequencesCdemonstrating that foreign-based firms receive more subsidies from their governments than United States firms receive from the United States governmentDadvocating the use of trade restrictions for “dumped” products but not for other imports