All theories,however,are tentative and are( )to criticism.A.immuneB.resistantC.sensitiveD.subject

All theories,however,are tentative and are( )to criticism.



解析:前半句的All theories和后半句的to criticism有被动意味,可推断出此处应填入含有“遭到,遭受”之类意思的词语。subject to,表示“使经历;使遭受”,符合题意。


Most project management leadership theories focus on all of the following except:A . Personal characteristics of the project managerB . The situation at handC . Personal traits of the subordinatesD . Behavioral styles of the project managerE . Usefulness of authority and power in leadership

The president has the authority to appoint federal judges as vacancies occur, including members of the Supreme Court.The senate,however, must approve all treaties and confirm all appointments before they become official.()此题为判断题(对,错)。

71 Most project management leadership theories focus on all of the following except:A. Personal characteristics of the project managerB. The situation at handC. Personal traits of the subordinatesD. Behavioral styles of the project managerE. Usefulness of authority and power in leadership

() is worth doing at all is worth doing well. A.ThatB.WhateverC.WhicheverD.However

The less able children reacted badly ___________ criticism. A. byB. toC. withD. against

Most of us are too ready to apply ___________ others the cold wind of criticism. A. againstB. withoutC. toD. at

__________[A] Above all [B] After all [C] However [D] Otherwise

4 All organisations require trained employees. However, training can take many forms, some of which are internal to the organisation.Required:Explain what is meant by the terms:(a) Computer based training. (3 marks)

Krashen’s Monitor Theory belongs to nativist theories.()

A lack of power and influence often finds expression in tentative comments.(Sexism in School) () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

We all said they were a perfect __________. However, their marriage did not last long.

YouarethedesktopadministratorforExamSheet.All&en YouarethedesktopadministratorforExamSheet.AllusershaveWindows2000Professionalcomputers.Usersinthesalesdepartmenthaveportablecomputers.Theportablecomputersareusedtocreatecustomerpresentationsandperformonlineordering.Salesrepresentativeswanttobeabletouselargeexternalmonitorstodisplaytheirpresentationsatcustomerlocations.Theseusersalsowanttousethedisplaysontheportablecomputerstoshowtheirspeakernotesandextradata.Youverifythatthevideoadaptersintheportablecomputerssupportmultiplemonitoranddual-viewcapabilities.However,thesalesrepresentativesreportthatwhentheyattachtheexternalmonitorstotheircomputers,theoptiontodefineseparatedesktopdisplaysdoesnotappearintheDisplaysettings.Youneedtoenablethesalesrepresentativestodisplaymultipledesktops.Whatshouldyoudo?()

The tentative cargo plan ________ .A.eliminates confusion with the final stowage planB.shows the approximate amount of cargo to be loaded in each holdC.expedites the total operationD.requires an unproportional number of gang hours of work to discharge the cargo

Questions 50-52 refer to the following letter.NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEESThe following changes will be effective as of Monday.First of all, the dress code is changing slightly. You may still wear the ______ black pants and skirts as before along with the company shirt.However, employees are no longer allowed to wear shoes with heels higher than two inches.A. pairB. sameC. kindD. both

A scientist often reaches a dead end that leads to no alternatives in research and has to go back and determine if all the____made are true to how the world operates.A.equationsB.principlesC.assumptionsD.theories

__________, John remains modest and iswilling to accept suggestions from others.A.However his notable contributionsB.His making notable contributionsC.For all his notable contributionsD.Instead of his contributions

情绪评估理论(appraisal theories of emotion)

What is the purpose of an explicit "deny any" statement at the end of an ACL?()A、none,since it is implicitB、to enable Cisco IOS IPS to work properly;however,it is the deny all traffic entry that is actually requiredC、to enable Cisco IOS Firewall to work properly;however,it is the deny all traffic entry that is actually requiredD、to allow the log option to be used to log any matchesE、to prevent sync flood attacksF、to prevent half-opened TCP connections

It is a company’s policy to shut down all workstations at the end of the day. However, the majority of employees are leaving disks in their workstations and upon start up the next morning they are receiving a ‘NTLDR is missing’ error. Which of the following is a possible solution?()A、Make a daily announcement to remove all disks before departing for the day.B、Change the Boot order in the BIOS.C、Make it a part of the evening checks to ensure all disks are removed.D、Make a company policy that states that it is unlawful to leave disks in the machines.

单选题All in all, it is now beyond doubt that in size and scope the rapid global spread of the habit to wear jeans, however it may be explained, is an accident without precedent in the history of human attire.Aof wearing...incidentBwearing...eventCof wearing...eventDto be wearing...incident

单选题These are the principles, however formulated, for which all good men and women throughout the world,()of race or creed, education, social position, or occupation, are standing.ArespectiveBirrespectiveCrespectDrespectable

单选题The tentative cargo plan().Aeliminates confusion with the final stowage planBshows the approximate amount of cargo to be loaded in each holdCexpedites the total operationDrequires an unproportional number of gang hours of work to discharge the cargo

单选题The word “tentative” in paragraph 2, line 1 of the letter is closest in meaning to ______ .AunusualBexcitingCunconfirmedDattached

单选题Which of the following is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 7 (reproduced below)?He went on interviews and sent out many resumes, but all he got was rejected even with years of prior experience.A(as it is now)Band was sending out many resumes however all he was getting was rejectionCand sent out many resumes, but all he received was rejectionDand sending out many resumes, however he got rejected onlyEand, after many resumes having been sent, rejection was his only result

单选题These are the principles, however formulated,()all good men and women throughout the world are standing.AwhichBfor whichCin whichDby which

单选题What is the purpose of an explicit "deny any" statement at the end of an ACL?()Anone,since it is implicitBto enable Cisco IOS IPS to work properly;however,it is the deny all traffic entry that is actually requiredCto enable Cisco IOS Firewall to work properly;however,it is the deny all traffic entry that is actually requiredDto allow the log option to be used to log any matchesEto prevent sync flood attacksFto prevent half-opened TCP connections

单选题I believe in an all-wise and all-loving God, (), and that the individual’ highest fulfillment, greatest happiness, and the widest usefulness are to be found in living()his will.Anamed by whatever name; in harmony withBnamed by whoever name; in harmony toCnaming by however name; in harmonious with