__________ assessment is used to measure how the performance of a particular student or group of students compares with that of another.A.Criterion-referencedB.Norm-referencedC.FormativeD.Summative

__________ assessment is used to measure how the performance of a particular student or group of students compares with that of another.



解析:教育评价就其目的不同,通常分为“形成性评价”与“终结性评价”两种类型。王蔷等编写的《英语教学法教程》认为,有三种评价:Criterion.referenced assessment(目标参照性评价),Norm-referenced assessment(常模参照性评价)和Individual-referenced assessment(个体参照性评价)。常模参照性评价是依据学生个人的成绩与规定的一群人(如班级、年级、全国的同龄人等)中其他人的成绩相比较来评价和决定他成绩优劣的一种方法.而不考虑他是否达到教学目标的要求。故选B。


Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate, and eachcourse which he attends gives him a credit which he may count towards a degree. In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses each lasting for one semester. A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks; while attending a university a student would probably attend four or five courses each semester. Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year. It is possible to spread the period of work for a degree over a longer period of time. It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree courses, though this is not in fact done as a regular practice.For every course that he follows a student is given a grade, which is recorded, and the record is available for the student to show to perspective employers. All this imposes a constant pressure and strain of work, but in spite of this some students still find time for great activity in student affairs. Elections to positions in student organizations arouse much enthusiasm. The effective work of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities. Any student who is thought to have broken the rules, for example, by cheating has to appear before a student court. With enormous numbers of students, the operation of the system does involve a certain amount of activity. A student who has held one of these positions of authority is much respected and it will be of benefit to him later in his career.1. Normally a student would at least attend _______ classes each week.A. 36B. 12C. 20D. 152. According to the first paragraph an American student is allowed _______.A. to live in a different universityB. to take a particular course in a different universityC. to live at home and drive to classesD. to get two degrees from two different universities3. American universities students are usually under pressure of work because _________A. their academic performance will affect their future careerB. they are heavily involved in student affairsC. they have to observe university disciplinesD. they want to run for positions of authority4. Some students are enthusiastic for positions in student organizations probably because _____A. they have the constant pressure and strain of their studyB. they will then be able to stay longer in the university.C. such positions help them get better jobsD. such positions are usually well-paid5. The student organizations seem to be effective in ______.A. dealing with the academic affairs of the universityB. ensuring that the students observe university regulationsC. evaluating students’ performance by bringing them before a court.D. keeping up the students’ enthusiasm for social activities

The new _____library has been set up.Do you know how big it is? A.student’sB.students’C.studentsD.student’

_______ is characteristics of good assessment for classroom purposes. A.The content of the assessment should match the teacher’s educational objectivesB.The items should represent partial range of knowledgeC.Expectations for student performance needn’t to be clearD.The assessment should involve extraneous factors

Assessment is concerned with _______. A.individual students learningB.several students learningC.a group of students learningD.the whole students learning

Which statement explicitly names a constraint? () A. ALTER TABLE student_grades ADD FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id);B. ALTER TABLE student_grades ADD CONSTRAINT NAME = student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id);C. ALTER TABLE student_grades ADD CONSTRAINT student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id);D. ALTER TABLE student grades ADD NAMED CONSTRAINT student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id);E. ALTER TABLE student grades ADD NAME student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id);

In your multitenant container database (CDB) containing pluggable databases (PDB), users complain about performance degradation.How does real-time Automatic database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) check performance degradation and provide solutions?()A. It collects data from SGA and compares it with a preserved snapshot.B. It collects data from SGA, analyzes it, and provides a report.C. It collects data from SGA and compares it with the latest snapshot.D. It collects data from both SGA and PGA, analyzes it, and provides a report

American university students are usually under pressure because____.A.their academic performance will affect their future CareersB.they are heavily involved in student affairsC.they have to observe university disciplineD.they want to run for positions of authority

To assess how well students are able to apply what they have learned in completing a given task, a teacher would use _______assessment.A.PerformanceB.selfC.CompetenceD.peer

In which of the following situations is the teacher playing the role of observer?A.Giving feedback and dealing with errors.B.Organizing students to do activities by giving instructions.C.Walking around to see how each student performs in group work.D.Offering help to those who need it both in ideas and language.

To assess how well students are able to apply what they have learned in completing a given task, a teacher would use __________assessment.A.performanceB.selfC.competence D.peer

Which of the following is NOT true about the assessment in language teaching?A.Testing does not equate with assessment.B.Summative assessment focuses on the process of learning.C.The students themselves should be given the chance to evaluate their own performance.D.Assessment means to discover what the learners know and can do at certain stage of the learning process.

________assessment is designed to provide a measure of performance that is in interpretable in terms of an individual's relative standing in some known group.A.Criterion-referencedB.Norm-referencedC.FormativeD.Summative

To assess how well a student is performing relative to his or her own previous performance,a teacher would use_________ assessment.A.criterion-referencedB.individual-referencedC.norm-referencedD.peer

二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aimsKnowledge aim: students will know the pronunciation of the group of letter “ear”.Ability aim: students can read words with “ear” when they learn vocabulary.Emotional aim: students will be more interested in speaking English.Key and difficult points:How to pronounce the group of letter “ear”.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-upAfter greeting students, the teacher plays a game to warm up the class: I say you point. The teacher speaks out a certain part of the body and students point it quickly. For example: point your eye! Point your ear! Point your hand!Step 2: PresentationDraw a ear on the blackboard and ask students what it is. Write down the word. Then ask what ears can be used to, and they will say we use ear to hear something. Write down word “hear”. Then do the action of hearing and put hands near the ear, and write down the word “near”.Ask students to read the three words after the teacher, and find out the similarity among them. After discussion, they will say all these words have “ear”. Then ask students how to pronounce this group of letter. We will know it pronounce as /ir/.Step 3: practiceGive students some other words with the group of letter “ear” and ask students to read them by groups. For example, a sentence “my dear, your tear is clear in my mind for years”. Then students can have a brainstorming and think of more words with “ear”.Play a game Hot potato to practice these words. The teacher plays a piece of music. When the music is playing, students pass the ball from one to another. When the music stops, the one who gets the ball should read words on the blackboard.Step4: ProductionDo a chant with students: put your ear, near my ear, and you will hear, and you will hear, and you will hear, NOTHING!

初中英语?阅读一、考题回顾二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students will grasp and understand the main and detailed information of the passage.Ability aim:Students will improve their reading and speaking skills.Emotional aim:Students will foster the interest and desire of learning English and take part in speaking activities actively.Key and difficult point:Key Point: Students will totally understand the content of the passage.Difficult Point: Students will foster the interest of learning English, and take part in speaking activities.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Show students pictures about different types of transportation and naturally lead to today’s topic.Step 2: Pre-reading1. Ask students two questions and some volunteers will be invited to share their answers.Q1: How do you come to school?Q2: How do your parents go to work?2. Ask students to predict the main idea of the passage based on the above discussion and pictures on the screen.Step 3: While-reading1st reading: Ask students to read the passage for the first time and check their prediction. Besides, they need to find out which countries are mentioned in the passage and circle them.2nd reading: Ask students to read the passage for the second time and complete the following chart. Some students will be invited to finish it on the blackboard.Step4: Post-readingDiscussion: ask students to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of transportation. Four students in a group, after five minutes, some groups are supposed to show their results.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: ask students to investigate their friends’ way of going to school and find some interesting ways of transportation on the Internet.Blackboard design:1. How to improve students’ reading and speaking ability in your class?2. How did you evaluate the performance of students in the class?

小学英语?阅读一、考题回顾二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students can master the sentence :”what time is it? it is ..” and you can/ can not ...”Ability aim:Students can improve their reading skills including scanning and skimming skillsEmotional aim:Students can be more interested in English and take part in activities.Key and difficult point:Key Point: know how to ask about the time and master the sentences::”what time is it? it is ..” and you can/ can not ...”Difficult Point: use the sentence structure in daily life.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Ask students how did they spend their weekend.3. Ask students “do you know wangfujing street in Beijing”Step 2: Pre-reading1. show a picture about wangfujing street and ask “what can you see in this picture”2. draw a clock and ask students “Do you know how to ask about time?” and “what can you do at this time?Step 3: While-readingGlobal reading: Ask students :”how many characters in the dialogue?” and “where are they”Detailed reading: what does Jenny buy and who will get the gift?Step4: Post-reading1. Role-play: two students in a group. One student act as traveller and one student is tour guide. Give them 5 minutes to make dialogue with what we have learnt today.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: ask students to practice the sentence structure learned today with desk mates after class.Blackboard design:1. What will you do if the students don't finish your homework?2. What reading skills are used in the passage?

资料:Special needs students can not only learn from regular education teachers, but can participate in collaborative learning with mainstream students as well. Collaborative learning allows students to work together in groups to complete lessons and assignments. A number of educators with inclusion classrooms are realizing the benefits of collaborative learning and special needs students being placed in small group environments with regular education classmates. Collaborative learning allows students to converse with one another and brainstorm together in order to find solutions to problems or to complete an assignment. This type of learning allows students of varying ability levels to lend their individual strengths to the group as a whole, thereby encouraging an appreciation of diverse ideas and approaches to problem solving.Teachers can choose to implement several different types of collaborative learning strategies, depending on the needs of students and the focus of specific assignments. Examples of small-group collaborative learning methods are:1) The Think-Pair-Share strategy, which involves each student in the group taking one minute to formulate a response to the teacher's question, then sharing individual findings with a partner. After collaborating in pairs, students can then share input with slightly larger groups or with the entire class. 2) The Simple Jigsaw strategy, which involves four-person teams splitting a teacher-assigned task into equal parts. Each student in the group acts as an "expert" on one section of the assignment and meets with corresponding "experts" in other groups for discussion and task mastering. Students then return to their initial teams to share their knowledge of the task with other members.3) The Three-Step Interview strategy, through which students initially break into pairs and take turns interviewing one another about an assignment. Each pair of students then combine with another pair in order to enhance the discussion.4) The Numbered Heads Together strategy, where each team member is assigned a number, then instructed to collaborate on a question. The teacher then calls a number randomly, and the student in each group who has that number acts as spokesperson in answering the question. Each student must be prepared for the possibility of having his or her number chosen.The benefits of collaborative learning and special needs students having the opportunity to engage in small group tasks can produce positive results in regard to classroom organization and management. Teachers who research tips on collaborative learning and implement the practice with students are likely to have a successful inclusion classroom.What are the benefits of collarborative learning for special needs students? ( )A.It helps special needs students think creativelyB.It helps special needs students from all the attending studentsC.It helps special needs students learn varied ability from classmatesD.It helps students work together on solving problems and assignments

资料:Special needs students can not only learn from regular education teachers, but can participate in collaborative learning with mainstream students as well. Collaborative learning allows students to work together in groups to complete lessons and assignments. A number of educators with inclusion classrooms are realizing the benefits of collaborative learning and special needs students being placed in small group environments with regular education classmates. Collaborative learning allows students to converse with one another and brainstorm together in order to find solutions to problems or to complete an assignment. This type of learning allows students of varying ability levels to lend their individual strengths to the group as a whole, thereby encouraging an appreciation of diverse ideas and approaches to problem solving.Teachers can choose to implement several different types of collaborative learning strategies, depending on the needs of students and the focus of specific assignments. Examples of small-group collaborative learning methods are:1) The Think-Pair-Share strategy, which involves each student in the group taking one minute to formulate a response to the teacher's question, then sharing individual findings with a partner. After collaborating in pairs, students can then share input with slightly larger groups or with the entire class. 2) The Simple Jigsaw strategy, which involves four-person teams splitting a teacher-assigned task into equal parts. Each student in the group acts as an "expert" on one section of the assignment and meets with corresponding "experts" in other groups for discussion and task mastering. Students then return to their initial teams to share their knowledge of the task with other members.3) The Three-Step Interview strategy, through which students initially break into pairs and take turns interviewing one another about an assignment. Each pair of students then combine with another pair in order to enhance the discussion.4) The Numbered Heads Together strategy, where each team member is assigned a number, then instructed to collaborate on a question. The teacher then calls a number randomly, and the student in each group who has that number acts as spokesperson in answering the question. Each student must be prepared for the possibility of having his or her number chosen.The benefits of collaborative learning and special needs students having the opportunity to engage in small group tasks can produce positive results in regard to classroom organization and management. Teachers who research tips on collaborative learning and implement the practice with students are likely to have a successful inclusion classroom.Which following one is NOT true about the “Simple Jigsaw strategy”? ( )A.Task mastering students work on a teacher-assigned taskB.It involves four-person teamsC.Each student in the group acts as an “expert”D.teacher-assigned task is divided into equal parts

An  administrator  has  a  server  experiencing  performance  problems  with  logical  volumes  within  a particular volume group.  Which command can report I/O statistics for logical partitions with each logicalvolume within the volume group()A、IslvB、vmstatC、iostatD、Ivmstat

单选题To assess how well a student is performing relative to his or her own previous performance,a teacher would use ______ assessment .Acriterion-referencedBindividual-referencedCnorm-referencedDpeer

单选题assessment is used to measure how the performance of a particular student orgroup of students compares with that of another.ACriterion-referencedBNorm-referencedCFormativeDSummative

单选题A system administrator has a server experiencing performance problems with logical volumes within a particular volume group. Which command can report I/O statistics for logical partitions with each logical volume within the volume group?()AlslvBlsvgCiostatDlvmstat

单选题In your multitenant container database (CDB) containing pluggable databases (PDB), users complain about performance degradation. How does real-time Automatic database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) check performance degradation and provide solutions?()AIt collects data from SGA and compares it with a preserved snapshot.BIt collects data from SGA, analyzes it, and provides a report.CIt collects data from SGA and compares it with the latest snapshot.DIt collects data from both SGA and PGA, analyzes it, and provides a report

单选题Which statement explicitly names a constraint?()AALTER TABLE student_grades ADD FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id);BALTER TABLE student_grades ADD CONSTRAINT NAME = student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id);CALTER TABLE student_grades ADD CONSTRAINT student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id);DALTER TABLE student grades ADD NAMED CONSTRAINT student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id);EALTER TABLE student grades ADD NAME student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id);

单选题Virtual reality can help future teachers learn how to _____.Aassess students’ skill levelsBrespond to individual student’s needsCdeal with students who misbehaveDrun an orderly classroom

单选题High schools teachers used to judge students _____ academic performance alone.Ain favor ofBin charge ofCin face ofDin terms of

单选题In which of the following situations is the teacher playing the role of observer? _____AGiving feedback and dealing with errors.BOrganizing students to do activities by giving instructions.CWalking around to see how each student performs in group work.DOffering help to those who need it both in ideas and language.