Passage 1Hidden Valley looks a lot like the dozens of other camps that dot the woods of central Maine.There′s a lake, some soccer fields and horses. But the campers make the difference. They′re allAmerican parents who have adopted kids from China. They′re at Hidden Valley to find bridgesfrom their children′s old worlds to the new. Diana Becker watches her 3-year-old daughter Mikadance to a Chinese version of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." "Her soul is Chinese," she says, "butreally she′ s growing up American."Hidden Valley and a handful of other "culture camps" serving families with children fromoverseas reflect the huge rise in the number of foreign adoptions, from 7,093 in 1990 to 15,774 lastyear. Most children come from Russia (4,491 last year) and China (4,206) but there are alsothousands of others adopted annually from South America, Asia and Eastern Europe. After cuttingthrough what can be miles of red tape, parents often come home to find a new predicament. "At firstyou think, ′I need a child′," says Sandy Lachter of Washington, D.C., who with her husband, Steve,adopted Amelia,5, from China in 1995. "Then you think, ′What does the child need′"The culture camps give families a place to find answers to those kinds of questions. Most grewout of local support groups; Hidden Valley was started last year by the Boston chapter of Familieswith Children from China, which includes 650 families, while parents address weighty issues likehow to raise kids in a mixed-race family, their children just have fun riding horses, singing Chinesesongs or making scallion pancakes. "My philosophy of camping is that they could be doing anything,as long as they see other Chinese kids with white parents," says the director, Peter Kassen, whoseadopted daughters Hope and Lily are 6 and 4.The camp is a continuation of language and dance classes many of the kids attend during the year."When we rented out a theater for′Mulan,′ it was packed," says Stephen Chen of Boston, whoseadopted daughter Lindsay is 4. Classes in Chinese language, art and calligraphy are taught byexperts, like Renne Lu of the Greater Boston Chinese Cultural Center. "Our mission is to preserve theheritage," Lu says.Kids who are veteran campers say the experience helps them understand their complexheritage. Sixteen-year-old Alex was born in India and adopted by Kathy and David Brinton ofBoulder, Colo., when he was 7. "I went through a stage where I hated India, hated everything aboutit," he says."You just couldn′t mention India to me." But after six sessions at the East IndiaColorado Heritage Camp, held at Snow Mountain Ranch in Estes Park, Colo., he hopes to travel toIndia after he graduates from high school next year.What can be inferred about Alex from the last paragraphA.The culture camps caused Alex to hate everything about India.B.The East India Colorado Heritage Camp led to Alex' s immigration.C.Hidden Valley served as a link between Alex' s old world and the new.D.The culture camps helped Alex better understand his mixed-race family.

Passage 1
Hidden Valley looks a lot like the dozens of other camps that dot the woods of central Maine.
There′s a lake, some soccer fields and horses. But the campers make the difference. They′re allAmerican parents who have adopted kids from China. They′re at Hidden Valley to find bridgesfrom their children′s old worlds to the new. Diana Becker watches her 3-year-old daughter Mikadance to a Chinese version of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." "Her soul is Chinese," she says, "butreally she′ s growing up American."
Hidden Valley and a handful of other "culture camps" serving families with children fromoverseas reflect the huge rise in the number of foreign adoptions, from 7,093 in 1990 to 15,774 lastyear. Most children come from Russia (4,491 last year) and China (4,206) but there are alsothousands of others adopted annually from South America, Asia and Eastern Europe. After cuttingthrough what can be miles of red tape, parents often come home to find a new predicament. "At firstyou think, ′I need a child′," says Sandy Lachter of Washington, D.C., who with her husband, Steve,adopted Amelia,5, from China in 1995. "Then you think, ′What does the child need′"
The culture camps give families a place to find answers to those kinds of questions. Most grewout of local support groups; Hidden Valley was started last year by the Boston chapter of Familieswith Children from China, which includes 650 families, while parents address weighty issues likehow to raise kids in a mixed-race family, their children just have fun riding horses, singing Chinesesongs or making scallion pancakes. "My philosophy of camping is that they could be doing anything,as long as they see other Chinese kids with white parents," says the director, Peter Kassen, whoseadopted daughters Hope and Lily are 6 and 4.
The camp is a continuation of language and dance classes many of the kids attend during the year.
"When we rented out a theater for′Mulan,′ it was packed," says Stephen Chen of Boston, whoseadopted daughter Lindsay is 4. Classes in Chinese language, art and calligraphy are taught byexperts, like Renne Lu of the Greater Boston Chinese Cultural Center. "Our mission is to preserve theheritage," Lu says.
Kids who are veteran campers say the experience helps them understand their complexheritage. Sixteen-year-old Alex was born in India and adopted by Kathy and David Brinton ofBoulder, Colo., when he was 7. "I went through a stage where I hated India, hated everything aboutit," he says."You just couldn′t mention India to me." But after six sessions at the East IndiaColorado Heritage Camp, held at Snow Mountain Ranch in Estes Park, Colo., he hopes to travel toIndia after he graduates from high school next year.
What can be inferred about Alex from the last paragraph

A.The culture camps caused Alex to hate everything about India.

B.The East India Colorado Heritage Camp led to Alex' s immigration.

C.Hidden Valley served as a link between Alex' s old world and the new.

D.The culture camps helped Alex better understand his mixed-race family.


解析:推断题。根据最后一段第一句以及Alex所说的话,可知Alex对他的出生国家印度有了改观,对自己跨种族的家庭有了新的认识。故选D。也可以使用排除法,排除其他三项。A项与原文不符,故排除:文中并没有提到“East India Colorado Heritage Camp”帮助Alex移民,而是帮助他重新了解印度,排除B;Alex是受到“East India Colorado Heritage Camp”帮助而不是Hidden Valley,排除C。


As used in this passage,the word “valid” in the second paragraph means______A. foreignB. 1egalC. monetaryD. illegal

According to the passage,your supervisor is most likely your______.A.visitorB.teacherC.workmateD.1eader

According to the passage, the screen or cutters are fitted to __ (1)kill bacteria (2)break up the solid waste (3)remove solid matter with large sizeA.(1)B.(2)C.(2)(3)D.None of (1)(2)(3) is true

To grasp the gist of a passage in a quick way, what may a reader focus on?A.The transitional paragraphs.B.The whole passage.C.The topic sentences.D.Every sentence in the passage.

小学英语?阅读一、考题回顾二、考题解析【教学设计】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students will master the meaning and usage of the structure “be doing” through reading the passage.Ability aim:Students will apply the “be doing” to communicate with each other in real situation.Emotional aim:Students will be more interest in learning English.Key and difficult point:Key Point: Students will master how to improve reading abilities through finding main idea and details.Difficult Point: Students will apply the “be doing” to communicate with each other in real situation.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Play a riddle and students guess the animals, such as “long nose, big ears and strong body——elephant”, then lead to the topic of “let’s go to the zoo to see what animals are doing”.Step 2: Pre-reading1. According to the title, students have a prediction about what kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage.Step 3: While-reading1. Fast reading: students read the passage fast and figure out what kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage then make a list.2. Careful reading: students read the passage carefully and answer the question: what are the animals doing? Then fill in the blanks.1. How do you improve students’ interest in learning English?2. What principle should you use in the post-reading step?

高中英语?阅读一、考题回顾二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students can know the basic meaning of passage and are able to master the different greeting for the strangers.Ability aims:Students can practice guessing content of next paragraph according to the clues which is given in the passage.Emotional aim:Students are able to love learning English and like to read different English passage after this lesson.Key and difficult point:Key Point: guess the content of next paragraph according to the clues and know the “learned” body language, especially different greetingsDifficult Point: improve students’ reading interest.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Play a video about Chaplin’s mime and ask students several questions:What kind of body language can you see from this video?Do you know the meaning of these body language?Step 2: Pre-readingPresent the passage on the screen and read it for all the students. Before reading, ask students one question: What’s the main ideas of these two paragraphs? And guess the main to topic of this lesson?Then invite several students to share their ideas.Step 3: While-reading1.Lead the students to think one question: Is this a whole passage? And ask students to scan the whole passage and give the teacher answer.2.Ask students to discuss in group and after 10 minutes to invite several students to share their ideas with all the students.3.And different students may be just guess the content of several paragraphs. So give students a chart, ask them to finish discussing in 5 minutes. Then invite two representatives to state the whole passage.Step4: Post-readingGuessing game: Present another passage on the screen. And give students 10 minutes to read and discuss.Then make a chart and tell your own stories according to chart in your own group .Then invite the representatives to make a report for the whole class.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: Present a passage and ask students to read and write a short passsage,which will be put behind of last paragraph.Blackboard design:1.Do you have the experience in teaching?2. What will you do if you pass this exam?

单选题Which of the following most accurately states the role of the first paragraph in relation to the passage as a whole?AIt summarizes two theories. the relative merits of which are debated in the passage.BIt puts forth an argument that the rest of the passage is devoted to refuting.CIt introduces a new concept that the rest of the passage expands upon.DIt frames the background and relevance of the material to follow.EIt outlines the majorthemes of each of the four paragraphs to follow.

单选题The primary purpose of the first four sentences of Passage 1 is to ______.Aintroduce a discussion with a storyBestablish the author's main thesisCdefine several key conceptsDprovide the historical background to a debateEcharacterize two positions on an issue

单选题The primary purpose of Passage 1 is ______.Ato persuade the author of Passage 2 of the validity of evolutionary theoryBto describe the process by which protein is created by hemoglobinCto counter a common misconception about the composition of the human bodyDto deny the practical application of macroevolutionary theoryEto deride those who underestimate the complexity of the human body

单选题It can be inferred from the passage that the manufacturers mentioned in paragraph 1 expected that the measures they implemented would _____.Aencourage innovationBkeep labor output constantCincrease their competitive advantageDpermit business upturns to be more easily predicted

单选题Unlike the author of Passage 1, the author of Passage 2 answers which of the following questions?AWhere did Shah Jahan have the Taj Mahal constructed?BHow did Moslem influences manifest themselves in the Taj Mahal's design?CWhat role did Moslem women play in the design of the Taj Mahal?DDo all people appreciate the Taj Mahal's architecture?EHow does the Taj Mahal compare with other examples of Islamic architecture?

单选题Which best characterizes how the impact of science on chimpanzees is treated in these two passages?AThe author of Passage 1 lauds the benefits science has produced, while the author of Passage 2 speaks hopefully of possible future benefits.BBoth of the passages react with distrust to the idea of using science to assess chimpanzees.CThe first passage lists the studies that showed positive chimp interactions, while the author of Passage 2 refutes their claims,DThe first passage suggests that science can have a positive impact on perceptions about chimps, whereas the second passage views science as almost universally negative.EThe author of the first passage is more apt to justify using chimps in science than the author of Passage 2.

单选题A flame screen().Apermits the passage of vapor but not of flameBprevents the passage of flammable vaporsCprevents inert gas from leaving a tankDpermits vapors to exit but not enter a tank

单选题Which of the following best describes the relationship between Passage 1 and Passage 2?APassage 2 offers a criticism of the political theory outlined in Passage 1.BPassage 1 expands upon an argument made in Passage 2.CPassage 1 refutes the conclusion drawn in Passage 2.DPassage 2 offers a balanced counterpoint to the biased opinions expressed in Passage 1EPassage I offers evidence to support the main idea of Passage 2.

单选题From the passage we can infer that the passage is probably selected from______.Aa speech to business leadersBa speech of a manager to his staffCan article in a popular magazineDa movie

单选题Which of the following activities can be used to get the main idea of a passage? _____.Areading the passage in detailBreading to sequence the eventsCreading to fill in the chartsDreading the first and last sentences of the passage and the paragraphs

单选题The two passages differ in their perspectives on the debate between industrialists and environmentalists mainly in that Passage 1 emphasizes ______.Amathematics, while Passage 2 emphasizes psychologyBdeficiencies in the debate, while Passage 2 emphasizes progress in the debateCthe irrelevance of externalities, while Passage 2 emphasizes their importanceDthe impact on taxpayers, while Passage 2 emphasizes the views of politiciansEpollution, while Passage 2 emphasizes recycling

单选题The author of Passage 2 would most likely regard the spate of recent popular books (line 1) mentioned in Passage 1 with ______.Arighteous indignationBinformed skepticismCeager anticipationDsentimental regretEbewilderment

单选题Which of the following sentences should be omitted to improve the unity of the passage?ASentence 1BSentence 2CSentence 4DSentence 7ESentence 11

单选题Which sentence should be omitted from the passage?ASentence 3BSentence 6CSentence 9DSentence l1ESentence 12

单选题The author most likely begins and concludes the passage with questions for what reason?ATo suggest possible areas for current and future researchBTo pose a question that is answered in the body of the passage, and then to formulate a question that arises naturally out of the discussionCTo gain the readers’ attention and encourage their agreement with the arguments in the passageDTo suggest through rhetorical questions that the problems described in the passage do not actually have answersETo test the readers’ knowledge of the material discussed in the passage

单选题Which of the following best describes the relationship between the two passages?APassage 2 describes a significant. and discovery that contradicts the argument of Passage 1.BPassage 2 offers a theory that supports the main point in Passage 1.CPassage I provides a possible reason for the scientific inquiry presented in Passage 2.DPassage 1 relates an anecdote that explains the popular misconception in Passage 2.EPassage 2 provides a historical context for the discovery described in Passage 1.

单选题According to Passage 1, forests in Africa are cleared to allow for all of the following EXCEPT ______.Aagrarian cultivationBessential employmentCadded human domicilesDincreased fuel productionEfeeding farm animals

单选题Unlike Passage 1, Passage 2 discusses ______.Athe procedures of a specific experimentBa mistaken assumptionCthe work of professional researchersDsocial behaviorEhuman emotions

问答题Practice 1  Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around 150-200 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only once, and then you will have 25 minutes to finish your summary. This part of the test carries 20 points. You may need to scribble a few notes to write your summary. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

单选题Which statement most accurately describes the difference between the two passages?APassage 1 deals less directly with the exportation of chimpanzees than does Passage 2.BPassage 1 is less concerned with the interaction between man and the land than is Passage 2.CPassage I pertains to a species in its indigenous habitat while Passage 2 addresses the same animal in nonnative settings.DPassage I ends with an expression of optimism and Passage 2 does not.EPassage I introduces a species and describes its status worldwide, while Passage 2 limits its discussion of that species to its activities in the Northern Hemisphere.

单选题On a ship,a door that is required to be marked KEEP CLOSED is designed to().Aprevent the passage of flammable gasesBprevent the passage of poisonous vaporsCdelay the spread of heat and flamesDmaintain watertight integrity

单选题It can be inferred from the passage that before 1910 the normal running time of a film was _____.A15 minutes or lessBbetween 15 and 30 minutesC1 hour or moreDbetween 45 minutes and 1 hour