“您需要保健按摩吗?”翻译成英语是( )。A.Where is the symptom?B.Where is the discomfort?C.Do you need a health care massage?D.where are the discomfort?
“您需要保健按摩吗?”翻译成英语是( )。
A.Where is the symptom?
B.Where is the discomfort?
C.Do you need a health care massage?
D.where are the discomfort?
对于图书管理数据库,查询读者孙慨然的情况。下面SQL语句正确的是 ______。 SELECT*FROM读者A.WHERE姓名:”孙慨然”B.WHERE图书.姓名:”孙慨然”C.FOR姓名:”孙慨然”D.WHERE姓名:孙慨然
单选题“您需要保健按摩吗?”翻译成英语是()AWhere is the symptom?BWhere is the discomfort?CDo you need a health care massage?Dwhere are the discomfort?
判断题中医按摩历史悠久翻译成英语为“Chinese massage has a long history”。A对B错