第48题答案是__________A.hold onB.put awayC.look throughD.pick up


A.hold on
B.put away
C.look through
D.pick up


解析:look through“浏览”,look through a pile of letters意为“浏览一堆信件”,故选C。hold on“抓住,坚持”,put away“把……放到一边”,pick up“捡起,学会”,均排除。


48~51 题共用以下备选答案。A.柏子仁B.石膏C.淡附片D.芒硝E.月季花第 48 题 易泛油的是(  )

48~49 题共用以下备选答案。A.1年B.2年C.3年D.4年E.5年第 48 题 医疗用毒性药品调配后处方应保存(  )

The underlined words “the evicted fish” in Paragraph 3 refer to .A. the fish beaten up B. the fish found outC. the fish fattened up D. the fish driven away

My ancient jeep was straining up through beautiful countryside when the radiator began to leak.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

48~50 题共用以下备选答案。A.推动作用B.温煦作用C.防御作用D.固摄作用E.气化作用第 48 题 与维持恒定体温有关的是气的(  )

17.A.seeB.visit .C.look .D.find

________ is used for heaving up and slacking away the anchor and chainA.A winchB.A windlassC.A craneD.A jumbo boom

The prisoner got away ( ) an opening ( ) the fence A、through/ inB、over/ fromC、between/ ofD、among/ on

She is a woman too conservative to ____ the times, however, she is good-natured and treats others sincerely. A. come up withB. keep up withC. keep away fromD. put up with

第37题正确答案是( )

第48题正确答案是( )

根据备选答案,回答 45~48 题。第 45 题 薄荷

根据备选答案,回答 48~51 题。第 48 题 微量升华物在显微镜下呈长柱形、针形、羽状结晶,结晶上滴加三氯化铁醇溶液,结晶溶解成暗紫色的中药材是

45~48 题共用以下备选答案。第 45 题 处方一般不得超过( )

41 A turn up B show off C come on D go away

请在(9)处填上最佳答案。[A] stay up[B] crop up[C] fill up[D] cover up


第47题答案是__________A.made outB.took inC.gave offD.picked up

第48题答案是__________A.in attendanceB.at attentionC.with attendingD.to attendant


We( )the radio signals for help from the ship. A.pick up B.pick at C.pick off D.pick out

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单选题66 A through B from C away D outAABBCCDD

单选题67. A out B up C away D offAABBCCDD

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