14.A. andB. butC. orD. so


A. and

B. but

C. or

D. so


14. 对建设工程施工合同中发包人的这人进行分析时,主要分析A. 报批责任B. 监督责任C. 合同责任D. 主旨责任

I was out of town at the time, so I don’t know exactly how it _______.A. was happening B. happened C. happens D. has happened

______________A. so B. because C. even D. and

用EDTA测定SO42-时,属于()方法。 A.直接滴定B.间接滴定C.连续滴定D.沉淀滴定

The traffic is heavy this day, I arrive a bit late, so could you save me a place?A. can B. must C. need. D. might

▲14. 道德最突出也是最重要的社会功能是A. 认识功能B. 调节功能C. 激励功能D. 辩护功能

14. Don-t do any other things while you are doing your homework. So please_________your MP3.A. turn upB. turn downC. turn onD. turn off

-- I'd better be going.-- _____A. You sure?B. So soon?C. Why not?D. Really?

Jack won't like the film, you know.()I don't care what Jack thinks!A. So why?B. So what?C. So how?

硫酸生产工艺步骤大致可分为. ( )、 A. SO2的制取和净化B. SO2氧化成SO3C. SO3的吸收D. 尾气处理


There was so much noise that the speaker couldn‘t make himself ________. A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. to hear

_______ for the free ticket, I would not have gone to see film so often. A. If it is not B. Were it not C. Had it not been D. If they were not

—David has made great progress recently. —_______, and _______. A. So he has;so you have B. So he has;so have you C. So he has;so do you D. So has he;so you have

用卡尺测量某圆柱体直径10次,某一次观测所得的示值为14.7 mm,10次测量的算术平均值为14. 8 mm。若该卡尺经检定,其误差为0. 1 mm,则该圆柱体直径的最佳测量结果是( )mm。A. 14. 6 B. 14. 7C. 14. 8 D. 14. 9

用卡尺测量某圆柱体直径,单次观测所得的示值为14.7 mm; 10次测量的算术平均值为14. 8 mm。若该卡尺经量块校准,其修正值为一0. 1 mm。则该圆柱体直径正确的尺寸是( )mm。A. 14. 6 B. 14. 7C. 14. 8 D. 14. 9

14.工作票可以由( )填写。A.工作许可人; B.工作班成员; C.工作票签发人; D.工作负责人

轴直径的一个n =5的样本观测值(单位:cm)为:15.09,15.29,15.15,15.07,15.21,则样本均值为( )。A. 0. 89 B. 10 C. 14. 15 D. 15. 16

2012年1一5月限额以下企业(单位)消费品零售额同比增长率约为( )。A. 18.1%B. 14. 0%C. 11. 6%D. 10. 7%

男性网民比女性网民多( )。A. 12. 8%B. 14. 4%C. 6%D. 16. 2%

1999 -14.首先论述十怪脉的书籍是A.《世医得效方》B.《诊家枢要》 C.《脉袂汇辨》 D.《诊家直诀》 E.《脉义简摩》

2007 -14.食指络脉诊法始见于A.《小儿药证直诀》B.《水镜图诀》 C.《幼幼集成》 D.《望诊遵经》

1991 -14.多食易饥,大便溏泄是A.食积不化 B.脾胃虚弱 C.肝脾不和 D.胃火亢盛 E.胃强脾弱

1997 -14.《备急千金要方》的作者是A.张机 B.王叔和 C.孙思邈 D.巢元方 E.钱乙

1994 - 14.《四诊抉微》的作者是A.李濒湖 B.王叔和 C.汪宏 D.林之翰 E.周学海

1997 -13. 1998 — 14. 2000 - 14. 2009 - 13. “诸寒之而热者,取之阴”是指 A.阳病治阴 B.阴中求阳 C.寒因寒用 D.热者寒之 E.用寒远寒

2001 - 14.《素问?刺热篇》把哪脏与额加以联系A.肝 B.肺 C.心 D.脾 E.肾

It was because she was too inexperienced_she didn’t know how to deal with thesituation.A. so that B. that C. that is why D. so