BThis is a photo (11) my family. (12) are my grandparents.Those are my (13) .This is my uncle (14) that is my aunt. This boy is my (15) .He is my un-cle’s (16) .(17) name is Ed. This girl (18) me.My name is Kate. I (19) twelve. I love (20) family.( )11.A. forB. ofC. onD. to


This is a photo (11) my family. (12) are my grandparents.Those are my (13) .This is my uncle (14) that is my aunt. This boy is my (15) .He is my un-cle’s (16) .(17) name is Ed. This girl (18) me.My name is Kate. I (19) twelve. I love (20) family.

( )11.

A. for

B. of

C. on

D. to


B) 完形填空(共10小题,计10分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C 3个选项中,选出1个最佳答案。When I had something difficult to do, I used to ask my mother for help. But she always said, “Do it yourself, dear.” I was not 11 at all. I thought she was the12 mother in the world!For example, one day, I decided to 13 some friends to my home. My bedroom was not in order. Books were everywhere. And I didn’t make the bed. I asked my 14 to help me clean it, 15 she still said, “Do it yourself, girl.”Because of my “lazy mother”, I have to 16 my clothes and clean my room. I have to help my parents 17 I even have to go to the dentist by myself. It is really hard  for me to do everything well, but I have learned 18 .As time goes by, I understand my mother. She makes me clever and diligent (勤奋的)19 a great mother! A 20 mother is worth(等值于) one hundred teachers! Don’t you think so?11._________. A. old B. glad C. thin

She is of(). A、the age as old as my motherB、the same age as my mother'sC、the same old as my motherD、the same age as my mother

They may increase their production with the new equipment, __________. A. in my estimateB. by my estimateC. by my viewD. by my opinion

类MyClass的定如下,若要对value赋值,则下面语句正确的是( )。 class MyClass { public: MyClass(){} MyClass(int i){value=new int(i);} int*value; };A.MyClass my;my.value=10;B.MyClass my;*my.value=10;C.MyClass my;my.*value=10;D.MyClass my(10);

On my desk is a photo that my father took of________ when I was a baby.A. himB. hisC. meD. mine

This is my bedroom. You can see (11) pictures on the wall. A nice light is (12) the desk. A football is (13) the chair. (14) is the bed? It-s near the window.My father and (15 bedroom is near my bedroom.(16) flowers and a nice big bed (17) in their room.Some windows are (18) the wall.. A yellow door is in the wall,(19) .Do you like my bedroom and (20) ?( )11.A.aB.anC.oneD.some

In return____your help, I invite you tospend the weekend with my family.

I lvoe my country so much that I am prepared to () her.A、devote toB、devote my life toC、devoting my life toD、to devote my life for

( ).My mother is a high school teacher but my father is an engineer. A、None of my parents is a teacherB、Neither of my parents is a teacherC、Either of my parents is a teacherD、Both my parents are not teachers

This photo reminds me _________ my best friend.

I saw him at ( ), not at () uncle...the uncle's...the uncle's...the Blacks' uncle...the Blacks'

my wallet and my taste for gorgeous ______ gadgets, but not my thought. A、smoothB、gracefulC、sleekD、stealthy

Tom is going to see___. of my father's of my father's of my fathers' friendsD.a friend of my father

To my ________ many of my classmates came over to share my problems. A、greetB、noticeC、delightD、pride

My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique.What does the sentence My vessel is healthy mean?It means: ______.A.My ship has been maintainedB.My ship has been paintedC.All my crew members have been vaccinatedD.All my crew members have no quarantinable diseases

I didn′ t understand ____________. so I raised my hand to ask.A.what my teacher saysB.what does my teacher sayC.what my teacher saidD.what did my teacher say

My friend helped me()my cat when I was on vacation with my wifeAlook forBlook onClook afterDlook up

“女神”的词最初来源于?()A、MY GODNESSB、My little PonyC、My destinyD、My bog

下面语句正确的是()A、<TextElement>This is my TextElement</TextElement>B、<TextElement"This is my TextElement"/>C、<TextElement content="This is my TextElement"/>D、<TextElement/>This is my TextElement

阿里巴巴专业术语中,MA的全称是()A、My alibabaB、My adimistrationC、My aliD、My alipay


单选题My propeller was hit by a steel barge lying().AaheadBasternCalongside my port bowDalongside my starboard bow

单选题—Where did you have your supper? —_____.AWith my uncleBAt my uncle homeCAt my uncleDAt my uncle's

单选题The photo _____ memories of my early childhood.Atakes to heartBremindsCbrings to mindDimpresses

单选题It was not until the accident happened_______.Awhen I became aware of my foolishnessBwhen my foolishness became obviousCthat did I realize my foolishnessDthat I became aware of my foolishness

单选题The photo ______ taken by my brother last week is very nice.Awhich wereBthat isCthat wereDwhich was

单选题The photo ______ happy memories of my early childhood.Atakes to heartBremindsCbrings to mindDimpresses