


劳动法规定,劳动行政部门的工作人员进行监督检查,应当(),依法行使职权,文明执法。 A、着装B、出示证件C、通知用人单位D、举止文明

新氢压缩机润滑油压低于0.10MPa,主电机停机。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

人权非政府组织关注劳工权益的维护,其对提高在发展中世界和发达世界的非工会组织的工人的( )问题更感兴趣。 A.女性工人B.男性工人C.移民工人D.劳动条件

You are developing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that allows customers to update financial data. The client applications call the service in a transaction. The service contract is defined as follows. (Line numbers are included for reference only.)01 [ServiceContract]02 public interface IDataUpdate03 {04 [OperationContract]05 [TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption.Mandatory)]06 void Update(string accountNumber, double amount);07 }0809 ...10 class UpdateService : IDataUpdate11 {12 [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true, TransactionAutoComplete = true)]13 public void Update(string accountNumber, double amount)14 {15 try16 {17 ...18 }19 catch(Exception ex)20 {21 WriteErrorLog(ex);22 ...23 }24 }25 }26Customers report that the transaction completes successfully even if the Update method throws an exception.You need to ensure that the transaction is aborted if the Update method is not successful.What should you do? ()

子类可以继承父类的除私有成员以外的其它所有成员。 A.错误B.正确

Whichthreeoperationsrequireundodata() A.committingatransactionB.flashingbackatransactionC.recoveringafailedtransactionD.runningaread-consistentqueryE.changingatablespacestatusfromREADONLYtoREADWRITE

A sequence was created with the DDL statement shown below:CREATE SEQUENCE my_sequence CACHE 10 ORDER The following statements are successfully executed in sequence through separate database connections: CONNECTION1 - VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR my_sequence INTO :con1hvar CONNECTION2 - VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR my_sequence INTO :con2hvar CONNECTION1 - VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR my_sequence INTO:con1hvarWhat is the current value of the :con1hvar host variable?()A.2B.3C.11D.30

塑料管之间的连接宜采用()。 A.套接管B.承插式粘接C.承插弹性密封圈连接D.机械压紧管件连

电信市场环境影响电信企业产品定价,电信市场环境包括()。 A.市场区域B.市场需求C.市场竞争D.客户心理因素E.文化因素