were the majority of Self Optimization related feature?() A.PCI自配置B.Automated neighbour configuration-ANRC.Energy savingsD.Cell Outage Detection and Outage Mitigation

were the majority of Self Optimization related feature?()


B.Automated neighbour configuration-ANR

C.Energy savings

D.Cell Outage Detection and Outage Mitigation



The RECYCLEBIN parameter is set to ON for your database. You drop a table, PRODUCTS, from the SCOTT schema.Which two statements are true regarding the outcome of this action?() A. All the related indexes and views are automatically droppedB. The flashback drop feature can recover only the table structureC. Only the related indexes are dropped whereas views are invalidatedD. The flashback drop feature can recover both the table structure and its data

The journal entry to record the cost of warranty repairs that were incurred during the current period, but related to sales made in prior years, includes a debit to Warranty Expense.()

Originally, the World-Wide Web was designed as information medium for (71) research teams. A deliberately simple implementation model was chosen to make it as simple as possible for authors to (72) documents to the web, and to (73) these in the sense of updating content. This implementation model is centered around the notion of resources, usually file-base D. For the (74) intended use of the web, resources presented a useful abstraction, as they related to relatively self-contained chunks of information such as research publications and (75) pages. Such chunks of information typically could be set up and maintained independently of other resources, so that resources were the appropriate abstraction for composition and modification.A.allB.worldC.distributedD.internet

共用题干When Our Eyes Serve Our StomachOur senses aren't just delivering a strict view of what's going on in the world;they're af-fected by what's going on in our heads. A new study finds that hungry people see food-related words more clearly than people who'ye just eaten.Psychologists have known for decades that what's going on,inside our head affects our senses. For example,poorer children think coins are larger than they are,and hungry people think pictures of food are brighter. Remi Radel of University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis,France,wanted to investi-gate how this happens. Does it happen right away as the brain receives signals from the eyes or a lit-tle later as the brain's high-level thinking processes get involved.Radel recruited 42 students with a normal body mass index. On the day of his or her test,each student was told to arrive at the lab at noon after three or four hours of not eating. Then they were told there was a delay. Some were told to come back in 10 minutes;others were given an hour to get lunch first. So half the students were hungry when they did the ex-periment and the other half had just eaten.For the experiment,the participant looked at a computer screen. One by one,80 words flashed on the screen for about 1/300th of a second each. They flashed at so small a size thatthe students could only consciously perceive. A quarter of the words were food-related. After each word,each person was asked how bright the word was and asked to choose which of two words they'd seen一a food-related word like cake or a neutral word like boat. Each word ap-peared too briefly for the participant to really read it.Hungry people saw the food-related words as brighter and were better at identifying food-related words. Because the word appeared too quickly for them to be reliably seen,this means that the difference is in perception,not in thinking processes,Radel says.“This is something great to me. Humans can really perceive what they need or what they strive for. From the experiment,I know that our brain can really be at the disposal of our mo-tives and needs,”Radel says.Radel's experiment discovered that hungry people______.A: were more sensitive to food-related words than stomach-full peopleB: were better at identifying neutral wordsC: were always thinking of food-related wordsD: saw every word more clearly than stomach-full people

If I correct someone,I'll do it with as much good humor and self‐restraint as if I were the one( ).A.to correctB.correctingC.having correctedD.being corrected

Text 1"The love of money",St Paul memorably wrote to his protege Timothy,"is the root of all evil.""All"may be putting it a bit strongly,but dozens of psychological studies have indeed shown that people primed to think about money before an experiment are more likely to lie,cheat and steal during the course of that experiment.Another well-known aphorism,ascribed to Benjamin Franklin,is"time is money".If true,that suggests a syllogism:that the love of time is a root of evil,too.But a paperjust published in Psychological Science by Francesca Gino of Harvard and Cassie Mogilner of the University of Pennsylvania suggests precisely the opposite.Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner asked a group of volunteers to do a scries of what appeared to be aptitude tests.As is ofien the case in such experiments,though,what the voiunteers were told.and what the truth was,were rather different things.In the first test they were asked to make,within three minutes,as many coherent sentences as they could out of a set ofwords they had been presented with.What they were not told was that each of them had been assigned to one of three groups.Some volunteers'word sets were seeded with ones associated with money,such as"dollars","financing"and"spend".Some were seeded with words associated with time(eg,"clock",/'hours","moment").And some were seeded with neither.Thus unknowingly primed,the volunteers were ready for the second test.This was mathematical.They were given a sheet of paper with 20 matrices which each contained 12 numbers.two of which added up to ten(for example,3.81 and 6.19).They had to write down,on a separate answer sheet,how many of these pairs they could manage to find in five minutes.They were also given a packet ofmoney and told they could reward themselves with a dollar for each pair they discovered.This led Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner to suspect that self-reflection played a part in controlling uncthical behaviour during the test.They therefore conducted a third test in which,for half the volunteers,there was a mirror in the cubicle they were sitting in when doing the experiment.Volunteers primed to think about money cheated 39%of the time when a mirror was present but 67%when it was not.Those primed to think about time cheated 32%of the time in the presence of the mirror and 36%in its absence-results that are statistically indistinguishable.Finally,a fourth experiment asked primed volunteers to fill in a questionnaire before tackling the matrix.In among"filler"questions intended to disguise what was happening this asked them to rate how they felt about self-reflective statements like,"Right now,1 am thinking about who I am as a person."As in the previous tests,those primed with money words cheated more ofien than those primed with neutral words and far more ofien than those primed with time words.But whether someone cheated was also related to how strongly he felt about the self-reflective statements presented to him in the questionnaire.It seems,then,that thinking about time has the opposite effect on people from thinking about money.It makes them more honest than normal,rather than less so.Moreover,the more reflective they are,the more honest they become.There must be an aphorism in that.It can be concluded from the text that——.A.people primed with neutral words cheated more than those primed with money wordsB.self-refiection plays a significant role in people's decision makingC.volunteers cheated was also related with whether a mirror in the cubicle they were sittingD.people primed with time words cheated most among the subjects

Text 1"The love of money",St Paul memorably wrote to his protege Timothy,"is the root of all evil.""All"may be putting it a bit strongly,but dozens of psychological studies have indeed shown that people primed to think about money before an experiment are more likely to lie,cheat and steal during the course of that experiment.Another well-known aphorism,ascribed to Benjamin Franklin,is"time is money".If true,that suggests a syllogism:that the love of time is a root of evil,too.But a paperjust published in Psychological Science by Francesca Gino of Harvard and Cassie Mogilner of the University of Pennsylvania suggests precisely the opposite.Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner asked a group of volunteers to do a scries of what appeared to be aptitude tests.As is ofien the case in such experiments,though,what the voiunteers were told.and what the truth was,were rather different things.In the first test they were asked to make,within three minutes,as many coherent sentences as they could out of a set ofwords they had been presented with.What they were not told was that each of them had been assigned to one of three groups.Some volunteers'word sets were seeded with ones associated with money,such as"dollars","financing"and"spend".Some were seeded with words associated with time(eg,"clock",/'hours","moment").And some were seeded with neither.Thus unknowingly primed,the volunteers were ready for the second test.This was mathematical.They were given a sheet of paper with 20 matrices which each contained 12 numbers.two of which added up to ten(for example,3.81 and 6.19).They had to write down,on a separate answer sheet,how many of these pairs they could manage to find in five minutes.They were also given a packet ofmoney and told they could reward themselves with a dollar for each pair they discovered.This led Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner to suspect that self-reflection played a part in controlling uncthical behaviour during the test.They therefore conducted a third test in which,for half the volunteers,there was a mirror in the cubicle they were sitting in when doing the experiment.Volunteers primed to think about money cheated 39%of the time when a mirror was present but 67%when it was not.Those primed to think about time cheated 32%of the time in the presence of the mirror and 36%in its absence-results that are statistically indistinguishable.Finally,a fourth experiment asked primed volunteers to fill in a questionnaire before tackling the matrix.In among"filler"questions intended to disguise what was happening this asked them to rate how they felt about self-reflective statements like,"Right now,1 am thinking about who I am as a person."As in the previous tests,those primed with money words cheated more ofien than those primed with neutral words and far more ofien than those primed with time words.But whether someone cheated was also related to how strongly he felt about the self-reflective statements presented to him in the questionnaire.It seems,then,that thinking about time has the opposite effect on people from thinking about money.It makes them more honest than normal,rather than less so.Moreover,the more reflective they are,the more honest they become.There must be an aphorism in that.What can we infer from the tests?A.The subjects have been told their assignmentB.Volunteers who had been primed with money ideas were more likely to cheat others.C.12%volunteers had been primed with time-related words.D.33%subjects had been primed with money-related words.

共用题干Losing WeightGirls as young as 10 years old are dieting and in danger of developing unhealthy attitudes about weight,body image and food,a group of Toronto researchers reported Tuesday.Their study of 2,279 girls aged 10 to 14 showed that while the vast majority had healthy weights,nearly a third felt they were overweight and were trying to lose pounds. Even at the tender age of 10,nearly 32 percent of girls felt"too fat"and 3 1 percent said they were trying to diet.McVey,a researcher at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto,and her colleagues analyzed data collected in a number of surveys of southern Ontario school girls between 1993 and 2003,reporting their findings in Tuesday's issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal.Nearly 80 percent of the girls had a healthy body weight and only 7.2 percent were considered overweight using standard weight-to-height ratios.Most researchers suggest the rate of overweight children in this country is several times higher than that figure.Nearly 30 percent of the girls reported they were currently trying to lose weight,though few admitted to dangerous behavior such as self-induced vomiting.Still,a test that measured attitudes towards eating showed 10.5 percent of survey participants were already at risk of developing an eating disorder."We're not talking about kids who've been prescribed a diet because they're above average weight or overweight. We're talking about children who are within a healthy weight range.And they have taken it upon themselves to diet to lose weight,"McVey said,acknowledging she found the rates disturbing. She said striking a balance between healthy weights and healthy attitudes towards food and body image is a complex task,with no easy solutions. Unhealthy attitudes about weight,body image and food may______.A: lead to an eating disorderB: result from self-induced vomitingC: make it easier to gain weightD: bring about greater competition

共用题干Losing WeightGirls as young as 10 years old are dieting and in danger of developing unhealthy attitudes about weight,body image and food,a group of Toronto researchers reported Tuesday.Their study of 2,279 girls aged 10 to 14 showed that while the vast majority had healthy weights,nearly a third felt they were overweight and were trying to lose pounds. Even at the tender age of 10,nearly 32 percent of girls felt"too fat"and 3 1 percent said they were trying to diet.McVey,a researcher at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto,and her colleagues analyzed data collected in a number of surveys of southern Ontario school girls between 1993 and 2003,reporting their findings in Tuesday's issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal.Nearly 80 percent of the girls had a healthy body weight and only 7.2 percent were considered overweight using standard weight-to-height ratios.Most researchers suggest the rate of overweight children in this country is several times higher than that figure.Nearly 30 percent of the girls reported they were currently trying to lose weight,though few admitted to dangerous behavior such as self-induced vomiting.Still,a test that measured attitudes towards eating showed 10.5 percent of survey participants were already at risk of developing an eating disorder."We're not talking about kids who've been prescribed a diet because they're above average weight or overweight. We're talking about children who are within a healthy weight range.And they have taken it upon themselves to diet to lose weight,"McVey said,acknowledging she found the rates disturbing. She said striking a balance between healthy weights and healthy attitudes towards food and body image is a complex task,with no easy solutions. The survey participants were girls______.A: who were 10B: who were 14C: who were 10 to 14D: who were 10 to 18

The House Speaker and the temporary President of the Senate are usually()Aelected by the majority partyBchosen from the majority and minority partiesCmembers of the majority partyDchosen freely from the Congressmen and Senators

For the following options, which feature is the foundation of Cisco Self-Defending Network technology?()A、secure network platformB、secure connectivityC、threat control and containmentD、policy management


were the majority of Self Optimization related feature?()A、PCI自配置B、Automated neighbour configuration-ANRC、Energy savingsD、Cell Outage Detection and Outage Mitigation

Which of the following is the MOST likely reason that a feature is not available in a virtualized environment?()A、Multiple types of network cards were used.B、The environment is outside of the DMZ.C、Hardware used is not on the HCL.D、Internal hard drives were used for storage instead of external hard drives.

A laser printer is sent for repair and the work order indicates that there is an image printing problem.  Which of the following should a technician do FIRST to confirm this problem?()A、Run the calibration feature on the laser printer.B、Run a self-test image page from the printer.C、Clean the corona wire and return printer.D、Print a test page from a computer.

Identify the INCORRECT statement about the Configurations and Options Guide (COG): ()A、IBM Marketing Option part numbers, Feature Codes and Field Replacement Unit part numbers are listedB、DS3000 and DS4000 storage products are includedC、Console switches and related KVM options are described in a separate chapterD、UPS information is provided

The RECYCLEBIN parameter is set to ON for your database. You drop a table,PRODUCTS,from the SCOTT schema.  Which two statements are true regarding the outcome of this action?()A、 All the related indexes and views are automatically droppedB、 The flashback drop feature can recover only the table structureC、 Only the related indexes are dropped whereas views are invalidatedD、 The flashback drop feature can recover both the table structure and its data

单选题Which of the following statements is correct with regards to the operation of a centrifugal cargo pump?()AOil is discharged from the impeller through the outletBGravity causes the oil to flow toward the dischargeCThe self-priming feature of the centrifugal pump enables it to draw its own suction as it startsDThe discharge capacity varies directly with the speed of the impeller

单选题Which of the following would be the way to prevent the Num Lock LED from being turned on automatically when a laptop is booted? ()AHold the function Num Lock key down during POST.BGo into the Windows Keyboard applet and deselect the ’Num Lock on boot’ option.CCreate a Windows profile to disable the feature during power-on self test (POST).DTurn the feature off in the BIOS.

问答题Passage 1The Research on Self-esteem  A Self-esteem is generally considered the evaluative component of the self-concept, a broader representation of the self that includes cognitive and behavioral aspects as well as evaluative or affective ones. While the construct is most often used to refer to a global sense of self-worth, narrower concepts such as self-confidence or body-esteem are used to imply a sense of self-esteem in more specific domains. It is also widely assumed that self-esteem functions as a trait, that is, it is stable across time within individuals.  B Self-esteem is an extremely popular construct within psychology, and has been related to virtually every other psychological concept or domain, including personality (e.g., shyness), behavioral (e.g., task performance), cognitive (e.g., attributional bias), and clinical concepts (e.g., anxiety and depression). While some researchers have been particularly concerned with understanding the nuances of the self-esteem construct, others have focused on the adaptive and self-protective functions of self-esteem. Self-esteem has been related both to socioeconomic status and to various aspects of health and health-related behaviors, as has a related construct, self-efficacy. Self-efficacy, a term associated with the work of Bandera, refers to an individual’s sense of competence or ability in general or in particular domains.  C Low self-esteem is the universal common denominator literally among all people suffering from addictions to any and all mind altering substances such as alcohol—not genes. In the book Alcoholism: A False Stigma: Low Self-Esteem the True Disease (1996), Candito reports, “Those who have identified themselves as ‘recovered alcoholics’ indicate that low self-esteem is the most significant problem in their lives. Low self-esteem is the true problem and the true disease. Alcohol is but a symptom of an alcoholic’s disease.” Studies have found that 18-year olds who used drugs frequently were using them as early as age seven, already more psychologically troubled than their peers. They were already anxious and unhappy, alienated from their family and peers, and overly impulsive. Low self-esteem, lack of conformity, poor academic achievement and poor parental-child relationships are also indicators of young children likely to end up using drugs.  D Candito comes to the conclusion that low self-esteem is the underlying origin f all problematic behaviors, and the true disease that plagues the world, resulting in alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and all other obsessive behaviors including criminal behavior. This conclusion is also shared by Andrew Keegan (1987) who maintains that low self-esteem either causes or contributes to neurosis, anxiety, defensiveness, and ultimately alcohol and drug abuse. The reason why some become alcoholic while others do not is dependent upon their ability to contend with low self-esteem.  E However, many of the positive outcomes attributed to high self-esteem are not substantiated by research, according to Brown psychologist Krueger. Krueger, associate professor of psychology and faculty member from three other universities, formed that conclusion after reviewing more than two decades of objective research studies on self-esteem at the invitation of the American Psychological Society. Their report appears in this month’s issue of Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a supplement to Psychological Science. “Across most measures-school and job performance, violence and crime, and health-there were few consistent links between the level of self-esteem and the quality of outcomes,” said Krueger. High self-esteem does not prevent children from smoking, drinking, taking drugs or engaging in early sex, the task force reported. If anything, high self-esteem fosters experimentation, which may increase early sexual activity or drinking. The exception was a connection between high self-esteem and reduced chances of the eating disorder bulimia in females. In adults, according to the task force, occupational success may boost self-esteem rather than the reverse. And neither high nor low self-esteem is a direct cause of violence.  F In fact, pleasant feelings and enhanced initiative were the two benefits of high self-esteem found by the task force. High self-esteem has a strong relationship to happiness and low self-esteem is more likely than high to lead to depression under some circumstances. Those with high self-esteem were also found to exhibit more persistence at tasks. Yet the task force also noted that there are basically two types of high self-esteem—that which is realistic, and that which is out of touch with reality. People who fall into the former category accept their good qualities. Those in the latter are characterised as narcissistic, defensive or conceited individuals. In some studies, narcissism led to some negative qualities such as increased aggression in retaliation for wounded pride.  G The self-esteem movement began in California during the 1980s with the idea that many of society’s problems were related to low self-esteem. The California legislature financed a task force to increase self-esteem in an effort to reduce welfare dependency, unwanted pregnancy, school failure, crime, drug addiction and other problems, with the goal of saving taxpayer dollars, according to the task force. Since then, there has been a nationwide proliferation of techniques to raise self-esteem—particularly in schools—and a proliferation of books marketed to people helping themselves. Yet, “after a quarter of a century of research, the high hopes of the self-esteem movement have not been realized, and customers of the self-help industry should not look to heightened self-esteem as a panacea,” said Krueger.  Which paragraph contains the following information?  Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.  NB You may use any letter more than once.  1. Researchers focused their studies on varied aspects of self-esteem.  2. Some researchers related problematic drink behaviors to self-esteem.  3. The reason of violence seems not related to the quality of self-esteem.  4. Andrew Keegan agreed that low self-esteem is the underlying origin of all problematic behaviors.  5. Many inventions of methods are stimulated to increase the self-esteem.

多选题The RECYCLEBIN parameter is set to ON for your database. You drop a table,PRODUCTS,from the SCOTT schema.  Which two statements are true regarding the outcome of this action?()AAll the related indexes and views are automatically droppedBThe flashback drop feature can recover only the table structureCOnly the related indexes are dropped whereas views are invalidatedDThe flashback drop feature can recover both the table structure and its data

单选题The House Speaker and the temporary President of the Senate are usually()Aelected by the majority partyBchosen from the majority and minority partiesCmembers of the majority partyDchosen freely from the Congressmen and Senators

单选题Which of the following is the MOST likely reason that a feature is not available in a virtualized environment?()A Multiple types of network cards were used.B The environment is outside of the DMZ.C Hardware used is not on the HCL.D Internal hard drives were used for storage instead of external hard drives.

单选题Which of the following is the MOST likely reason that a feature is not available in a virtualized environment?()AMultiple types of network cards were used.BThe environment is outside of the DMZ.CHardware used is not on the HCL.DInternal hard drives were used for storage instead of external hard drives.

单选题Which of the following is not directly related to Neo-classicism in the eighteenth century?AReason rather than emotion is emphasized.BMost of the writings were didactic and satirical.CLyrical poetry flourished.DPoets found closed couplet the only possible verse form for serious work.

单选题The ancient Egyptians believed all illnesses were related to()was eaten.AwhichBitCwhatDthat