Both teams were in hard training; ______ was willing to lose the game.A. eitherB. neitherC. anotherD. the other

Both teams were in hard training; ______ was willing to lose the game.

A. either
B. neither
C. another
D. the other


解析:前句提到Both teams,由此可知谈论的是两个队,因此后文应表达"不愿意输掉比赛",可以确定答案为B。


—Which would you like, Coke or tea?—??____________. I prefer coffee.A. Neither B. Both C. Either D. None

________believe ________reject anything because any other person has rejected or believed it. A. Either ⋯orB. Not only ⋯but alsoC. Neither⋯norD. Not only ⋯as well as

Sam looks like his Dad. They are _____ tall.A. either B. any C. all D. both

18.1 can _________ swim _________skate. Will you teach me how to swim and skate?A. not only,but alsoB. both,andC. either,orD. neither,nor

41. —1 hear _________ your grandpa _________ your grandma like watching Min Opera.—Right,just as many old people do in Fuzhou.A. both,andB. either,orC. neither,norD. not only,but also

His answer is not correct, and _______.-A.neither am IB.neither is mineC.either is mineD.mine is neither

-Did Mike phone you or Tim?-No, he didn't phone_____ us.A. either ofB. both ofC. neither of

( ).My mother is a high school teacher but my father is an engineer. A、None of my parents is a teacherB、Neither of my parents is a teacherC、Either of my parents is a teacherD、Both my parents are not teachers

There are two new assistants in the office, but ()them is any good. A、neither ofB、none ofC、both ofD、either of

I'm afraid that ()will not agree to this arrangementA、both of themB、either of themC、neither of theyD、eachs of them

Be sure to finish the work on time, but please remember, that we want( )high speed( ) quapty.A. both, andB. either, orC. neither, notD. not, but also

We cannot communicate with the French guests because ______we ______ he speaks French.A、neither orB、either norC、neither norD、either or

BFor many parents , raising a teenager is like fighting a long war ,but years go by without any clear winner . Like a border conflict between neighboring countries ,the parent-teen war is about boundaries: Where is the line between what I control and what you do?Both sides want peace ,but neither feels it has any power to stop the conflict . In part ,this is because neither is willing to admit .any responsibility for starting it . From the parents’ point of view, the only cause of their fight is their adolescents’ complete unreasonableness. And of course .the teens see it in exactly the same way , except oppositely . Both feel trappedIn this article. I’ll describe three no-win situations that commonly arise between teens and parents and then suggest some ways out of the trap. The first no-win situation is quarrels over unimportant things . Examples include the color of the teen’s hair, the cleanliness of the bedroom ,the preferred style. of clothing , the child’s failure to eat a good breakfast before school ,or his tendency to sleep until noon on the weekends .Second ,blaming , the goal of a blaming battle is to make the other admit that his bad attitude is the reason why everything goes wrong . Third , needing to be right ,It doesn’t matter what the topic is –politics. The taws of physics ,or the proper way to break an egg –the point of these arguments is to prove that you are right and the other person is wrong .for both wish to be considered an authority --- someone who actually knows something --- and therefore to command respect. Unfortunately , as long as long as parents and teens continue to assume that they know more than the other ,they’ll continue to fight these battles forever and never make any real progress55. Why does the author compare the parent—teen war to a border conflict?A. both can continue for generations .B. Both are about where to draw the lineC. Neither has any clear winnerD. Neither can be put to an end

________ Tom ________ Mary speaks good Chinese, so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well.A.Neither, nor B. Not only, but also C.Both, and D.Either, or

Prof. Ward hardly ever went to the theater.[A] neither the cinema nor[B] neither the cinema or[C] either the cinema or[D] either the cinema nor

–Wow! You’ve got so many clothes.--But _____ of them are in fashion now.A. all B. both C. neither D. none

The heights and soundings of Admiralty chart are expressed ______ in Fathoms ______ in Meters.A.either,orB.neither,norC.another,norD.other,or

Janet as well as the other young people who ____ sent abroad by government ___ brought up in the small town.A. was;was B. was;were C. were ;were D. were ;was

Golf Weekly is a newly published magazine that caters_________ to experienced and inexperienced golfers who are just learning to play the game.A. BothB. neither C. either D. so

To make both ends meet, the farmers were working hard under the () sky.A.swelteringB.suspiciousC.sympatheticD.swollen

After discussing the terms of the new health-benefits contract, _____management and employees were satisfied.A. both B. also C. either D. too

In spring it is(  )hot(  )cold here.A.both:andB.either;orC.neither;norD.not only;bu

I could speak____ Japanese_____ Chinese, so I had to talk with him in English. A. not only; but also B. both; and C. neither; nor D. either; or

Neither Mr. Babcock nor other clerical workers () an additional reward.A、is givenB、was givenC、givesD、were given

The man page for command shows the following syntax: The man page for command shows the following syntax: command [ -a | -b ] Which of the following statements is true regarding this entry?()A、Either the -a or flag -b may be used, but not both.B、If the flag -a is used then the flag -b also must be used.C、One of the -a or -b flags must be used, but not both at the same time.D、Both the flags may be used together, but neither are mandatory.

单选题Both teams were in hard training;_____ was willing to lose the game.AeitherBneitherCanotherDthe other

单选题The students in a certain physical education class are on either the basketball team or the tennis team, are on both these teams, or are not on either team. If 15 students are on the basketball team, 18 students are on the tennis team, 11 students are on both teams, and 14 students are not on either of these teams, how many students are in the class?A48B40C36D30E28