The White Fountain inn will__________reservations only for parties of six people or more.A.aceeptB.acceptingC.aeceptedD.accepts

The White Fountain inn will__________reservations only for parties of six people or more.





What colors were in the dress that Scarlett wore to the barbeque?() A.Red and YellowB.Only PurpleC.Pink, White and BlueD.Green and White

The recipe is sufficient _______ six people. (A)for(B) in(C) on(D) with

Which of the following is TRUE about the family Katy is living with?A. They are friendly. B. There are three people in their house.C. They are strange. D. They have never taken Katy to the parties.

People are confused in their attempts to control malaria in Europe in the early 1900s, because scientists ______.A.identified only one mosquito species instead of six speciesB.thought only three mosquito species transmitted diseaseC.thought there was only one mosquito speciesD.did not know what species was being studied

27. There are______ people in his family.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six

Cyberbullies are usually weak and uncared-for people who only does it to attract people’s attention.()

What can you infer from the text about the dinner party? A、It's a pleasure going to a dinner party.B、Dinner parties help you get to know other people.C、You can have unusual foods at dinner parties.D、Guests seldom enjoy the party.

The enormous importance people attached to these issues seems eventually to have encouraged the parties to address them in a more practical way.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

____ for his poetry but also for his six-volume life of Abraham Lincoln. A、Not only Carl Sandburg is knownB、Carl Sandburg is known not onlyC、Carl Sandburg, knowing not onlyD、Carl Sandburg ,who is known not only

Mary doesn’t like going to parties and meeting new people. She is very ________. AA.go shopping with go shopping with going shopping with me

the first national aboriginal civil rights gathering was on jan.26,1 938,when the aboriginal people celebrated together with the white people the arrival of the first fleet. ()

What does the writer dislike most about dinner parties in New YorkersA. There is a strange mix of people.B. The restaurants are expensive.C. The bill is not fairly shared.D. People have to pay cash

BHave a look at that funny(滑稽的) salesman(售货员). He wears a tall black hat,big white shoes and red socks. He also wears a skirt! It-s red and white. Look at his green sweater! It's so big. All the things are on sale, do you know? The hat is only 5 dollars. The skirt is 15 dollars. The sweater is 30 yuan. The shoes are 10 yuan and the socks are only two yuan.,( )26. The socks areA.¥10B.¥2C.white and redD.white

7. Six people,_________ a baby,were injured in the accident.A.includedB.includingC.includesD.include

共用题干Walk a Quarter-Mile or DiemIf you can walk a quarter-mile,odds(可能性)are you have at least six years of life leftin you,scientists say.And the faster you can_______(1)it,the longer you mightlive.While walking is no guarantee of_______(2) or longevity(长寿),a new studyfound that the ability of elderly people to do the quarter-mile was an"important determinant (决定因素)"in whether or not they'd be_____(3) six years later and how much illness and disability they would endure."The_______(4)to complete this walk was a powerful predictor of health outcomes,"said study leader Anne Newman of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine."In fact,we_______(5)that the people who could not complete the walk were_____(6)an extremely high risk of later disability and death."Newman and colleagues recruited nearly 2,700 white and African-American men and women aged 70 to 79 to_______(7)the walk.All the participants were screened and determined to be in relatively_______(8)health,and they had all said they had previously walked that far with no_______(9).Only 86 percent of them finished,_______(10)The scientists then monitored the health and mortality of all_______(11)for the next six years,"There was a big gap in health outcomes_______(12)people who could complete the longer walk and people who could not,with the latter being at an extremely high_______(13)of becoming disabled or dying,"Newman said."Whatwas really surprising is that these people were not_______(14)of how weak they actually were."Finishing times were found to be crucial,too.Those who completed the walk but were among the slowest 25 percent_______(15)three times greater risk of death than the speedier folks._________(5)A:found B:doubted C:suspected D:studied

Many people like white color as it is a( )of purity.A.signB.symbolC.signalD.symptom

The White Fountain inn will __________reservations only for parties of six people or more.A.accept B.accepting C.accepted D.accepts

The only decent hotel in town had hung out a “Full House” sign, so their only choice ( ) at a small to put upB.has been to put upC.will be put upD.was to put up

Six people were killed in that accident.A:event B:incidentC:scene D:location

Mary doesn't like going to parties and meeting new people. She is very()A、shyB、socialC、outgoing

单选题According to the passage, a white lieseems to be a lie_______.Athat other people believeBthat other people don't believeCtold in order to avoid offending someoneDtold in order to take advantage of someone

单选题Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?AMany people protested in the past six months.BMany people threw tomatoes at the German Chancellor.CMany people threw eggs at an important member of the German Chancellor’s Social Democrats.DMany people threw eggs at the German Chancellor, but he was not hit.

单选题The White House is open to the public _____.Aon weekdays onlyBfive days a weekCevery other dayDon weekends only

单选题African Americans stopped using chemical straighteners or hot irons because ______.Athey reversed the attitude the white people had towards themBthey started to see beauty in their thick curly hairCthey feel good and comfortable in being differentDthey accepted the white standards of beauty

单选题Mary doesn't like going to parties and meeting new people. She is very()AshyBsocialCoutgoing

单选题A light used to signal passing intentions must be an().Aalternating red and yellow lightBalternating white and yellow lightCall-round white or yellow lightDall-round white light only

问答题In one day at a library, 64 people borrowed books. Twice as many people borrowed only a thriller as borrowed only a science fiction book. Three people borrowed a biography only and 11 people borrowed both science fiction and a thriller, but not a biography. The same number borrowed a biography and a thriller but no science fiction as borrowed one of each of the three types. Twenty-one people did not borrow a thriller. One more person borrowed a science fiction book and a biography book than borrowed a biography only.  How many people borrowed a thriller only?