甲公司2020年1月份生产产品领用原材料2000千克,单位成本为1.2元;确认生产人员工资5000元,车间管理人员工资1000元。假定不考虑其他因素,应直接记入“生产成本”科目的金额为()元。 A.2400B.7000C.8400D.7400
A general purpose MySQL instance is configured with the following options:—log-slow-queries—long-query-time=,0001—log-slow-admin-queries—general-log—log-bin—binlog-format=STATEMENT—innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit=1Which three statements are true()。A.The General Query Log records more data than the Binary LogB.The binary Log records more data than the General Query LogC.The Slow Query Log records more data than the General Query LogD.The General Query Log records more data than the Slow Query LogE.The Slow Query Log records more data than the Binary LogF.The Binary Log records more data than the Slow Query Log
以下各项中,不是IP报文操作特点的是()。 A.每个分组自身携带有足够的信息,它的传送是被单独处理的B.在整个传送过程中,不需建立虚电路C.使所有分组顺序到达目的端系统D.网络节点要为每个分组做出路由选择