根据下面资料,回答题 They may have lived some 1,700 years ago, but the ancient Maya had an incredible knowledge of celestial bodies, which they believed influenced everything. Now a 15-year-old boy has studied astronomical charts devised by these ancient Mexican people, as well as satellite photos, to pinpoint the location of a forgotten Mayan city. William Gadoury, from Quebec has named the "lost city" in the Yucatan jungle K′aak Chi, or Mouth of Fire. Satellite images suggest the lost city could be among the largest built by the ancient civilisation, which thrived between 300 and 700 AD. Wondering why the ancient people built their cities far away from rivers and in inhospitable mountains prompted the teenager to look to the sky for answers. Incredibly, the brightest of the stars matched the largest cities. "I was really surprised and excited when I realised that the most brilliant stars of the constellations matched the largest Maya cities." He told The Journal of Montreal. He is said to be the first to make the connection, which could lead to further finds. It was in the 23rd constellation, containing three stars, that he found two matching cities on the map, suggesting one has not yet been re-discovered. To investigate further, he used satellite images from the Canadian Space Agency and Google Earth to search the dense jungle for any signs of buildings. The photographs revealed linear features that "stuck out," Daniel De Lisle, from the Canadian Space Agency told The Independent. "There are linear features that would suggest there is something underneath that big canopy," he said. Armand La Rocque, from the University of New Brunswick believes one of the images shows network of streets leading to a large square, which may be a pyramid. "A square is not natural, it is mostly artificial and can hardly be attributed to natural phenomena," he said. It′s possible 30 buildings accompany an impressive pyramid at the site. If true, the lost city would be one of the five largest known to archaeologists, built by the Mayans. Linking the position of stars and the location of a lost city and the use of satellite images on a tiny territory to identify the remains buried under dense vegetation, is quite exceptional. Dr. La Rocque thinks William Gadoury′s technique could lead archaeologists to pinpointing the location of more possible lost Mayan metropolises. It can be learned from the passage that the newly-found Maya city was ___________.查看材料A.found in a jungleB.built along rivers 1,700 years agoC.built far away from rivers 300 years agoD.built along rivers between 300 and 700 AD

They may have lived some 1,700 years ago, but the ancient Maya had an incredible knowledge of celestial bodies, which they believed influenced everything.
Now a 15-year-old boy has studied astronomical charts devised by these ancient Mexican people, as well as satellite photos, to pinpoint the location of a forgotten Mayan city. William Gadoury, from Quebec has named the "lost city" in the Yucatan jungle K′aak Chi, or Mouth of Fire.
Satellite images suggest the lost city could be among the largest built by the ancient civilisation, which thrived between 300 and 700 AD.
Wondering why the ancient people built their cities far away from rivers and in inhospitable mountains prompted the teenager to look to the sky for answers. Incredibly, the brightest of the stars matched the largest cities.
"I was really surprised and excited when I realised that the most brilliant stars of the constellations matched the largest Maya cities." He told The Journal of Montreal.
He is said to be the first to make the connection, which could lead to further finds.
It was in the 23rd constellation, containing three stars, that he found two matching cities on the map, suggesting one has not yet been re-discovered.
To investigate further, he used satellite images from the Canadian Space Agency and Google Earth to search the dense jungle for any signs of buildings.
The photographs revealed linear features that "stuck out," Daniel De Lisle, from the Canadian Space Agency told The Independent.
"There are linear features that would suggest there is something underneath that big canopy," he said. Armand La Rocque, from the University of New Brunswick believes one of the images shows network of streets leading to a large square, which may be a pyramid. "A square is not natural, it is mostly artificial and can hardly be attributed to natural phenomena," he said.
It′s possible 30 buildings accompany an impressive pyramid at the site. If true, the lost city would be one of the five largest known to archaeologists, built by the Mayans.
Linking the position of stars and the location of a lost city and the use of satellite images on a tiny territory to identify the remains buried under dense vegetation, is quite exceptional.
Dr. La Rocque thinks William Gadoury′s technique could lead archaeologists to pinpointing the location of more possible lost Mayan metropolises.

It can be learned from the passage that the newly-found Maya city was ___________.查看材料

A.found in a jungle
B.built along rivers 1,700 years ago
C.built far away from rivers 300 years ago
D.built along rivers between 300 and 700 AD


解析:细节题。根据第二段的第二句话“William Gadoury,from Quebec has named the‘lost city’ in the Yucatan jungle K’aak Chi,or Mouth of Fire."可知,A项正确。根据第三段“Satellite images suggest the lost city could be among the largest built by the ancient civilisation,which thrived between 300 and 700 AD.”及第四段中的“Wondering why the ancient people built their cities far away from rivers”可知,玛雅古城建立于公元300至700年间,并且离河流很远,B、C、D项均表述错误。故本题选A。


根据下面资料,回答题:在药物结构中含有羧基,具有解热、镇痛和抗炎作用,还有抑制血小板凝聚作用。根据结构特征和作用,该药是 查看材料A.布洛芬B.阿司匹林C.美洛昔康D.塞来昔布E.奥扎格雷




下面哪个不是T31网管上单板通讯测试类型?() A.主备通讯环回B.NCP业务处理环回C.H口环回D.NCPS口环回

根据下面资料,回答第 82~86 题。已知某商店三种商品销售量及价格资料,如表6—3所示。第 82 题 宜采用的指数体系为( )。

根据下面资料,作答题。【资料】教师在板书生字时,常把形近字的相同部分与相异部分分别用白色和红色的粉笔写出来。你认为教师这种做法是否正确?( ) 查看材料A.√B.×

根据下面资料,作答题。【资料】教师在检查学生知识掌握的情况时,通常其试卷不单纯选用选择题和判断题,而常常借助于填空题、简答题和论述题等。教师采用的这种方法符合学生的记忆规律。( ) 查看材料A.√B.×

关于可转债的回售条款,下面说法正确的是( )。A.股票下跌时可转债持有人可以行使回售条款B.回售条款由发行人行使C.回售条款由可转债持有人行使D.回售价格根据回售时标的股票市价确定

根据下面资料,回答94-96题 下面是某求助者的MMPl的测验结果: 轻躁狂量表的K校正分应当是(  )。 A.19B.28C.34D.38











单选题关于可转债的回售条款,下面说法正确的是( )。A股票下跌时可转债持有人可以行使回售条款B回售条款由可转债持有人行使C回售条款由发行人行使D回售价格根据回售时标的股票市价确定




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