The project manager must maintain an effective communication link with the customer’s satisfaction with the progress of the project. The project manager maintains this link through()A.Periodic project reports, periodic visits to the customer, and telephonic exchangesB.Subordinates, project team members, and the project sponsorC.One-time reports, weekly reports, and monthly reportsD.The telephone, facsimile, and data transmission

The project manager must maintain an effective communication link with the customer’s satisfaction with the progress of the project. The project manager maintains this link through()

A.Periodic project reports, periodic visits to the customer, and telephonic exchanges
B.Subordinates, project team members, and the project sponsor
C.One-time reports, weekly reports, and monthly reports
D.The telephone, facsimile, and data transmission




信息系统文档的管理主要体现在文档书写规范、图表编号规则、文档目录编写标准和( )等几个方面。A. 文档管理方法B. 文档管理制度C. 监理文档规范D. 文档使用权限控制

由字符a、b构成的字符串中,若每个a后至少跟一个b,则该字符串集合可用正规式表示为 ( ) 。 A(b|ab)* B(ab*)* C(a*b*)* D(a|b)*

Linux系统中,DHCP服务dhcpd的缺省配置文件是(6),在配置文件中,为特定主机指定保留IP地址的声明语句是(7)。A.subnet B.range

当一个主机要获取通信目标的MAC地址时,( )。A.单播ARP请求到默认网关B.广播发送ARP请求C.与对方主机建立TCP连接D.转发IP数据报到邻居结点


Software entities are more complex for their size than perhaps any other human construct,because no two parts are alike(at least above the statement level).If they are,we make the two similar parts into one,a(1),open or closed.In this respect software systems differ profoundly from computers,buildings,or automobiles,where repeated elements abound.Digital computers are themselves more complex than most things people build;they have very large numbers of states.This makes conceiving,describing,and testing them hard.Software systems have orders of magnitude more(2)than computers do.Likewise,a scaling-up of a software entity is not merely a repetition of the same elements in larger size;it is necessarily an increase in the number of different elements.In most cases,the elements interact with each other in some(3)fashion,and the complexity of the whole increases much more than linearly.The complexity of software is a(an)(4)property,not an accidental one.Hence descriptions of a software entity that abstract away its complexity often abstract away its essence.Mathematics and the physical sciences made great strides for three centuries by constructing simplified models of complex phenomena,deriving,properties from the models,and verifying those properties experimentally.This worked because the complexities(5)in the models were not the essential properties of the phenomena.It does not work when the complexities are the essence.Many of the classical problems of developing software products derive from this essential complexity and its nonlinear increases with size.Not only technical problems but management problems as well come from the complexity.3、____A.linearB.nonlinearC.parallelD.additive

对算法设计时,其主要依据来自( )。A.数据流图B.E-R图C.状态-迁移图D.加工规格说明

设数组a[0..n-1,0..m-1](n>0,m>0)中的元素以列为主序存放,每个元素占用1个存储单元,则数组元素a[i,j](0≤i≤n-1,0≤j≤m-1)相对于数组空间首地址的偏移量为( )。A.i*m+jB.(i-1)*n+j-1C.j*n+iD.(j-1)*n+i-1

对项目进行审计是项目绩效评估的重要内容,以下关于项目绩效评估和审计的叙述中, ( ) 是不正确的。A. 绩效审计是经济审计、效率审计、效果审计的合称B. 按审计时间分为事前审计、事中审计和事后审计C. 项目绩效评估主要通过定性对比分析,对项目运营效益进行综合评判D. 绩效评估以授权或委托的形式让独立的机构或个人来进行就是绩效审计

根据GB/T11457—2006的规定,使客户能确认是否接受系统的正式测试为 ( ) 。 A.合格性测试 B.验收测试 C 运行测试 D.系统测试