根据以下内容,回答246-250题。Mindful travel, Inc. --Treasures of EgyptDates: October 21st——November 5thPrice: from $ 2,190Stimulate your imagination as you explore Egypt, both old and new. Stand before the great Pyramids of Giza at sunrise. Acquaint yourself with the bustling districts and vibrant culture of the capital city, Carlo. Travel up the majestic Nile River and visit the amazing Valley of the Kings, where you can tour the famous tomb of "King Tut". But best of all, our guide will share their knowledge of these sites with you, helping you to understand both the history and the modem cul-ture of this amazing country. Expand your mind with Mindful Travel, Inc.Package price does not include airfare to or from Cairo.Mindful Travel, Inc.Public Relations Office11 Derry LaneLondon, EnglandNovember 9,2006Dear MT representative,Having recently returned from your company's Treasure of Egypt tour, I'm happy to report that I had a wonderful time. I don't think I've ever had such an enjoyable and educational vaca-tion. I was particular impressed with how much I learned about history of Egypt, as well as what the country is like today.All of the guides and other MT employees assisting me during my travels were courteous.Helpful, and very knowledgeable about the fascinating historical sites that I visited. Please extentmy thanks especially to Mr. Mokhta Said, who guided me around the Valley of the Kings. That was the highlight of my trip.I'm going to share my experiences with friends and family, and I will definitely suggest that they travel with MT the next time they take a vacation.Thank you again,Leila DoraWhat is special about Mindful Travel, Inc.?A.It provides educational experiencesB.It is based in Cario, EgyptC.It offers the cheapest tour pricesD.It employs Egyptian guides

Mindful travel, Inc. --Treasures of Egypt
Dates: October 21st——November 5th
Price: from $ 2,190
Stimulate your imagination as you explore Egypt, both old and new. Stand before the great Pyramids of Giza at sunrise. Acquaint yourself with the bustling districts and vibrant culture of the capital city, Carlo. Travel up the majestic Nile River and visit the amazing Valley of the Kings, where you can tour the famous tomb of "King Tut". But best of all, our guide will share their knowledge of these sites with you, helping you to understand both the history and the modem cul-ture of this amazing country. Expand your mind with Mindful Travel, Inc.
Package price does not include airfare to or from Cairo.
Mindful Travel, Inc.
Public Relations Office
11 Derry Lane
London, England
November 9,2006
Dear MT representative,
Having recently returned from your company's Treasure of Egypt tour, I'm happy to report that I had a wonderful time. I don't think I've ever had such an enjoyable and educational vaca-tion. I was particular impressed with how much I learned about history of Egypt, as well as what the country is like today.
All of the guides and other MT employees assisting me during my travels were courteous.
Helpful, and very knowledgeable about the fascinating historical sites that I visited. Please extentmy thanks especially to Mr. Mokhta Said, who guided me around the Valley of the Kings. That was the highlight of my trip.
I'm going to share my experiences with friends and family, and I will definitely suggest that they travel with MT the next time they take a vacation.
Thank you again,
Leila Dora

What is special about Mindful Travel, Inc.?

A.It provides educational experiences
B.It is based in Cario, Egypt
C.It offers the cheapest tour prices
D.It employs Egyptian guides


解析:通过第一段倒数第二句可以知道正确答案。短文中的“best of all”是意为“最好的”短语。Mindful旅行社最大的优点就是游客可以和导游一同分享他们的历史和现代文化。换句话说,这个和提供有益的学习经历相一致。


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