In the darkness,the hunter pereived that something was moving in the bushes.A:discoveredB:realizedC:sawD:sensed

In the darkness,the hunter pereived that something was moving in the bushes.



解析:本句意思:黑暗中,猎人感觉到有什么东西在草丛中移动。perceive察觉,理解,发觉。 sense感觉到,注意到;discover(经过有目的的探索)发现;realize认识到,辨认出; see看见。


He had become blood of my blood; he the strong swimmer and I the boy () to him in the darkness. A、nettledB、senilityC、expeditionD、clinging

There would be the momentary() of his face and then again the darkness, the wind, and the rain. A、glimpseB、commitmentC、embankmentD、preached

The hunter ______ on his back with his eyes half closed A.laidB.liedC.layD.lain

They could hardly ____ where the road was in the darkness. A.make upB.make forC.make outD.make of

All the other five planets ________.[A] always appear near the path of the sun[B] are moving in a way more complicated than the earth does[C] aren't moving around the sun as independently as the earth does[D] are moving around the sun at the same speed as the earth does

Leopard is a powerful and ______ hunter and kills ms and even small goats.AapparentBarrogantCaliveDaggressive

The little fox was not clever enough to miss _____ by the hunter.A. catchingB. caughtC. being caughtD. to be caught

The jungle welcomes new guests- the hunter Clayton, and the professor and his daughter ().A、SaborB、SarahC、KerchekD、Jane

Tarzan is the hunter who is shooting in the jungle .()

()is the hunter with the professor in the search of gorillas.A、ClaytonB、SarahC、BillyD、Tarzan

One half of the earth is in darkness _______ the other half is bright.A、asB、whileC、sinceD、because

You plan to have a larger moving window size for the default system-defined moving window baseline because you want to use the adaptive threshold. Which statement factors in this consideration while increasing the size of the moving window?()A. The collection level for the AWR should be set to BASICB. The moving window size must be less than Undo RetentionC. The moving window size should be greater than the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) retention periodD. The moving window size should be equal to or less than the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) retention period

此处,Something 类的文件名叫OtherThing.javaclass Something {private static void main(String[] something_to_do) {System.out.println("Do something ...");}}这个好像很明显。

Hunter is a brilliant professor but has his limitations as a government leader.A:capacities B:weaknessC:advantages D:responsibilities

A.selling something up B.selling something fancy C.selling something unnecessary D.selling something more expensive

I was busy with my paper when I heard someone()in the room above.A、moving onB、moving offC、moving upD、move about

After walking hurriedly for half an hour, I wanted to drink ()A、something coldB、cold somethingC、something with coldD、something to be cold


You plan to have a larger moving window size for the default system-defined moving window baseline because you want to use the adaptive threshold. Which statement factors in this consideration while increasing the size of the moving window?()A、The collection level for the AWR should be set to BASICB、The moving window size must be less than Undo RetentionC、The moving window size should be greater than the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) retention periodD、The moving window size should be equal to or less than the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) retention period




单选题“To know something like the palm of one’s hand” means _____.Ato understand the nature of something and be competent in the performance of themBto understand everything without any questionCto understand only something easyDto be thoroughly familiar with the nature and details of something

单选题The underlined word reduce probably means ______.Ato make something lessBto make something betterCto make something moreDto make something cleaner

单选题When visibility is restricted(),we can say it is restricted visibility.Aby long distanceBby the darkness at nightCby a vessel in frontDby fog or falling snow

单选题An occulting light is one in which ().Athe period of darkness exceeds the period of lightBthere is only a partial eclipse of the lightCthe periods of light and darkness are equalDthe period of light exceeds the period of darkness

单选题When fighting a fire on a bulkhead using a portable carbon dioxide extinguisher,the stream should be directed at the().Abase of the flames,moving the horn from side to side,following the flames upward as they diminishBtop of the flaming area,moving the horn from side to side,following the flames downward as they diminishCcenter of the flaming area,moving the horn vertically from top to bottomDbottom of the flaming area,moving the horn vertically to the top following the flames upward as they diminish