The Moon and most artificial satellites travel around the Earth in elliptical paths.A: wavesB: orbitsC: voyagesD: flights

The Moon and most artificial satellites travel around the Earth in elliptical paths

A: waves
B: orbits
C: voyages
D: flights


解析:句意:月亮和人造卫星都以椭圆轨道绕地球旋转。画线单词path意为“路径”。 wave意为“波浪”;orbit意为“轨道”;voyage意为“航海”;flight意为“航班”。根据画线单词意思,只有orbit与其意义相近,可进行替换。因此B项正确。


The teacher said that the moon _______ round the earth. (A) was moving(B) moved(C) would move(D) moves

AWhen you look at the sky at night,the moon looks bigger than the stars. In fact,the moon is much smaller than the stars.It is much smaller than the earth. But the moon is much closer to us than any star. That is why it looks so big. If you hold a coin your eye,it looks big.If you look at it across the room,it looks small.The moon moves around the earth. It makes one trip in about four weeks. The moon looks flat(扁的)to us. But it is a round ball,like the earth.People once thought the moon had fire(火) on it. They thought the fire made it bright.Now we know the moon is like a mirror( 镜子 ). It gets its light from the sun Our sunlight comes from the sun,too: What is the sun? The sun is star. The stars we can see have their own light. There are many big stars we can-t see. Their light has burned out. Others are still bright,but they are so far away that we can-t see them. The sun looks bigger and much brighter than other stars because it is the nearest of all stars. The sun and the other stars we see are very hot,but the air around us saves us from(使------免于) the heat(热量) of the sun.The sun gives us light and warmth.It makes plants grow and leaves turn green. It makes life possible on our earth.It is a life-giving star.( )21. The moon looks bigger because__________ .A. some stars are smaller than is between the sun and the is the closest to the is very bright

Text 2 To understand how astrology works, we should first take a quick look at the sky. Although the stars are at enormous distances, they do indeed give the impression of being affixed to the inner surface of a great hollow sphere surrounding the earth. Ancient people, in fact, literally believed in the existence of such a celestial sphere. As the earth spins on its axis, the celestial sphere appears to turn about us each day, pivoting at points on a line with the earth's axis of rotation. This daily turning of the sphere carries the stars around the sky, causing most of them to rise and set, but they, and constellations they define, maintains fixed patterns on the sphere, just as the continent of Australian maintains its shape on a spinning globe of the earth. Thus the stars were called fixed stars.The motion of the sun along the ecliptic is, of course, merely a reflection of the revolution of the earth around the sun, but the ancients believed the earth was fixed and the sun had an independent motion of its own, eastward among the stars. The glare of sunlight hides the stars in daytime, but the ancients were aware that the stars were up there even at night, and the slow eastward motion of the sun around the sky, at the rate of about thirty degrees each month, caused different stars to be visible at night at different times of the year.The moon, revolving around the earth each month, also has an independent motion in the sky. The moon, however, changes its position relatively rapidly. Although it appears to rise and set each day, as does nearly everything else in the sky, we can see the moon changing position during as short an interval as an hour or so. The moon's path around the earth lies nearly in the same plane as the earth's path around the sun, so the moon is never seen very far from the ecliptic in the sky. There are five other objects visible to the naked eye that also appear to move in respect to the fixed background of stars on the celestial sphere. These are the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and the Saturn. All of them revolve around the sun in nearly the same plane as the earth does, so they, like the moon, always appear near the ecliptic. Because we see the planets from the moving earth, however, they behave in a complicated way, with their apparent motions on the celestial sphere reflection both their own independent motions around the sun and our motion as well.第26题:The ancient people believed that ________.[A] the earth was spinning on the axis of the sky[B] the sky was a hollow sphere spinning around the earth[C] the patterns of stars on the sky would never change[D] the stars around the sky were not stationary

All the other five planets ________.[A] always appear near the path of the sun[B] are moving in a way more complicated than the earth does[C] aren't moving around the sun as independently as the earth does[D] are moving around the sun at the same speed as the earth does

Some students take a year off their studies to____________. A、travel around the worldB、become travel agentsC、visit family membersD、help other people

One day on the moon is _____.A. two Earth week longB. two Earth weeks longC. two Earth weeks longerD. two Earth weeks length

Compared to the Earth, the moon is much smaller.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

( ) moon is ( ) satellite of ( )earth. A、The/ the/ theB、The/ a/ theC、A/ a/ theD、A/ a/ a

The earth ____ around the sun.A、revolvedB、revolvesC、is revolvedD、was revolved

Neap tides occur the start of spring, when the Sun is nearly over the equatorB.only when the Sun and Moon are on the same sides of the Earth and are nearly in lineC.when the Sun and Moon are at approximately 90°to each other, as seen from the EarthD.when the Sun , Moon, and Earth are nearly in line, regardless of alignment order

Priming of the tides occurs times of new and full MoonB.when the Earth, Moon, and Sun are lying approximately on the same lineC.when the Moon is between first quarter and full and between third quarter and newD.when the Moon is between new and first quarter and between full and third quarter

Satellites were launched()low orbit for weather and military applications.A.on B.around D.with

Believe it or not,the day when you can go to the moon is coming soon.You can go into space (11) space shuttle.It (12) about three days for the shuttle to go from the earth to the moon. The shuttle flies a long way to a space station. You can stay there for a short rest and then it will (13) you to the moon.Now you can jump out of the shuttle. But you mustn't take (14) your spacesuit,because it is very hot in the daytime and very cold at night on the moon. The moon is much smaller than the earth. Things are (15) 0n the moon than they are on the earth. You can jump high every time you take a step. You will find that it is never tiring to walk on the moon. You don't need to take an umbrella or a raincoat with you,(16) there is no rain on the moon You can hear (17) because there is no air on the moon. And there are no animals or(18) living things there.The moon moves more slowly than the earth,so one day on the moon is as long as two weeks on the earth and one night is just as long as two weeks on the earth. What could you do in (19 )long days and nights and in a silent world?' Now scientists are trying to make the (20) 0f the moon. But our earth is really a far better place to live,as long as we take good care of it,( )11.A.onB.inC.byD.with

Have you ever seen the man in the moon?If you look (11)______ at the moon on some nights. you can see the face of the man in the moon. Some people say that they can see an old man (12) ______ sticks. Others say a girl reading. These pictures are made by the mountains and plains of the moon.Long ago people in England used to tell their children that the moon was (13)______ green cheese. Everyone knows that this is not true. The moon is a large round rock. It is completely (14)______ . There are no trees and plants of any kind on the moon. There are no rivers and seas. There are no living things. It never rains on the moon,and everything is covered with (15)______ . white dust. Not even a (16)______ can be heard on the moon.Where the sun (17)______ on it,the moon is very hot. In the dark,however, it is cold (18) ______ ice. The moon is much smaller than the earth. It does not weigh as (19)______ as the earth. If you (20)______ to the moon,you would weigh six times less than you do. Even a fat man would be able to jump high off the ground.(11)A.closelyB.scarcelyC.dailyD.immediately

The moon( )around the earth.A.resolvesB.revolvesC.involvesD.rotates

单选题Neap tides occur().AAt the start of spring,when the Sun is nearly over the equatorBOnly when the Sun and Moon are on the same sides of the Earth and are nearly in lineCWhen the Sun and Moon are at approximately 90° to each other,as seen from the EarthDWhen the Sun,Moon,and Earth are nearly in line,regardless of alignment order

单选题Neap tides occur only().Aat a new or full MoonBwhen the Sun,Moon,and Earth are in lineCat approximately 28-day intervalsDwhen the Moon is at quadrature

单选题Priming of the tides occurs().Aat times of new and full MoonBwhen the Earth,Moon,and Sun are lying approximately on the same lineCwhen the Moon is between first quarter and full and between third quarter and newDwhen the Moon is between new and first quarter and between full and third quarter

单选题()is a space system using one or more artificial earth satellites.ASatellite networkBSatellite linkCGMDSSDSatellite system

单选题ATrips to the moon.BTrips in the moon’s orbit.CTrips within the earth’s orbit.DTrips to the Mars.

单选题Opposition occurs when().Athe Sun,Earth,and Moon are at right anglesBthe Sun's declination is 0°and is moving southCan inferior planet is at the maximum angle to the line of sight to the SunDthe Earth is between a planet and the Sun

单选题Spring tides occur().Aat the start of spring,when the Sun is nearly over the equatorBonly when the Sun and Moon are on the same side of the Earth and nearly in lineCwhen the Sun and Moon are at approximately 90°to each other as seen from the EarthDwhen the Sun,Moon,and Earth are nearly in line,in any order

单选题Perihelion is the point where the Sun().Ais nearest to the EarthBis farthest from the EarthCis on the opposite side of the Earth from the MoonDand Moon and Earth are in line

单选题According()travel agents, the growth trend in travel is the half-week sneak-away built around a weekend.AatBonCtoDin

单选题Aphelion is the point where the Sun().Aand Moon and Earth form a right angleBand Moon and Earth are in lineCcrosses the celestial equatorDis farthest from the Earth

单选题Geostationary satellites are the artificial satellites which().Aalways move slowlyBare in one place onlyCsometime move sometime don‟t moveDare synchronizing with the movement of the earth

单选题Which statement about satellite navigation is TRUE? ()AWhile a fix can be generated by signals received from two satellites,three satellites are necessary for reliable accuracyBThe satellites are in equatorial orbits around the earth about 60°of longitude apartCThe satellite navigation system determines a fix by measuring the doppler shift of the radio signals from the satelliteDThe ship's receiver cannot begin processing data until the antenna locks onto the satellite and starts continuous tracking