共用题干第一篇The SaharaThe name Sahara derives from the Arabic word for"desert"or"steppe".At 3.5 million square miles, an area roughly the size of the United States,the Sahara Desert in northern Africa is the largest desert in the world.It spans the continent from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea. Daytime temperatures can reach as high as 130°F.The humidity sometimes gets into the teens.But it can also be as low as 2.5 percent,the lowest in the world.Most of the Sahara receives less than five inches of rain per year,while large areas sometimes have no rainfall at all for years.At the heart of the Sahara is the landlocked north African country of Niger. Here the sand dunes can be100 feet tall and several miles long. Here sand plains stretch over an area larger than Germany where there is neither water nor towns.Yet sitting in the midst of the surrounding desert is the town of Bilma. Suddenly there are pools of clear water. Surprisingly,there are groves of date palms.Underground water resources,or oases, sufficient to support irrigated agriculture are found in dry stream beds and depressions.Irrigation ditches run off a creek to water fields.Corn,cassava,tea,peanuts,hot peppers,and orange,lime,and grapefruit trees grow in these fields.Donkeys and goats graze on green grass.The Sahara of Niger is still a region where you can see a camel caravan of 500 camels tied together in loose lines as long as a mile,traveling toward such oasis towns.There a caravan will collect life-sustaining salt,which is mined from watery basins,and transport it up to 400 miles back to settlements on the edges of the desert.The round trip across the vast sands takes one month.Rainfall in most of the Sahara is_______________.A:less than five inches per yearB:less than ten inches per yearC:less than twenty inches per yearD:zero
The Sahara
The name Sahara derives from the Arabic word for"desert"or"steppe".At 3.5 million square miles,
an area roughly the size of the United States,the Sahara Desert in northern Africa is the largest desert in the
world.It spans the continent from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea. Daytime temperatures can reach as high
as 130°F.The humidity sometimes gets into the teens.But it can also be as low as 2.5 percent,the lowest in
the world.Most of the Sahara receives less than five inches of rain per year,while large areas sometimes have
no rainfall at all for years.
At the heart of the Sahara is the landlocked north African country of Niger. Here the sand dunes can be
100 feet tall and several miles long. Here sand plains stretch over an area larger than Germany where there is
neither water nor towns.Yet sitting in the midst of the surrounding desert is the town of Bilma. Suddenly there
are pools of clear water. Surprisingly,there are groves of date palms.Underground water resources,or oases,
sufficient to support irrigated agriculture are found in dry stream beds and depressions.Irrigation ditches run
off a creek to water fields.Corn,cassava,tea,peanuts,hot peppers,and orange,lime,and grapefruit trees grow
in these fields.Donkeys and goats graze on green grass.
The Sahara of Niger is still a region where you can see a camel caravan of 500 camels tied together in
loose lines as long as a mile,traveling toward such oasis towns.There a caravan will collect life-sustaining
salt,which is mined from watery basins,and transport it up to 400 miles back to settlements on the edges of
the desert.The round trip across the vast sands takes one month.
The Sahara
The name Sahara derives from the Arabic word for"desert"or"steppe".At 3.5 million square miles,
an area roughly the size of the United States,the Sahara Desert in northern Africa is the largest desert in the
world.It spans the continent from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea. Daytime temperatures can reach as high
as 130°F.The humidity sometimes gets into the teens.But it can also be as low as 2.5 percent,the lowest in
the world.Most of the Sahara receives less than five inches of rain per year,while large areas sometimes have
no rainfall at all for years.
At the heart of the Sahara is the landlocked north African country of Niger. Here the sand dunes can be
100 feet tall and several miles long. Here sand plains stretch over an area larger than Germany where there is
neither water nor towns.Yet sitting in the midst of the surrounding desert is the town of Bilma. Suddenly there
are pools of clear water. Surprisingly,there are groves of date palms.Underground water resources,or oases,
sufficient to support irrigated agriculture are found in dry stream beds and depressions.Irrigation ditches run
off a creek to water fields.Corn,cassava,tea,peanuts,hot peppers,and orange,lime,and grapefruit trees grow
in these fields.Donkeys and goats graze on green grass.
The Sahara of Niger is still a region where you can see a camel caravan of 500 camels tied together in
loose lines as long as a mile,traveling toward such oasis towns.There a caravan will collect life-sustaining
salt,which is mined from watery basins,and transport it up to 400 miles back to settlements on the edges of
the desert.The round trip across the vast sands takes one month.
Rainfall in most of the Sahara is_______________.
A:less than five inches per year
B:less than ten inches per year
C:less than twenty inches per year
A:less than five inches per year
B:less than ten inches per year
C:less than twenty inches per year
解析:本题问的是:这篇文章主要讲了什么?本文主要介绍了撒哈拉沙漠的地理位置、气候 概况、农业和交通运输状况。B选项范围过宽。C选项不全面,文章不只介绍了比尔马的情 况。D选项文中没有具体介绍。所以A是对的。
本题问的是:在撒哈拉的绝大多数地区,降雨情况如何?根据第一段的最后一句话,撒 哈拉的绝大多数地区每年降雨量低于5英寸。所以A正确。
本题问的是:撒哈拉沙漠可以被描述成什么?A项的意思是,一个具有强烈对比的地 方。B项的意思是杳无人烟的地方。C项的意思是冬天很冷的地区。D项的意思是吸引很多 游客的地方。B、C、D项均不符合文意,A项说的对比可以在湿度高低、沙漠与绿洲的对比等方 面找到,因此A正确。
本题问的是:短语“大约和美国大小相当的地区”指的是什么地方的大小?根据第一段 的第二句话可知,本句的主语是撒哈拉沙漠。因此C正确。
本题问的是:文中“caravan”的意思是什么?A项的意思是旅行马戏团。C项是火车。D 项是又小又快的帆船。根据文中的介绍,穿过沙漠的驼队由上百只骆驼组成,来到绿洲城镇收 集盐,因此B选项“一群人一起穿过条件恶劣的国家”是正确的。第二篇 本文的主要内容是:蚂蚁通过筑巢和其广泛的捕食方式改善了土壤结构。在数量不是很大 时,它们的存在有利于其他动物群体密度和多样性的增加,对环境的影响很大。因此,蚂蚁被称为“生 态系统的工程师”。
本题问的是:在撒哈拉的绝大多数地区,降雨情况如何?根据第一段的最后一句话,撒 哈拉的绝大多数地区每年降雨量低于5英寸。所以A正确。
本题问的是:撒哈拉沙漠可以被描述成什么?A项的意思是,一个具有强烈对比的地 方。B项的意思是杳无人烟的地方。C项的意思是冬天很冷的地区。D项的意思是吸引很多 游客的地方。B、C、D项均不符合文意,A项说的对比可以在湿度高低、沙漠与绿洲的对比等方 面找到,因此A正确。
本题问的是:短语“大约和美国大小相当的地区”指的是什么地方的大小?根据第一段 的第二句话可知,本句的主语是撒哈拉沙漠。因此C正确。
本题问的是:文中“caravan”的意思是什么?A项的意思是旅行马戏团。C项是火车。D 项是又小又快的帆船。根据文中的介绍,穿过沙漠的驼队由上百只骆驼组成,来到绿洲城镇收 集盐,因此B选项“一群人一起穿过条件恶劣的国家”是正确的。第二篇 本文的主要内容是:蚂蚁通过筑巢和其广泛的捕食方式改善了土壤结构。在数量不是很大 时,它们的存在有利于其他动物群体密度和多样性的增加,对环境的影响很大。因此,蚂蚁被称为“生 态系统的工程师”。