The news shocked the public, to great concem about students safety at school.A. having led B. ledC. leading D. to lead

The news shocked the public, to great concem about students’ safety at school.

A. having led B. led

C. leading D. to lead


你们怎样确保食品安全?A.How about the food safety?B.How do you ensure the food safety?C.What about the food insurance?D.Can you ensure the food safety?

I never expected that he was so shocked at the news.I regret () him. A、not tellingB、to tellC、not to tellD、telling

Little _______ about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.A.did Rose careB.Rose did careC.Rose does careD.does Rose care

For the sake of the safety, many parents send their kids to school ________.A. by carB. by busC. by trainD. by public transport

ALIBABA SEEKS TO RAISE BILLIONS IN IPO Investors in the United States are preparing for the first public sale of stock in the Chinese company Alibaba. The company sells goods________ linking buyers and sellers in the huge Chinese online market. Alibaba is expected to ________ its initial public offering, called an IPO, in September on the New York Stock Exchange. The total value of the company, based in Hangzhou, has been estimated at about $200 billion. Reports from Bloomberg News say Alibaba is offering investors a 12 percent ________ of the company. That would mean the company could raise ________ $20 billion dollars in the public stock sale. After the IPO, Alibaba could become one of the most ________ technology companies in the world. Apple, for example, has a market value of about $600 billion. Google is valued at about $390 billion and Microsoft is worth about $370 billion.

POLICE INVESTIGATING CHILD LURING CASE Sank police were investigating a possible child luring case near a primary school. It happened on Tuesday afternoon, during the lunch hour. Mary, a student of John Lake School was approached by two men in a black van. She refused and ran away. When she arrived at school, she reported it to the school staff. The schools and the police took it seriously. The schools wrote a letter to parents immediately, informing them of the case and making safety suggestions. Police are looking into the matter. Police responded to the case as soon as they received the report. "It's a matter of public safety," said the police spokesperson. "We want to make sure everybody, including kids, adults and people out and about are safe.So, we take this very seriously." Police were making some safety suggestions for the students. Police asked students to always be on their guard when walking to school.Kids were encouraged to walk in pairs and walk in the daylight where it's well lit. One of the police officer said, "… Students should try to walk where there are people around, and always let somebody, your family or friends, know where you are going."1. The two men in the black van ().A. knew MaryB. was the school staffC. probably wanted to lure Mary2. Mary is probably a() school student.A. kindergarten(幼儿园)B. primaryC. middle3.() too the case seriously.A. The schoolsB. The policeC. Both of the above4. In order to be safe when going to school, kids should()A. go to school on their ownB. take self-defense sprayers(自卫喷雾器)C. not tell anyone where they’re going5. This case indicated that() should pay attention to the safety problems.A. the publicB. the parentsC. only school kids

Are you anxious ( ) his safety A、withB、lnC、atD、about

Sank police were investigating a possible child luring case near a primary school.It happened on Tuesday afternoon, during the lunch hour. Mary, a student of John Lake School was approached by two men in a black van. They tried to lure her into the van. She refused and ran away. When she arrived at school, she reported it to the school staff.The school and the police took it seriously. The schools wrote a letter to parents immediately, informing them of the case and making safety suggestions. Police are looking into the matter.Police responded to the case as soon as they received the report. "It's a matter of public safety," said the police spokesperson. "We want to make sure everybody, including kids, adults and people out and about are safe. So, we take this very seriously."Police were making some safety suggestions for the students. Police asked students to always be on their guard when walking to school. Kids were encouraged to walk in pairs and walk where it's well lit. One of the police officer said, "…Students should try to walk where there are people around, and always let somebody, your family or friends, know where you are going."1.The two men in the black van _______.A.knew MaryB.was the school staffC.probably wanted to lure Mary2.Mary is probably a__________ student.A.kindergarten(幼儿园)B.primary schoolC.middle school3._____ took the case seriously.A.The schoolsB.The policeC.Both of the above4.In order to be safe when going to school, kids should _____.A.go to school on their ownB.take self-defense sprayers(自卫喷雾器)C.not tell anyone where they’re going5.This case indicated that ______ should pay attention to the safety problems.A.the publicB.the parentsC.only school kids

The news shocked the public,________ to great concern about students’safey at school.A.having ledB. ledC. lead

Passage FourMore than 6,000 children were expelled (开除) from US school last year for bringing guns and bombs to school, the US Department of Education said on May 8.The department gave a report to the expulsions (开除) as saying handguns accounted for 58 percent of the 6,093 expulsions in 1996 and 1997, against 7 percent for rifles (步枪) or shotguns and 35 percent for other types of firearms."The report is a clear sign that out nation's public schools are cracking down (严惩) on students who bring guns to school," Education Secretary Richard Riley said in a statement. "We need to be tough-minded about keeping guns out of our schools and do everything to keep our children safe."In March 1997, an 11 years old boy and 13 years old boy using handguns and rifles shot dead four children and a teacher at a school in Jonesboro, Arkansas. In October, two were killed and seven wounded in a shooting at a Mississippi school. Two months later, a 14 years old boy killed three high school students and wounded five in Dasucah, Kentucky.Most of the expulsions, 56 percent, were from high school, which have students from about age 13.34 percent were from junior high schools and 9 percent were from elementary schools, the report said.46. From the first paragraph we can infer that in the US schools ______.A. students enjoy shootingB. students are eager to be soliderC. safety is a problemD. students can make guns

Nowadays,more people are living closer together,and they use machines to produce leisure.As a result,they find that their leisure,and even their working hours,become( )by a byproduct of their machines,namely,noise.Noise is in the news;it has acquired political status,and public opinion is demanding,more and more insistently,that something be done about it.A.damagedB.spoiltC.destroyedD.interfered

Sometimes I scratch my head when I read about the government′s efforts to improve schools:new standards and tests to be applied,strict teacher evaluations,and threats of school closures and?job losses.They frighten the school employees,not to mention the students.Instead of making people?unable to solve problems or try new ideas—which is what fear does to us—research on school reform?strongly suggests that policy-makers should encourage school leaders to take a more humane?approach.In their study on the reform efforts of twelve Chicago public schools,Bryk and Schneiderfound that enabling positive social relationships between the adults was the key to successful school?improvement and that trust was at the heart of those relationships.Trust in schools comes down to one thing:psychological safety or safety to speak one′s mind,to?discuss with openness and honesty what is and isn′t working,to make collective decisions.Yet this kind of safety doesn′t come easily to schools.According to Bryk and Schneider,the?adults in school rely on each other to do their jobs correctly and with integrity(正直).The challenge?is that our expectations are very diverse based on our unique backgrounds.At one school where I taught,each teacher had different expectations about how much extra?effort teachers should put into their work—a big difference between the teachers who left after the?last bell and those who worked into the evening.And when expectations are unconscious or?unspoken,it becomes impossible for others to live up to them.We also make assumptions about the intentions behind a person′s behavior.As we all know,assumptions are often wrong.For example,parents and teachers may think the principal made a?particular decision based on his career advancement rather than what′s best for the students.If we?don′t feel psychologically safe to question our assumptions and expectations,trust flies out the?window and our relationships suffer.What is meant by trust in school?《》()A.Freedom to express one's views.B.Extra effort teachers put into their work.C.Independence of the teachers in schools.D.Unconscious and unspoken expectations.

Sometimes I scratch my head when I read about the government′s efforts to improve schools:new standards and tests to be applied,strict teacher evaluations,and threats of school closures and?job losses.They frighten the school employees,not to mention the students.Instead of making people?unable to solve problems or try new ideas—which is what fear does to us—research on school reform?strongly suggests that policy-makers should encourage school leaders to take a more humane?approach.In their study on the reform efforts of twelve Chicago public schools,Bryk and Schneiderfound that enabling positive social relationships between the adults was the key to successful school?improvement and that trust was at the heart of those relationships.Trust in schools comes down to one thing:psychological safety or safety to speak one′s mind,to?discuss with openness and honesty what is and isn′t working,to make collective decisions.Yet this kind of safety doesn′t come easily to schools.According to Bryk and Schneider,the?adults in school rely on each other to do their jobs correctly and with integrity(正直).The challenge?is that our expectations are very diverse based on our unique backgrounds.At one school where I taught,each teacher had different expectations about how much extra?effort teachers should put into their work—a big difference between the teachers who left after the?last bell and those who worked into the evening.And when expectations are unconscious or?unspoken,it becomes impossible for others to live up to them.We also make assumptions about the intentions behind a person′s behavior.As we all know,assumptions are often wrong.For example,parents and teachers may think the principal made a?particular decision based on his career advancement rather than what′s best for the students.If we?don′t feel psychologically safe to question our assumptions and expectations,trust flies out the?window and our relationships suffer.According to Paragraph 1,why does the author scratch his head.′?《》()A.Because he doesn't know what to do once schools are closed.B.Because he is not sure about the practicability of those new tests.C.Because he is concerned that many teachers will lose their jobs.D.Because he is not in favor of the government's reform efforts.

Sometimes I scratch my head when I read about the government′s efforts to improve schools:new standards and tests to be applied,strict teacher evaluations,and threats of school closures and?job losses.They frighten the school employees,not to mention the students.Instead of making people?unable to solve problems or try new ideas—which is what fear does to us—research on school reform?strongly suggests that policy-makers should encourage school leaders to take a more humane?approach.In their study on the reform efforts of twelve Chicago public schools,Bryk and Schneiderfound that enabling positive social relationships between the adults was the key to successful school?improvement and that trust was at the heart of those relationships.Trust in schools comes down to one thing:psychological safety or safety to speak one′s mind,to?discuss with openness and honesty what is and isn′t working,to make collective decisions.Yet this kind of safety doesn′t come easily to schools.According to Bryk and Schneider,the?adults in school rely on each other to do their jobs correctly and with integrity(正直).The challenge?is that our expectations are very diverse based on our unique backgrounds.At one school where I taught,each teacher had different expectations about how much extra?effort teachers should put into their work—a big difference between the teachers who left after the?last bell and those who worked into the evening.And when expectations are unconscious or?unspoken,it becomes impossible for others to live up to them.We also make assumptions about the intentions behind a person′s behavior.As we all know,assumptions are often wrong.For example,parents and teachers may think the principal made a?particular decision based on his career advancement rather than what′s best for the students.If we?don′t feel psychologically safe to question our assumptions and expectations,trust flies out the?window and our relationships suffer.What does the author say about the assumptions made about the intentions behind a person′s behavior?《》()A.They should be trusted.B.They are often bold.C.They are often incorrect.D.They should be encouraged.

根据以下材料,回答题Every day 25 million U.S. children fideschool buses. The safety record for these buses is much better than forpassenger cars; but nevertheless, about 10 children are killed each year ridingon large school buses, and nearly four times that number arc killed outsidebuses in the loading zones. By and large, however, the nation′s school childrenare transported to and from school safety.Even though the number of school buscasualties (伤亡事故) is not large, the safety of children is always of intense publicconcern. While everyone wants to see children transported safely, people aredivided about what needs to be done particularly whether seat belts should bemandatory (强制).Proponents of seat belts on schoolbuses--many of them parents and medical organizations argue that seat belts arcnecessary not only to reduce fatality and injury, but also to teach children lessonsabout the importance of using them routinely in any moving vehicle. A sidebenefit, they point out, is those seats belts help keep children in theirseats, away from the bus driver.Opponents of seat belt installation suggestthat children are already well protected by the school buses that adhere to theNation Highway Traffic Safety Administrations (NHTSA) safety requirements setin 1977. They also believe that many children won′t wear seat belts anyway andthat may damage the belts or use them as weapons to hurt other children.A new Research Council report on school bussafety suggests that there are alternate safety devices and procedures that maybe more effective and less expensive. For example, the study committeesuggested that raising seat backs four inches may have the same safetyeffectiveness as seat belts.The report sponsored by the Department ofTransportation at the request of Congress, reviews seat belts extensively whiletaking a broader look at safety in and around school buses. It may be inferred from this passagethat ______.查看材料A.many of the opponents (反对者) of seat beltinstallation are parents and officials of the Department of TransportationB.proposals of seat belts on school buseswould be seriously alternate safety device raising seatbacks four inches may be taken into considerationD.The Department of Transportation mayeither take the idea of seat belts or other measures when it reviews the wholesituation

根据以下材料,回答题Every day 25 million U.S. children fideschool buses. The safety record for these buses is much better than forpassenger cars; but nevertheless, about 10 children are killed each year ridingon large school buses, and nearly four times that number arc killed outsidebuses in the loading zones. By and large, however, the nation′s school childrenare transported to and from school safety.Even though the number of school buscasualties (伤亡事故) is not large, the safety of children is always of intense publicconcern. While everyone wants to see children transported safely, people aredivided about what needs to be done particularly whether seat belts should bemandatory (强制).Proponents of seat belts on schoolbuses--many of them parents and medical organizations argue that seat belts arcnecessary not only to reduce fatality and injury, but also to teach children lessonsabout the importance of using them routinely in any moving vehicle. A sidebenefit, they point out, is those seats belts help keep children in theirseats, away from the bus driver.Opponents of seat belt installation suggestthat children are already well protected by the school buses that adhere to theNation Highway Traffic Safety Administrations (NHTSA) safety requirements setin 1977. They also believe that many children won′t wear seat belts anyway andthat may damage the belts or use them as weapons to hurt other children.A new Research Council report on school bussafety suggests that there are alternate safety devices and procedures that maybe more effective and less expensive. For example, the study committeesuggested that raising seat backs four inches may have the same safetyeffectiveness as seat belts.The report sponsored by the Department ofTransportation at the request of Congress, reviews seat belts extensively whiletaking a broader look at safety in and around school buses. According to the passage, the"school bus" is ______.查看材料A.the bus offered by the schoolB.the bus that has no difference from thepublic busC.the bus that is driven by the studentsD.the bus that is not safe

根据以下材料,回答题Every day 25 million U.S. children fideschool buses. The safety record for these buses is much better than forpassenger cars; but nevertheless, about 10 children are killed each year ridingon large school buses, and nearly four times that number arc killed outsidebuses in the loading zones. By and large, however, the nation′s school childrenare transported to and from school safety.Even though the number of school buscasualties (伤亡事故) is not large, the safety of children is always of intense publicconcern. While everyone wants to see children transported safely, people aredivided about what needs to be done particularly whether seat belts should bemandatory (强制).Proponents of seat belts on schoolbuses--many of them parents and medical organizations argue that seat belts arcnecessary not only to reduce fatality and injury, but also to teach children lessonsabout the importance of using them routinely in any moving vehicle. A sidebenefit, they point out, is those seats belts help keep children in theirseats, away from the bus driver.Opponents of seat belt installation suggestthat children are already well protected by the school buses that adhere to theNation Highway Traffic Safety Administrations (NHTSA) safety requirements setin 1977. They also believe that many children won′t wear seat belts anyway andthat may damage the belts or use them as weapons to hurt other children.A new Research Council report on school bussafety suggests that there are alternate safety devices and procedures that maybe more effective and less expensive. For example, the study committeesuggested that raising seat backs four inches may have the same safetyeffectiveness as seat belts.The report sponsored by the Department ofTransportation at the request of Congress, reviews seat belts extensively whiletaking a broader look at safety in and around school buses. Each year, children killedoutside buses in the loading zones, are about ______.查看材料A.10 B.40 C.30 D.50

根据以下材料,回答题Every day 25 million U.S. children fideschool buses. The safety record for these buses is much better than forpassenger cars; but nevertheless, about 10 children are killed each year ridingon large school buses, and nearly four times that number arc killed outsidebuses in the loading zones. By and large, however, the nation′s school childrenare transported to and from school safety.Even though the number of school buscasualties (伤亡事故) is not large, the safety of children is always of intense publicconcern. While everyone wants to see children transported safely, people aredivided about what needs to be done particularly whether seat belts should bemandatory (强制).Proponents of seat belts on schoolbuses--many of them parents and medical organizations argue that seat belts arcnecessary not only to reduce fatality and injury, but also to teach children lessonsabout the importance of using them routinely in any moving vehicle. A sidebenefit, they point out, is those seats belts help keep children in theirseats, away from the bus driver.Opponents of seat belt installation suggestthat children are already well protected by the school buses that adhere to theNation Highway Traffic Safety Administrations (NHTSA) safety requirements setin 1977. They also believe that many children won′t wear seat belts anyway andthat may damage the belts or use them as weapons to hurt other children.A new Research Council report on school bussafety suggests that there are alternate safety devices and procedures that maybe more effective and less expensive. For example, the study committeesuggested that raising seat backs four inches may have the same safetyeffectiveness as seat belts.The report sponsored by the Department ofTransportation at the request of Congress, reviews seat belts extensively whiletaking a broader look at safety in and around school buses. The title below which best expresses theidea of the passage is______.查看材料A.Making School Buses Even Safer forChildrenB.Seat Belts Needed on School BusesC.Alternate Safety Devices and ProceduresD.Safety in and around School Buses

根据以下材料,回答题Every day 25 million U.S. children fideschool buses. The safety record for these buses is much better than forpassenger cars; but nevertheless, about 10 children are killed each year ridingon large school buses, and nearly four times that number arc killed outsidebuses in the loading zones. By and large, however, the nation′s school childrenare transported to and from school safety.Even though the number of school buscasualties (伤亡事故) is not large, the safety of children is always of intense publicconcern. While everyone wants to see children transported safely, people aredivided about what needs to be done particularly whether seat belts should bemandatory (强制).Proponents of seat belts on schoolbuses--many of them parents and medical organizations argue that seat belts arcnecessary not only to reduce fatality and injury, but also to teach children lessonsabout the importance of using them routinely in any moving vehicle. A sidebenefit, they point out, is those seats belts help keep children in theirseats, away from the bus driver.Opponents of seat belt installation suggestthat children are already well protected by the school buses that adhere to theNation Highway Traffic Safety Administrations (NHTSA) safety requirements setin 1977. They also believe that many children won′t wear seat belts anyway andthat may damage the belts or use them as weapons to hurt other children.A new Research Council report on school bussafety suggests that there are alternate safety devices and procedures that maybe more effective and less expensive. For example, the study committeesuggested that raising seat backs four inches may have the same safetyeffectiveness as seat belts.The report sponsored by the Department ofTransportation at the request of Congress, reviews seat belts extensively whiletaking a broader look at safety in and around school buses. According to the passage, who has thegreatest degree of control of the school buses "safety" 查看材料A.A new Research Council.B.The Department of Transportation.C.The Medical Organization.D.National Highway Traffic SafetyAdministration

He is excited () the good news.A、withB、forC、about

单选题Passage 1Every day 25 million U.S. children ride school buses. The safety record for these buses is much better than for passenger cars; but nevertheless, about 10 children are killed each year riding on large school buses, and nearly four times that number are killed outside buses in the loading zones. By and large, however, the nation's school children are transported to and from school safety.Even though the number of school bus casualties is not large, the safety of children is always of intense public concern. While everyone wants to see children transported safely, people are divided about what needs to be done particularly whether seat belts should be mandatory.Proponents of seat belts on school buses-many of them parents and medical organizations argue that seat belts are necessary not only to reduce fatality and injury, but also to teach children lessons about the importance of using them routinely in any moving vehicle. A side benefit, they point out, is those seats belts help keep children in their seats, away from the bus driver.Opponents of seat belt installation suggest that children are already well protected by the school buses that adhere to the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administrations(NHTSA) safety requirements set in 1977. They also believe that many children won't wear seat belts anyway and that may damage the belts or use them as weapons to hurt other children.A new Research Council report on school bus safety suggests that there are alternate safety devices and procedures that may be more effective and less expensive. For example, the study committee suggested that raising seat backs four inches may have the same safety effectiveness as seat belts.The report sponsored by the Department of Transportation at the request of Congress, reviews seat belts extensively while taking a broader look at safety in and around school buses.The title below which best expresses the idea of the passage is___________.AMaking School Buses Even Safer for ChildrenBSeat Belts Needed on School BusesCAlternate Safety Devices and ProceduresDSafety in and around School Buses

单选题Passage 1Every day 25 million U.S. children ride school buses. The safety record for these buses is much better than for passenger cars; but nevertheless, about 10 children are killed each year riding on large school buses, and nearly four times that number are killed outside buses in the loading zones. By and large, however, the nation's school children are transported to and from school safety.Even though the number of school bus casualties is not large, the safety of children is always of intense public concern. While everyone wants to see children transported safely, people are divided about what needs to be done particularly whether seat belts should be mandatory.Proponents of seat belts on school buses-many of them parents and medical organizations argue that seat belts are necessary not only to reduce fatality and injury, but also to teach children lessons about the importance of using them routinely in any moving vehicle. A side benefit, they point out, is those seats belts help keep children in their seats, away from the bus driver.Opponents of seat belt installation suggest that children are already well protected by the school buses that adhere to the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administrations(NHTSA) safety requirements set in 1977. They also believe that many children won't wear seat belts anyway and that may damage the belts or use them as weapons to hurt other children.A new Research Council report on school bus safety suggests that there are alternate safety devices and procedures that may be more effective and less expensive. For example, the study committee suggested that raising seat backs four inches may have the same safety effectiveness as seat belts.The report sponsored by the Department of Transportation at the request of Congress, reviews seat belts extensively while taking a broader look at safety in and around school buses.Each year, children killed outside buses in the loading zones, are about________.A10B40C30D50

单选题The parents were shocked by ______ news that their son needed ______ operation on his knee.Aa; /Bthe; /Cthe; anDa; an

单选题Passage 1Every day 25 million U.S. children ride school buses. The safety record for these buses is much better than for passenger cars; but nevertheless, about 10 children are killed each year riding on large school buses, and nearly four times that number are killed outside buses in the loading zones. By and large, however, the nation's school children are transported to and from school safety.Even though the number of school bus casualties is not large, the safety of children is always of intense public concern. While everyone wants to see children transported safely, people are divided about what needs to be done particularly whether seat belts should be mandatory.Proponents of seat belts on school buses-many of them parents and medical organizations argue that seat belts are necessary not only to reduce fatality and injury, but also to teach children lessons about the importance of using them routinely in any moving vehicle. A side benefit, they point out, is those seats belts help keep children in their seats, away from the bus driver.Opponents of seat belt installation suggest that children are already well protected by the school buses that adhere to the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administrations(NHTSA) safety requirements set in 1977. They also believe that many children won't wear seat belts anyway and that may damage the belts or use them as weapons to hurt other children.A new Research Council report on school bus safety suggests that there are alternate safety devices and procedures that may be more effective and less expensive. For example, the study committee suggested that raising seat backs four inches may have the same safety effectiveness as seat belts.The report sponsored by the Department of Transportation at the request of Congress, reviews seat belts extensively while taking a broader look at safety in and around school buses.It may be inferred from this passage that_________.Amany of the opponents of seat belt installation are parents and officials of the Department of TransportationBproposals of seat belts on school buses would be seriously consideredCan alternate safety device raising seat backs four inches may be taken into considerationDThe Department of Transportation may either take the idea of seat belts or other measures when it reviews the whole situation

单选题A one-year old, the pre-school teachers were shocked to hear him speak in full sentences.AA one-year old, the pre-school teachers were shocked to hear him speak in full sentences.BThe pre-school teachers were shocked by the speaking in full sentences by the one-year old.CThe pre-school teachers were shocked to hear a one-year old speaking in full sentences.DA one-year old speaking in full sentences, the pre-school teachers were shocked to hear him.EThe pre-school teachers, who were shocked to hear a one-year old speaking in full sentences.

单选题Passage 1Every day 25 million U.S. children ride school buses. The safety record for these buses is much better than for passenger cars; but nevertheless, about 10 children are killed each year riding on large school buses, and nearly four times that number are killed outside buses in the loading zones. By and large, however, the nation's school children are transported to and from school safety.Even though the number of school bus casualties is not large, the safety of children is always of intense public concern. While everyone wants to see children transported safely, people are divided about what needs to be done particularly whether seat belts should be mandatory.Proponents of seat belts on school buses-many of them parents and medical organizations argue that seat belts are necessary not only to reduce fatality and injury, but also to teach children lessons about the importance of using them routinely in any moving vehicle. A side benefit, they point out, is those seats belts help keep children in their seats, away from the bus driver.Opponents of seat belt installation suggest that children are already well protected by the school buses that adhere to the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administrations(NHTSA) safety requirements set in 1977. They also believe that many children won't wear seat belts anyway and that may damage the belts or use them as weapons to hurt other children.A new Research Council report on school bus safety suggests that there are alternate safety devices and procedures that may be more effective and less expensive. For example, the study committee suggested that raising seat backs four inches may have the same safety effectiveness as seat belts.The report sponsored by the Department of Transportation at the request of Congress, reviews seat belts extensively while taking a broader look at safety in and around school buses.According to the passage, who has the greatest degree of control of the school buses safety?AA new Research Council.BThe Department of Transportation.CThe Medical Organization.DNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

单选题Passage 1Every day 25 million U.S. children ride school buses. The safety record for these buses is much better than for passenger cars; but nevertheless, about 10 children are killed each year riding on large school buses, and nearly four times that number are killed outside buses in the loading zones. By and large, however, the nation's school children are transported to and from school safety.Even though the number of school bus casualties is not large, the safety of children is always of intense public concern. While everyone wants to see children transported safely, people are divided about what needs to be done particularly whether seat belts should be mandatory.Proponents of seat belts on school buses-many of them parents and medical organizations argue that seat belts are necessary not only to reduce fatality and injury, but also to teach children lessons about the importance of using them routinely in any moving vehicle. A side benefit, they point out, is those seats belts help keep children in their seats, away from the bus driver.Opponents of seat belt installation suggest that children are already well protected by the school buses that adhere to the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administrations(NHTSA) safety requirements set in 1977. They also believe that many children won't wear seat belts anyway and that may damage the belts or use them as weapons to hurt other children.A new Research Council report on school bus safety suggests that there are alternate safety devices and procedures that may be more effective and less expensive. For example, the study committee suggested that raising seat backs four inches may have the same safety effectiveness as seat belts.The report sponsored by the Department of Transportation at the request of Congress, reviews seat belts extensively while taking a broader look at safety in and around school buses.According to the passage, the school bus is________.Athe bus offered by the schoolBthe bus that has no difference from the public busCthe bus that is driven by the studentsDthe bus that is not safe