——Honey, let’s go for dinner .—— Idon’t have to cook.A.Forgot it ! B.thit’n great!C.Why? D.Go abend

——Honey, let’s go for dinner .

—— Idon’t have to cook.

A.Forgot it ! B.thit’n great!

C.Why? D.Go abend


–Let’s go fishing.–() A、How could you do that?B、I have no interest.C、No, are you crazy?D、I’d like that. But I can’t afford time.

Let's go to the cinema, ()? A、shall weB、shan't weC、don't we

—Great! Maybe from now on, I should try to buy goods online. — () A.I think you need to be a little bit slower.B.That’s all right. Whatever!C.Why not? Go ahead. Just give it a try.

Jack: Say, Jane, let's go and get a bite to eat.Jane: _________?Jack: How about McDonald's?Jane: Great.A. Where toB. What forC. How toD. Why so

Susan: Let's go to the restaurant and have dinner right now!Marilyn: OK. Let's get in.Susan: Thanks. _________.A. After youB. You go firstC. I'll follow youD. Have fun

John : Would you like to go out to dinner or to a movie?Karen: Either one, __________I just want to get out of the house.A. it's a great idea.B. it's up to you.C. if you like it.D. if you wish.

–Would you like to come to my house for dinner Sunday night – _________________ A、Well, I see.B、All right! Thanks for inviting me.C、Come on, let s go.

— Let’s go and have sports together.\n— _______A.Yes, please.B.You’re welcome.C.Good idea.D.Thank you.

Guest: Oh, it's 9: 30. I'd better go now.Hostess: ______ A.Yeah, it's really late. Why not immediately?B.Won't you stay for another cup of coffee?C.Why don't you want to stay?D.OK. Please walk slowly.

–– Jack: Mommy, when will we have dinner? I'm starving.–– Mother:————————? We have to wait for daddy.A: Quickly, honeyB: OK, honeyC: Soon, honeyD: All right, honey

Ben: Mommy, when will we have dinner? I’m starving.Mother: _______.We have to wait for daddy.A: Quickly, honeyB: All right, honeyC: Soon, honeyD: O.K., honey

—Honey,let’s go out four dinner.— ________I don’t have to cook.A.Forget it!B. That’s great!C. Why?D.Go ahead.

CLin:Hey, Rosa! Let's go to a movie.Rosa:Hmm. I don't know...Lin:Well... Let’s go to The green Bicycle. It's an action movie.Rosa:Well, I don't like action movies. I don't really want to go, but thank you.Lin:OK. Where's James? Does he want to go to a movie?Rosa:l don't know.Lin:Hey, James. Do you want to go to a movie? Do you want to go to see Thegreen Bicycle?James:Sure! Is it a comedy? 1 like comedies and romances.Lin:No.It's an action movie.James:No, thank you. Let's go to a comedy.根据对话内容,完成句子. (15分)41. Rosa ________ to go to the movies.

The advisory committee__________announced that up to thirty percent of the company's workforce would have to be let go.A.regrettableB.regretfullyC.regretD.regretful

Would you like to go to a concert this evening?()AOK. Let's go.BYou are welcomeCBut I have nothing else to do.DNot bad.

We need some toothpaste.()A、Let's go to the bookstore.B、Let's get some.C、Let's buy them.D、Let's go.

-Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? -()A、I don’t knowB、Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parentsC、No, I can’t

Would you like to go to a concert this evening?()A、OK. Let's go.B、You are welcomeC、But I have nothing else to do.D、Not bad.

Let's go to the cinema,()?A、will you shan‘t weB、shan‘t weC、don‘t weD、shall we

This week, I will travel to Japan.()A、Have a good time!B、Let me go with youC、Do you have money?D、Don't joke

“Let’s go out for dinner.My treat.”中“My treat.”是下面哪个意思。()A、是我的错。B、我请客。C、一起走。

单选题I'm awfully tired and can't go any farther, Ted.Let's have a rest,______?Ashall weBwill youCcan youDmay I

单选题-Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? -()AI don’t knowBSorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parentsCNo, I can’t

单选题A: It’s already 9 o’clock. I’m afraid I have to go. Thank you for the wonderful dinner.  B: ______AAll right. Have a good night.BNice to have you here. So long.COK. You can get home early and go to bed early.DIt’s still early. Please have another cup of coffee.

单选题—It’s a nice day, isn’t it?  — ______ Let’s go boating.  —Sorry.I have decided to see.AI’m feeling hungry.BYes, that’s great.CThat depends.DI wish you good luck.

单选题Would you like to go to a concert this evening?()AOK. Let's go.BYou are welcomeCBut I have nothing else to do.DNot bad.

单选题Let's go to the cinema,()?Awill you shan‘t weBshan‘t weCdon‘t weDshall we