The reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct.A: movementB:wordsC: principleD:behavior

The reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct.

A: movement
C: principle


解析:句意为:那位记者被指控有违反职业道德的行为。句中conduct意为“行为,进行,实施”。movement意为“运动,活动”, words意为“字,话语,言语”, principle意为“原理,原则,本质”, behavior意为“行为,举止,态度”。故选D。


The captain of the ship ____________ the passengers that there was no danger. (A) assured(B) accused(C) afforded(D) accompanied

Local officials are ________ of gross mismanagement. A.chargedB.pleadedC.confirmedD.accused

Excuse me, Marcia, a reporter from Vanity Fair _________ all day. Could you speak toher now?A.phonesB.has phonedC.has been phoningD.phoned

Who probably wrote the letter?A. An editor.B. An artist.C. A reporter.D. A reader.

A man was ___ with suspicion of having murdered the mayor. A.suspectedB.chargedC.arrestedD.accused

A cub reporter is another name for a ______.A. copyboyB. campus reporterC. newspaper editorD. beginning reporter

An aspiring reporter must learn to ______.A. be sure his facts are accurateB. report the mews correctlyC. write articles clearlyD. all of the above

The first big, important step for an aspiring reporter is ______.A. editing his high school newspaperB. writing a small news storyC. becoming a cub reporterD. becoming a copyboy

Mr. Jones has been accused of distributing several important __________ memorandums to persons outside the company.A.integralB.independentC.incapableD.internal

The deserter was ______ of running awaywhen the enemy attacked.A.scolded B.chargedC.considered D.accused

The little girl( )her elder brother with breaking the doll mother bought for her. A.scolded B.accused C.reproached D.condemned

Which of the following is NOT considered to be Socrates’s mission?( ) A.Searching for wisdom about right conduct. B.Discussing moral issues in public. C.Serving in military campaigns. D.Being a gadfly.

报告基因(reporter gene)

单选题Alexander Hamilton was accused of being involved in a scheme to establish a separate nation in the western part of the United States.Aplot Bdecision Corder Dnotion

单选题If the case reaches the criminal limit, the taxpayer my be accused ()criminalresponsibilities.AatBonCof

单选题It ()quite a few years ()the accused was declared innocent and set free.Awas;sinceBis;thatCwill be;whenDwas;before

单选题She gave up her _____ as a reporter at the age of 25.AcareerBinterestClifeDhabit

填空题This picture (take) ____ by a young reporter in Beijing last month.

单选题I should say Henry is not very much a writer as a reporter.AthatBsoCthisDas

单选题All criminal trials are held in open court because the criminal law presumes the()of the accused until he has been proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt.AguiltBimpartialityCinnocenceDhonesty

单选题Who is Louise White?AShe is a professional golfer.BShe is the owner of a business.CShe is the chef at a restaurant.DShe is a newspaper reporter.

问答题设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计20分钟的英语听力教学方案。教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:●teaching objectives●teaching contents●key and difficult points●major steps and time allocation●activities and justifications教学时间:20分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学八年级(初中二年级)学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已达到《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》三级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。语言素材:Reporter: Hi,I'm doing a survey for the Green City Daily News. What's the best clothing store in town?Boy:I think Jason's is the best.Reporter: Why?Boy: Jeans Corner and Trendy Teens are good stores, but Jason's has good quality clothes. It's also cheaper than the other stores.Reporter: What do you like about the other stores?Boy: Well, let me see. Trendy Teens is in a fun part of town, but it's expensive. Don't go to Funky Fashions. It has the worst clothes in town.Reporter: OK. What about the radio stations in Green City? What's the best radio station?Boy: I guess Jazz 107.9 FM is the best.Reporter: Why?Boy: Because it has the most interesting music. It's much better than the other stations in town.Reporter: What about the other radio stations?Boy: Well, I think Oldies 102.1 FM is pretty bad. It has the worst music.Reporter:I heard that Easy Listening 97.9 FM is the most popular.Boy: Not for me.Reporter: Why not?Boy: Just listen to their commercials. They' re worse than commercials of All Talk 970 AM!

单选题Alexander Hamilton was accused of being involved in a(n) scheme to establish a separate nation in the western part of the United States.AplotBdecisionCorderDnotion

填空题I should say Henry is ()(与其说是个作家不如说是) as a reporter.

单选题Sonora Dodd was a famous reporter in the USAARight.BWrong.CDoesn’t say.

单选题The architect accused of letting out the top secret of the key military project was found not guilty and was _____.AexcludedBdrivenCdischargedDdismissed

单选题Baitullah Mehsud is accused of ______.Athe attack on the Manawan police academyBbrutal attack in South WaziristanCassassination of former PM Benazir BhuttoDthe daring attack on Sri Lankan cricketers in Lahore